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Publications by Bradl, Monika, Univ.Prof. Dr.

2023 Original Articles

  • Mader S, Ho S, Wong H, Baier S, Winklmeier S, Riemer C, Rübsamen H, Fernandez I, Gerhards R, Du C, Chuquisana O, Lünemann J, Lux A, Nimmerjahn F, Bradl M*, Kawakami N*, Meinl E* (* shared senior authorship) (2023) Dissection of complement and Fc-receptor-mediated pathomechanisms of autoantibodies to myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein PNAS, 120 (13): e2300648120
  • Zakani M, Nigritinou M, Ponleitner M, Takai Y, Hofmann D, Hillebrand S, Höftberger R, Bauer J, Lasztoczi B, Misu T, Kasprian G, Rommer P, Bradl M (2023) Paths to hippocampal damage in neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol, 49 (2)
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2022 Reviews

  • Bradl M (2022) From astrocyte destruction to axon injury: watching lesion evolution in experimental neuromyelitis optica Brain, 145(5): 1581-1583

2021 Original Articles

  • Beltrán E+, Paunovic M+, Gebert D, Cesur E, Jeitler M, Höftberger R, Malotka J, Mader S, Kawakami N, Meinl E, Bradl M*, Dornmair K*, Lassmann H* + sharing co-first; *sharing senior authorship (2021) Archeological neuroimmunology: resurrection of a pathogenic immune response from a historical case sheds light on human autoimmune encephalomyelitis and multiple sclerosis Acta Neuropathol, 141(1): 67-83
  • Wimmer I, Scharler C, Kadowaki T, Hillebrand S, Scheiber‐Mojdehkar B, Ueda S, Bradl M, Berger T, Lassmann H, Hametner S (2021) Iron accumulation in the choroid plexus, ependymal cells and CNS parenchyma in a rat strain with low‐grade haemolysis of fragile macrocytic red blood cells Brain Pathol, 31(2): 333-345
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2020 Original Articles

  • Takai Y, Misu T, Kaneko K, Chihara N, Narikawa K, Tsuchida S, Nishida H, Komori T, Seki M, Komatsu T, Nakamagoe K, Ikeda T, Yoshida M, Takahashi T, Ono H, Nishiyama S, Kuroda H, Nakashima I, Suzuki H, Bradl M, Lassmann H, Fujihara K, Aoki M; Japan MOG-antibody Disease Consortium. (2020) Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disease: an immunopathological study Brain, 143(5):: 1431-1446
  • Tsymala I, Nigritinou M, Zeka B, Schulz R, Niederschick F, Matković M, Bauer I, Szalay M, Schanda K, Lerch M, Misu T, Fujihara K, Bennett J, Dahle C, Pache F, Rommer P, Leutmezer F, Illes Z, Leite M, Palace J, Scholze P, Reindl M, Lassmann H, Bradl M (2020) Induction of aquaporin 4-reactive antibodies in Lewis rats immunized with aquaporin 4 mimotopes Acta Neuropathologica Communications, 15; 8 (1)
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2019 Original Articles

  • Wimmer I, Scharler C, Zrzavy T, Kadowaki T, Mödlagl V, Rojc K, Tröscher A, Kitic M, Ueda S, Bradl M, Lassmann H (2019) Microglia pre-activation and neurodegeneration precipitate neuroinflammation without exacerbating tissue injury in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Acta Neuropathologica Communications, 7 (1): 14
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  • Hillebrand S, Schanda K, Nigritinou M, Tsymala I, Böhm D, Peschl P, Takai Y, Fujihara K, Nakashima I, Misu T, Reindl M, Lassmann H, Bradl M (2019) Circulating AQP4-specific auto-antibodies alone can induce neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder in the rat Acta Neuropathol, 137(3): 467-485

2018 Original Articles

  • Lemke A, Ferguson J, Gross K, Penzenstadler C, Bradl M, Mayer R, Gerner C, Redl H, Wolbank S (2018) Transplantation of human amnion prevents recurring adhesions and ameliorates fibrosis in a rat model of sciatic nerve scarring Acta Biomater, 66: 335–349

2018 Reviews

  • Bradl M, Reindl M, Lassmann H (2018) Mechanisms for lesion localization in neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders Curr Opin Neurol, 31(3): 325-333

2017 Original Articles

  • Peschl P, Schanda K, Zeka B, Given K, Böhm D, Ruprecht K, Saiz A, Lutterotti A, Rostásy K, Höftberger R, Berger T, Macklin W, Lassmann H, Bradl M, Bennett J, Reindl M (2017) Human antibodies against the myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein can cause complement-dependent demyelination J Neuroinflammation, 14 (1): 208
  • Lemke A, Penzenstadler C, Ferguson J, Lidinsky D, Hopf R, Bradl M, Redl H, Wolbank S, Hausner T (2017) A novel experimental rat model of peripheral nerve scarring: reliably mimicking post-surgical complications and recurring adhesions Dis Model Mech, 10(8): 1015-1025

2017 Reviews

  • Peschl P, Bradl M, Höftberger R, Berger T, Reindl M (2017) Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein: Deciphering a Target in Inflammatory Demyelinating Diseases Front Immunol, 8: 529
  • Zeka B., Lassmann H., Bradl M. (2017) Müller cells and retinal axons can be primary targets in experimental neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder Clinical and Experimental Neuroimmunology, 8: 3-7
  • Lassmann H, Bradl M. (2017) Multiple sclerosis: experimental models and reality Acta Neuropathol, 133(2): 223-244

2017 Book Chapters

  • Finsterer, J; Pakozdy, A; Bradl, M (2017) Epilepsy in Humans and Animals: From Patients to Disease Models. In: Jensen-Jarolim, E., Comparative Medicine: disorders linking humans with their animals Springer-Verlag : 13-25

2016 Original Articles

  • Zeka B, Hastermann M, Kaufmann N, Schanda K, Pende M, Misu T, Rommer P, Fujihara K, Nakashima I, Dahle C, Leutmezer F, Reindl M, Lassmann H, Bradl M (2016) Aquaporin 4-specific T cells and NMO-IgG cause primary retinal damage in experimental NMO/SD Acta Neuropathologica Communications, 4 (1): 82
  • Schuh E, Berer K, Mulazzani M, Feil K, Meinl I, Lahm H, Krane M, Lange R, Pfannes K, Subklewe M, Gurkov R, Bradl M, Hohlfeld R, Kumpfel T, Meinl E, Krumbholz M (2016) Features of Human CD3+CD20+ T Cells J Immunol, 197 (4): 1111-1117
  • Oji S, Nicolussi E, Kaufmann N, Zeka B, Schanda K, Fujihara K, Illes Z, Dahle C, Reindl M, Lassmann H, Bradl M (2016) Experimental Neuromyelitis Optica Induces a Type I Interferon Signature in the Spinal Cord PLoS One, 11 (3): e0151244

2016 Book Chapters

  • Bradl M, Lassmann H (2016) Neurologic autoimmunity mechanisms revealed by animal models. In: , Handbook of Clinical Neurology : 121-143

2015 Original Articles

  • Zeka B, Hastermann M, Hochmeister S, Kögl N, Kaufmann N, Schanda K, Mader S, Misu T, Rommer P, Fujihara K, Illes Z, Leutmezer F, Sato D, Nakashima I, Reindl M, Lassmann H, Bradl M (2015) Highly encephalitogenic aquaporin 4-specific T cells and NMO-IgG jointly orchestrate lesion location and tissue damage in the CNS Acta Neuropathol, 130 (6): 783-798
  • Licht-Mayer S, Wimmer I, Traffehn S, Metz I, Brück W, Bauer J, Bradl M, Lassmann H. (2015) Cell type-specific Nrf2 expression in multiple sclerosis lesions Acta Neuropathol, 130 (2): 263-277

2014 Original Articles

  • Kitic Maja, Wimmer Isabella, Adzemovic Milena, Kögl Nikolaus, Rudel Antonia, Lassmann Hans, Bradl Monika (2014) Thymic stromal lymphopoietin is expressed in the intact central nervous system and upregulated in the myelin-degenerative central nervous system Glia, 62 (7): 1066-1074
  • Schuh C, Wimmer I, Hametner S, Haider L, Van Dam AM, Liblau RS, Smith KJ, Probert L, Binder CJ, Bauer J, Bradl M, Mahad D, Lassmann H. (2014) Oxidative tissue injury in multiple sclerosis is only partly reflected in experimental disease models Acta Neuropathol, 128 (2): 247-266

2014 Reviews

  • Bradl M, Kanamori Y, Nakashima I, Misu T, Fujihara K, Lassmann H, Sandkühler J. (2014) Pain in neuromyelitis optica-prevalence, pathogenesis and therapy Nat Rev Neurol, 10 (9): 529-536
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  • Bradl M, Lassmann H (2014) Experimental models of neuromyelitis optica Brain Pathol, : 24(1):74-82

2013 Original Articles

  • Pohl M, Kawakami N, Kitic M, Bauer J, Martins R, Fischer MT, Machado-Santos J, Mader S, Ellwart JW, Misu T, Fujihara K, Wekerle H, Reindl M, Lassmann H, Bradl M (2013) T cell-activation in neuromyelitis optica lesions plays a role in their formation Acta Neuropathologica Communications, : 1(1):85
  • Fischer MT, Wimmer I, Höftberger R, Gerlach S, Haider L, Zrzavy T, Hametner S, Mahad D, Binder CJ, Krumbholz M, Bauer J, Bradl M, Lassmann H. (2013) Disease-specific molecular events in cortical multiple sclerosis lesions Brain, 136(Pt 6): 1799-1815
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  • Kitic M, Hochmeister S, Wimmer I, Bauer J, Misu T, Mader S, Reindl M, Fujihara K, Lassmann H, Bradl M (2013) Intrastriatal injection of interleukin-1 beta triggers the formation of neuromyelitis optica-like lesions in NMO-IgG seropositive rats Acta Neuropathologica Communications, 1(1) : 5
  • Misu T, Höftberger R, Fujihara K, Wimmer I, Takai Y, Nishiyama S, Nakashima I, Konno H, Bradl M, Garzuly F, Itoyama Y, Aoki M, Lassmann H (2013) Presence of six different lesion types suggests diverse mechanisms of tissue injury in neuromyelitis optica Acta Neuropathol, 125(6): 815-827

2012 Original Articles

  • Fischer MT, Sharma R, Lim J, Haider L, Frischer J, Drexhage J, Mahad D, Bradl M, van Horssen J, Lassmann H (2012) NADPH Oxidase Expression in Active Multiple Sclerosis Lesions in Relation to Oxidative Tissue Damage and Mitochondrial Injury Brain, 135: 886-899
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  • Eisele S, Krumbholz M, Fischer M-T, Mohan H, Junker A, Arzberger T, Hohlfeld R, Bradl M, Lassmann H, Meinl E (2012) Prospects of transcript profiling for mRNAs and microRNAs using formalin fixed paraffin embedded dissected autoptic multiple sclerosis lesions Brain Pathol, 22(5): 607-618

2012 Reviews

  • Fujihara K, Misu T, Nakashima I, Takahashi T, Bradl M, Lassmann H, Takano R, Nishiyama S, Takai Y, Suzuki C, Sato D, Kuroda H, Nakamura M, Fujimori J, Narikawa K, Sato S, Itoyama Y, Aoki M (2012) Neuromyelitis optica should be classified as an astrocytopathic disease rather than a demyelinating disease Clinical and Experimental Neuroimmunology, 3: 58-73
  • Bradl M, Lassmann H. (2012) Microarray analysis on archival multiple sclerosis tissue: Pathogenic authenticity outweighs technical obstacles Neuropathology, 32(4): 463-466

2012 Book Chapters

  • Bradl M and Lassmann H (2012) Multiple Sclerosis. In: Kettenmann H and Ransom B, Neuroglia, Third Edition Oxford University Press, Oxford New York: 785-797

2011 Original Articles

  • Pohl M, Fischer MT, Mader S, Schanda K, Kitic M, Sharma R, Wimmer I, Misu T, Fujihara K, Reindl M, Lassmann H, Bradl M. (2011) Pathogenic T cell responses against aquaporin 4 Acta Neuropathol, 122(1): 21-34

2011 Reviews

  • Lassmann H, Niedobitek G, Aloisi F, Middeldorp JM; the NeuroproMiSe EBV Working Group (2011) Epstein-Barr virus in the multiple sclerosis brain: a controversial issue--report on a focused workshop held in the Centre for Brain Research of the Medical University of Vienna, Austria Brain, 134(Pt 9) : 2772-2786

2010 Original Articles

  • Sharma R, Fischer MT, Bauer J, Felts PA, Smith KJ, Misu T, Fujihara K, Bradl M, Lassmann H. (2010) Inflammation induced by innate immunity in the central nervous system leads to primary astrocyte dysfunction followed by demyelination Acta Neuropathol, 120(2): 223-236
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2010 Reviews

  • Bradl M, Lassmann H (2010) Oligodendrocytes: biology and pathology Acta Neuropathol, 119(1): 37-53
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2009 Original Articles

  • Bradl M, Misu T, Takahashi T, Watanabe M, Mader S, Reindl M, Adzemovic M, Bauer J, Berger T, Fujihara K, Itoyama Y, Lassmann H. (2009) Neuromyelitis optica: Pathogenicity of patient immunoglobulin in vivo Ann Neurol, 66(5): 630-643
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  • Schoderboeck L, Adzemovic M, Nicolussi EM, Crupinschi C, Hochmeister S, Fischer MT, Lassmann H, Bradl M. (2009) The 'window of susceptibility' for inflammation in the immature central nervous system is characterized by a leaky blood-brain barrier and the local expression of inflammatory chemokines Neurobiol Dis, 35(3): 368-75
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  • Nicolussi EM, Huck S, Lassmann H, Bradl M (2009) The cholinergic anti-inflammatory system limited T cell infiltration into the neurodegenerative CNS, but can not counteract complex CNS inflammation Neurobiol Dis, 35: 24-31
  • Hochmeister S, Bittner RE, Höger H, Lassmann H, Bradl M (2009) The susceptibility to experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis is not related to dysferlin-deficiency Autoimmunity, 42(3): 235-241

2009 Reviews

  • Bradl M, Lassmann H (2009) Progressive multiple sclerosis Semin Immunopathol, 31(4): 455-465
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2008 Original Articles

  • Dal Bianco A, Bradl M, Frischer J, Kutzelnigg A, Jellinger K, Lassmann H. (2008) Multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease. Ann Neurol, 63 (2): 174-83
  • Hochmeister S, Zeitelhofer M, Bauer J, Nicolussi EM, Fischer MT, Heinke B, Selzer E, Lassmann H, Bradl M (2008) After injection into the striatum, in vitro-differentiated microglia- and bone marrow-derived dendritic cells can leave the central nervous system via the blood stream Am.J.Pathol., 173(6): 1669-1681
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  • Dal Bianco A, Bradl M, Frischer J, Kutzelnigg A, Jellinger K, Lassmann H (2008) Multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease Ann Neurol, 63(2): 174-183
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2008 Book Chapters

  • Bradl M, Dornmair K, Hohlfeld R (2008) New tools for investigating the immuno-pathogenesis of MS: principles and applications. In: Raine C, McFarland HF, Hohlfeld R (ed.), Multiple Sclerosis: a comprehensive text Elsevier, Philadelphia, USA: 284-299

2007 Original Articles

  • Grundtner R, Dornmair K, Dahm R, Flügel A, Kawakami N, Zeitelhofer M, Schoderboeck L, Nosov M, Selzer E, Willheim M, Kiebler M, Wekerle H, Lassmann H, Bradl M (2007) Transition from enhanced T cell infiltration to inflammation in the myelin-degenerative central nervous system Neurobiol Dis, 28;3: 261-275

2006 Original Articles

  • Aboul-Enein F., Weiser, P., Höftberger, R., Lassmann, H., and Bradl, M. (2006) Transient axonal injury in the absence of demyelination: a correlate of clinical disease in acute experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Acta Neuropathol, 111: 539-547
  • Hochmeister S., Grundtner R., Bauer J., Engelhardt B., Lyck R., Gordon G., Korosec T., Kutzelnigg A., Berger J., Bradl M., Bittner R.E., Lassmann H (2006) Dysferlin Is a New Marker for Leaky Brain Blood Vessels in Multiple Sclerosis J Neuropath Exp Neurol, 65: 855-865

2006 Book Chapters

  • Bradl M. (2006) Progenitors and precursos of neurons and glial cells. In: Janigro D., Cell cycle in CNS development Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, USA: 23-29

2005 Original Articles

  • Sosnová, M., Bradl, M., and Forrester, J.V (2005) CD34+ corneal stromal cells are haematopoietic stem cells Stem Cells, 23: 507-515
  • Bradl, M., Bauer, J., Flügel A., Wekerle H., and Lassmann, H (2005) Complementary contribution of CD4 and CD8 T lymphocytes to T cell infiltration of the intact and the degenerative spinal cord Am.J.Pathol., 166: 1441-1450
  • Kawakami, N., Odoardi, F., Ziemssen, T., Bradl, M., Ritter, T., Neuhaus, O., Lassmann, H., Wekerle, H., and Flügel, A. (2005) Autoimmune CD4+ T cell memory: Life long persistence of encephalitogenic T cell clones in healthy immune repertoires J Neuroimmunol, 175: 69-81

2005 Book Chapters

  • Bradl M, Lassmann H (2005) The role of autoimmunity in multiple sclerosis. In: Zouali, M., Molecular Autoimmunity Springer Science & Business Media, New York, USA: 209-225

2004 Original Articles

  • Kawakami, N., Lassmann, S., Li, Z., Odoardi, F., Ritter, T., Ziemssen, T., Klinkert, W.E.F., Ellwart, J.W., Bradl, M., Krivacic, K., Lassmann, H., Ransohoff, R.M., Volk, H.-D., Wekerle, H., Linington (2004) The activation status of neuroantigen-specific T cells in the target organ determines the clinical outcome of autoimmune encephalomyelitis J Exp Med, 199: 185-197
  • Aboul-Enein, F., Bauer, J., Klein, M., Schubart, A., Flügel, A., Ritter, T., Kawakami, N., Siedler, F., Linington, C., Wekerle, H., Lassmann, H., Bradl, M (2004) Selective and antigen dependent effects of myelin degeneration on central nervous system inflammation J Neuropath Exp Neurol, 63: 1284-1296

2003 Reviews

  • Bradl, M.,Hohlfeld, R (2003) Neuroscience for Neurologists: molecular pathogenesis of neuroinflammation J Neurol Neurosurg Psych, 74: 1364-1370

2002 Original Articles

  • Bauer, J., Bradl, M., Klein, M., Leisser, M., Deckwerth, T.I., Wekerle, H. and Lassmann, H (2002) Endoplasmic reticulum stress in PLP overexpressing transgenic rats: Gray matter oligodendrocytes are more vulnerable than white matter oligodendrocytes J Neuropath Exp Neurol, 61: 12-22

2002 Book Chapters

  • Bradl M, Flügel A. (2002) The role of T-cells in brain pathology. In: Richt J, Dietzschold B, Protective and pathological immune responses in the CNS. Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany: 141-162

2001 Original Articles

  • Flügel, A., Bradl, M., Kreutzberg, G.W. and Graeber, M.B. (2001) Transformation of donor-derived bone marrow precursors into host microglia during autoimmune CNS inflammation and during the retrograde response to axotomy J Neurosci Res, 66: 74-82

2001 Reviews

  • Flügel, A. and Bradl, M (2001) New tools to trace populations of inflammatory cells in the CNS Glia, 36: 125-136

1999 Original Articles

  • Bradl M, Bauer J, Inomata T, Zielasek J, Nave KA, Toyka K, Lassmann H, Wekerle H (1999) Transgenic Lewis rats overexpressing the proteolipid protein gene : myelin degeneration and its effects on T-cell mediated experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Acta Neuropathol, 97: 595-606

1999 Reviews

  • Bradl M (1999) Myelin dysfunction/degradation in the central nervous system: Why are myelin sheaths susceptible to damage? J Neural Transm, Suppl 55: 9-17

1998 Original Articles

  • Kääb, G., Haarmann, I., Wekerle, H., and Bradl, M (1998) The myelin basic protein-specific T cell repertoire in Lewis rats: T cell receptor diversity is influenced both by intrathymic milieu and by extrathymic peptide presentation Eur. J. Immunol., 28: 1499-1506
  • Bauer, J., Bradl, M., Hickey, W.F., Forss-Petter, S., Breitschopf, H., Linington, C., Wekerle, H., and Lassmann, H (1998) T cell apoptosis in inflammatory brain lesions. Destruction of T cells does not depend on antigen recognition Am.J.Pathol., 153: 715-724

1996 Original Articles

  • Kääb, G., Brandl, G., Marx, A., Wekerle, H., and Bradl, M (1996) The myelin basic protein specific T cell repertoire in (transgenic) Lewis rat / SCID mouse chimeras: preferential vß8.2 T cell receptor usage depends on an intact Lewis thymic microenvironment Eur. J. Immunol., 26: 981-988

1996 Reviews

  • Bradl, M., and Linington, C (1996) Animal models of demyelination Brain Pathol, 6: 303-311
  • Bradl M (1996) Immune control of the brain Springer Sem Immun, 18: 35-49
  • Wekerle, H., Bradl, M., Linington, C., Kääb, G., and Kojima K (1996) The shaping of the brain-specific T lymphocyte repertoire in the thymus Immunol Rev, 149: 231-242

1995 Reviews

  • Bradl M (1995) Autoimmunkrankheiten BiuZ, 25: 374-379

1993 Original Articles

  • Larue, L., Dougherty, N., Bradl, M., and Mintz, B. (1993) Melanocyte culture lines from Tyr-SV40E transgenic mice: models for the molecular genetic evolution of malignant melanoma Oncogene, 8: 523-531

1991 Original Articles

  • Bradl, M., Klein-Szanto, A., Porter, S., and Mintz, B (1991) Malignant melanoma in transgenic mice Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 88: 164-168
  • Klein-Szanto, A., Bradl, M., Porter, S., and Mintz, B (1991) Melanosis and associated tumors in transgenic mice Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 88: 169-173
  • Mintz, B. and Bradl, M (1991) Mosaic expression of a tyrosinase fusion gene in albino mice yields a heritable striped coat color pattern in transgenic homozygotes Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 88: 9643-9647
  • Bradl, M., Larue, L., and Mintz, B (1991) Clonal coat color variation due to a transforming gene expressed in melanocytes of transgenic mice Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 88: 6447-6451

1989 Original Articles

  • Bradl, M., Schmid, M., and Wekerle, H (1989) Clonotypic chromosomal aberrations in long term lines of myelin specific rat T lymphocytes J Neuroimmunol, 24: 95-104

1988 Original Articles

  • Linington, C., Bradl, M., Lassmann, H., Brunner, C., and Vass, K. (1988) Augmentation of demyelination in rat acute allergic encephalomyelitis by circulating mouse monoclonal antibodies directed against a myelin/oligodendrocyte glycoprotein Am.J.Pathol., 130: 443-454
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  • Lassmann, H., Brunner, C., Bradl, M., and Linington, C (1988) Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis: The balance between encephalitogenic T lymphocytes and demyelinating antibodies determines size and structure of demyelinated lesions Acta Neuropathol, 75: 566-576

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