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Publications by Romanov, Roman, Ap.Prof., Dr.

2024 Original Articles

  • Harkany T, Tretiakov E, Varela L, Jarc J, Rebernik P, Newbold S, Keimpema E, Verkhratsky A, Horvath T, Romanov R (2024) Molecularly stratified hypothalamic astrocytes are cellular foci for obesity Res Sq,
  • Harkany T, Tretiakov E, Varela L, Jarc J, Rebernik P, Newbold S, Keimpema E, Verkhratsky A, Horvath T, Romanov R (2024) Molecularly stratified hypothalamic astrocytes are cellular foci for obesity Nature, preprint

2023 Original Articles

  • Romanov R, Harkany T (2023) Grabbing neuropeptide signals in the brain Science, 382 (6672): 764-765
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2022 Original Articles

  • Korchynska S, Rebernik P, Pende M, Boi L, Alpár A, Tasan R, Becker K, Balueva K, Saghafi S, Wulff P, Horvath T, Fisone G, Dodt H, Hökfelt T, Harkany T, Romanov R (2022) A hypothalamic dopamine locus for psychostimulant-induced hyperlocomotion in mice Nat Commun, 13 (1)
  • Zambon A, Rico L, Herman M, Gundacker A, Telalovic A, Hartenberger L, Kuehn R, Romanov R, Hussaini S, Harkany T, Pollak D (2022) Gestational immune activation disrupts hypothalamic neurocircuits of maternal care behavior Mol Psychiatry,

2021 Original Articles

  • Hevesi Z, Zelena D, Romanov R, Hanics J, Ignácz A, Zambon A, Pollak D, Lendvai D, Schlett K, Palkovits M, Harkany T, Hökfelt T, Alpár A (2021) Secretagogin marks amygdaloid PKCδ interneurons and modulates NMDA receptor availability PNAS, 118 (7): e1921123118

2020 Original Articles

  • Beiersdorf J, Hevesi Z, Calvigioni D, Pyszkowski J, Romanov RA, Szodorai E, Lubec G, Shirran S, Botting CH, Kasper S, Guy GW, Gray R, Di Marzo V, Harkany T, Keimpema E (2020) Adverse effects of tetrahydrocannabinol on neuronal bioenergetics during postnatal brain development. JCI Insight, 5: e135418
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  • Romanov R, Tretiakov E, Kastriti M, Zupancic M, Häring M, Korchynska S, Popadin K, Benevento M, Rebernik P, Lallemend F, Nishimori K, Clotman F, Andrews W, Parnavelas J, Farlik M, Bock C, Adameyko I, Hökfelt T, Keimpema E, Harkany T (2020) Molecular design of hypothalamus development Nature, 582(7811): 246-252

2019 Original Articles

  • Korchynska S, Krassnitzer M, Malenczyk K, Prasad R, Tretiakov E, Rehman S, Cinquina V, Gernedl V, Farlik M, Petersen J, Hannes S, Schachenhofer J, Reisinger S, Zambon A, Asplund O, Artner I, Keimpema E, Lubec G, Mulder J, Bock C, Pollak D, Romanov R, Pifl C, Groop L, Hökfelt T, Harkany T (2019) Life‐long impairment of glucose homeostasis upon prenatal exposure to psychostimulants EMBO J., 39 (1)

2018 Original Articles

  • Alpár A, Zahola P, Hanics J, Hevesi Z, Korchynska S, Benevento M, Pifl C, Zachar G, Perugini J, Severi I, Leitgeb P, Bakker J, Miklosi AG, Tretiakov E, Keimpema E, Arque G, Tasan RO, Sperk G, Malenczyk K, Máté Z, Erdélyi F, Szabó G, Lubec G, Palkovits M, Giordano A, Hökfelt TG, Romanov RA, Horvath TL, Harkany T. (2018) Hypothalamic CNTF volume transmission shapes cortical noradrenergic excitability upon acute stress EMBO J., 37: e100087
  • Szodorai E, Bampali K, Romanov R, Kasper S, Hökfelt T, Ernst M, Lubec G, Harkany T (2018) Diversity matters: combinatorial information coding by GABA A receptor subunits during spatial learning and its allosteric modulation Cell Signal, 50: 142-159
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2017 Original Articles

  • Romanov R, Zeisel A, Bakker J, Girach F, Hellysaz A, Tomer R, Alpár A, Mulder J, Clotman F, Keimpema E, Hsueh B, Crow A, Martens H, Schwindling C, Calvigioni D, Bains J, Máté Z, Szabó G, Yanagawa Y, Zhang M, Rendeiro A, Farlik M, Uhlén M, Wulff P, Bock C, Broberger C, Deisseroth K, Hökfelt T, Linnarsson S, Horvath T, Harkany T (2017) Molecular interrogation of hypothalamic organization reveals distinct dopamine neuronal subtypes Nature Neurosci, 20 (2): 176-188
  • Rivetti di Val Cervo P, Romanov RA, Spigolon G, Masini D, Martín-Montañez E, Toledo EM, La Manno G, Feyder M, Pifl C, Ng YH, Sánchez SP, Linnarsson S, Wernig M, Harkany T, Fisone G, Arenas E (2017) Induction of functional dopamine neurons from human astrocytes in vitro and mouse astrocytes in a Parkinson's disease model Nat Biotechnol, 35: 444-452

2016 Original Articles

  • Marques S, Zeisel A, Codeluppi S, van Bruggen D, Mendanha Falcao A, Xiao L, Li H, Haring M, Hochgerner H, Romanov R, Gyllborg D, Munoz-Manchado A, La Manno G, Lonnerberg P, Floriddia E, Rezayee F, Ernfors P, Arenas E, Hjerling-Leffler J, Harkany T, Richardson W, Linnarsson S, Castelo-Branco G (2016) Oligodendrocyte heterogeneity in the mouse juvenile and adult central nervous system Science, 352 (6291): 1326-1329
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2015 Original Articles

  • Penz O, Fuzik J, Kurek A, Romanov R, Larson J, Park T, Harkany T, Keimpema E (2015) Protracted brain development in a rodent model of extreme longevity Sci Rep, 5: 11592
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