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Publications by Haubensak, Wulf

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2022 Original Articles

  • Kaczanowska J, Ganglberger F, Chernomor O, Kargl D, Galik B, Hess A, Moodley Y, von Haeseler A, Bühler, K, Haubensak W (2022) Molecular archaeology of human cognitive traits Cell Rep, 40
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  • Ganglberger F, Wißmann M, Wu H-Y, Swoboda N, Thum A, Haubensak A, Bühler K (2022) Spatial-data-driven layouting for brain network visualization Computers & Graphics, 105: 12-24
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  • Piszczek L, Constantinescu A, Kargl D, Lazovic J, Pekcec A, Nicholson J, Haubensak W (2022) Dissociation of impulsive traits by subthalamic metabotropic glutamate receptor 4 eLife, 11
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2021 Original Articles

  • Griessner J, Pasieka M, Böhm V, Grössl F, Kaczanowska J, Pliota P, Kargl D, Werner B, Kaouane N, Strobelt S, Kreitz S, Hess A, Haubensak W (2021) Central amygdala circuit dynamics underlying the benzodiazepine anxiolytic effect Mol Psychiatry, 26: 534-544
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  • Ganglberger, F, Kaczanowska, J, Haubensak, W, Bühler, K (2021) Visualising the Transition of Large Networks via Dimensionality Reduction to Illustrate the Evolution of the Human Brain Eurographics, 21-24
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  • Wank I, Pliota P, Badurek S, Kraitsy K, Kaczanowska J, Griessner J, Kreitz S, Hess A, Haubensak W (2021) Central amygdala circuitry modulates nociceptive processing through differential hierarchical interaction with affective network dynamics Commun Biol, 4
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  • Kaouane N, Ada S, Hausleitner M, Haubensak W (2021) Dorsal Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis-Subcortical Output Circuits Encode Positive Bias in Pavlovian Fear and Reward Front Neural Circuits, 15
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  • Peter M, Aschauer D F, Rose R, Sinning A, Grössl F, Kargl D, Kraitsy K, Burkard T R, Luhmann H J, Haubensak W, Rumpel S (2021) Rapid nucleus-scale reorganization of chromatin in neurons enables transcriptional adaptation for memory consolidation PlosOne, 16 (5): e0244038
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  • Jäger F, Greisenegger S, Schwarz F, Wiest G (2021) Ocular flutter is a rare and treatment-responsive symptom in Lyme neuroborreliosis: a case report J Neurol,

2020 Original Articles

  • Orthofer M, Valsesia A, Mägi R, Wang Q, Kaczanowska J, Kozieradzki I, Leopoldi A, Cikes D, Zopf L, Tretiakov E, Demetz E, Hilbe R, Boehm A, Ticevic M, Nõukas M, Jais A, Spirk K, Clark T, Amann S, Lepamets M, Neumayr C, Arnold C, Dou Z, Kuhn V, Novatchkova M, Cronin S, Tietge U, Müller S, Pospisilik J, Nagy V, Hui C, Lazovic J, Esterbauer H, Hagelkruys A, Tancevski I, Kiefer F, Harkany T, Haubensak W, Neely G, Metspalu A, Hager J, Gheldof N, Penninger J (2020) Identification of ALK in Thinness Cell, 181 (6): 1246-1262.e22
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  • Kargl D, Kaczanowska J, Ulonska S, Groessl F, Piszczek L, Lazovic J, Buehler K, Haubensak W (2020) The amygdala instructs insular feedback for affective learning eLife, 9
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