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2023 Original Articles
- Singh M, Zhao Y, Gastaldi V, Wojcik S, Curto Y, Kawaguchi R, Merino RM, Garcia-Agudo L, Taschenberger H, Brose N, Geschwind D, Nave K, Ehrenreich H (2023) Erythropoietin re-wires cognition-associated transcriptional networks Nat Commun, 14 (1)
- Qin Y, Mahdavi A, Bertschy M, Anderson P, Kulikova S, Pinault D (2023) The psychotomimetic ketamine disrupts the transfer of late sensory information in the corticothalamic network Eur J Neurosci, 57 (3): 440-455
| Weblink | - Forro T, Klausberger T (2023) Differential behavior-related activity of distinct hippocampal interneuron types during odor-associated spatial navigation Neuron, 111: 1-15
| Weblink | - Malagon-Vina H, Ciocchi S, Klausberger T (2023) Firing patterns of ventral hippocampal neurons predict the exploration of anxiogenic locations eLife, 12
| Article (PDF) || Weblink | - Hanganu-Opatz I, Klausberger T, Sigurdsson T, Nieder A, Jacob S, Bartos M, Sauer J, Durstewitz D, Leibold C, Diester I (2023) Resolving the prefrontal mechanisms of adaptive cognitive behaviors: A cross-species perspective Neuron, 111 (7): 1020-1036
| Article (PDF) || Weblink | - Zakani M, Nigritinou M, Ponleitner M, Takai Y, Hofmann D, Hillebrand S, Höftberger R, Bauer J, Lasztoczi B, Misu T, Kasprian G, Rommer P, Bradl M (2023) Paths to hippocampal damage in neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol, 49 (2)
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2022 Original Articles
- Hochreiter B, Malagon-Vina H, Schmid J, Berger J, Kunze M (2022) Studying the interaction between PEX5 and its full-length cargo proteins in living cells by a novel Försteŕs resonance energy transfer-based competition assay Front Cell Dev Biol, 10: 1026388
| Weblink | - Forro T, Volitaki E, Malagon-Vina H, Klausberger T, Nevian T, Ciocchi S (2022) Anxiety-related activity of ventral hippocampal interneurons Prog.Neurobiol., 219: 102368
| Weblink | - Sakalar E, Klausberger T, Lasztóczi B (2022) Neurogliaform cells dynamically decouple neuronal synchrony between brain areas Science, 377 (6603): 324-328
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2021 Original Articles
- Merino RM, Leon-Pinzon C, Stühmer W, Möck M, Staiger J, Wolf F, Neef A (2021) Theta activity paradoxically boosts gamma and ripple frequency sensitivity in prefrontal interneurons PNAS, 118 (51)