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Publications by Lasztoczi, Balint, Assoc. Prof., PhD

2023 Original Articles

  • Zakani M, Nigritinou M, Ponleitner M, Takai Y, Hofmann D, Hillebrand S, Höftberger R, Bauer J, Lasztoczi B, Misu T, Kasprian G, Rommer P, Bradl M (2023) Paths to hippocampal damage in neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol, 49 (2)
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2022 Original Articles

  • Sakalar E, Klausberger T, Lasztóczi B (2022) Neurogliaform cells dynamically decouple neuronal synchrony between brain areas Science, 377 (6603): 324-328
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2019 Original Articles

  • Biró S, Lasztóczi B, Klausberger T (2019) A Visual Two-Choice Rule-Switch Task for Head-Fixed Mice Front Behav Neurosci, 13: 119
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2018 Original Articles

  • Kőszeghy Á, Lasztóczi B, Forro T, Klausberger T (2018) Spike-Timing of Orbitofrontal Neurons Is Synchronized With Breathing Front Cell Neurosci, 12: 105
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2017 Original Articles

  • Lasztóczi B, Klausberger T (2017) Distinct gamma oscillations in the distal dendritic fields of the dentate gyrus and the CA1 area of mouse hippocampus Brain Struct Funct, 222 (7): 3355-3365
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2016 Original Articles

  • Lasztóczi B, Klausberger T (2016) Hippocampal Place Cells Couple to Three Different Gamma Oscillations during Place Field Traversal Neuron, 91 (1): 34-40
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2015 Original Articles

  • Forro T, Valenti O, Lasztoczi B, Klausberger T (2015) Temporal Organization of GABAergic Interneurons in the Intermediate CA1 Hippocampus During Network Oscillations Cereb. Cortex, 25 (5): 1228-1240
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2014 Original Articles

  • Lasztoczi B, Klausberger T. (2014) Layer-Specific GABAergic Control of Distinct Gamma Oscillations in the CA1 Hippocampus. Neuron, 81: 1126-1139
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  • Somogyi P, Katona L, Klausberger T, Lasztoczi B, Viney TJ. (2014) Temporal redistribution of inhibition over neuronal subcellular domains underlies state-dependent rhythmic change of excitability in the hippocampus. Phil. Trans. R. Soc., 369: 20120518

2013 Original Articles

  • Viney TJ, Lasztoczi B, Katona L, Crump MG, Tukker JJ, Klausberger T, Somogyi P. (2013) Network state-dependent inhibition of identified hippocampal CA3 axo-axonic cells in vivo. Nature Neurosci, 16: 1802-11
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  • Tukker JJ, Lasztóczi B, Katona L, Roberts JD, Pissadaki EK, Dalezios Y, Márton L, Zhang L, Klausberger T, Somogyi P. (2013) Distinct dendritic arborization and in vivo firing patterns of parvalbumin-expressing basket cells in the hippocampal area CA3. J Neurosci, 33 (16): 6809-25

2012 Original Articles

  • Lapray D, Lasztoczi B, Lagler M, Viney TJ, Katona L, Valenti O, Hartwich K, Borhegyi Z, Somogyi P, Klausberger T, (2012) Behavior-dependent specialization of identified hippocampal interneurons. Nature Neurosci, 15: 1265-71
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2011 Original Articles

  • Lasztoczi B, Tukker JJ, Somogyi P, Klausberger T, (2011) Terminal Field and Firing Selectivity of Cholecystokinin-Expressing Interneurons in the Hippocampal CA3 Area. J Neurosci, 31: 18073-93
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2010 Original Articles

  • Nyitrai G, Lasztóczi B, Kardos J, (2010) Glutamate uptake shapes low-[Mg2+] induced epileptiform activity in juvenile rat hippocampal slices. Brain Res, 1309: 172-8

2009 Original Articles

  • Héja L, Barabás P, Nyitrai G, Kékesi KA, Lasztóczi B, Toke O, Tárkányi G, Madsen K, Schousboe A, Dobolyi A, Palkovits M, Kardos J, (2009) Glutamate uptake triggers transporter-mediated GABA release from astrocytes. PLoS.ONE., 4(9): e7153
  • Lasztóczi B, Nyitrai G, Héja L, Kardos J, (2009) Synchronization of GABAergic inputs to CA3 pyramidal cells precedes seizure-like event onset in juvenile rat hippocampal slices. J. Neurophysiol., 102(4): 2538-53

2008 Original Articles

  • Molnár T, Barabás P, Héja L, Fekete EK, Lasztóczi B, Szabó P, Nyitrai G, Simon-Trompler E, Hajós F, Palkovits M, Kardos J, (2008) gamma-Hydroxybutyrate binds to the synaptic site recognizing succinate monocarboxylate: a new hypothesis on astrocyte-neuron interaction via the protonation of succinate. J Neurosci Res, 86(7): 1566-76

2006 Original Articles

  • Lasztóczi B, Emri Z, Szárics E, Héja L, Simon A, Nyikos L, Kardos J, (2006) Suppression of neuronal network excitability and seizure-like events by 2-methyl-4-oxo-3H-quinazoline-3-acetyl piperidine in juvenile rat hippocampus: involvement of a metabotropic glutamate receptor. Neurochem Internat, 49(1): 41-54
  • Lasztóczi B, Kardos J, (2006) Cyclothiazide prolongs low [Mg2+]-induced seizure-like events. J. Neurophysiol., 96(6): 3538-44

2004 Original Articles

  • Lasztóczi B, Antal K, Nyikos L, Emri Z, Kardos J, (2004) High-frequency synaptic input contributes to seizure initiation in the low-[Mg2+] model of epilepsy. Eur J Neurosci, 19(5): 1361-72

2003 Original Articles

  • Nyikos L, Lasztóczi B, Antal K, Kovács R, Kardos J, (2003) Desynchronisation of spontaneously recurrent experimental seizures proceeds with a single rhythm. Neuroscience, 121(3): 705-17
  • Kovács I, Lasztóczi B, Szárics E, Héja L, Sági G, Kardos J, (2003) Characterisation of an uridine-specific binding site in rat cerebrocortical homogenates. Neurochem Internat, 43(2): 101-12

2002 Original Articles

  • Szárics E, Lasztóczi B, Nyikos L, Barabás P, Kovács I, Skuban N, Nagy PI, Kökösi J, Takácsné NK, Kardos J, (2002) [Effect of quinazolone-alkyl-carboxylic acid derivatives on the transmembrane Ca2+ ion flux mediated by AMPA receptors]. Acta pharm hung, 72(2): 116-22
  • Lasztóczi B, Kovács R, Nyikos L, Kardos J, (2002) A glutamate receptor subtype antagonist inhibits seizures in rat hippocampal slices. Neuroreport, 13(3): 351-6

2000 Original Articles

  • Deák F, Lasztóczi B, Pacher P, Petheö GL, Valéria Kecskeméti, Spät A, (2000) Inhibition of voltage-gated calcium channels by fluoxetine in rat hippocampal pyramidal cells. Neuropharmacology, 39(6): 1029-36

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