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Publications by Lassmann, Hans

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2024 Original Articles

  • Kaneko K, Kuroda H, Matsumoto Y, Sakamoto N, Yamazaki N, Yamamoto N, Umezawa S, Namatame C, Ono H, Takai Y, Takahashi T, Fujimori J, Nakashima I, Harigaya Y, Lassmann H, Fujihara K, Misu T, Aoki M (2024) Different Complement Activation Patterns Following C5 Cleavage in MOGAD and AQP4-IgG+NMOSD Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinfl, 11 (5): e200293
  • Filippi M, Preziosa P, Barkhof F, Ciccarelli O, Cossarizza A, De Stefano N, Gasperini C, Geraldes R, Granziera C, Haider L, Lassmann H, Margoni M, Pontillo G, Ropele S, Rovira ?, Sastre-Garriga J, Yousry T, Rocca M, Rocca M, Sastre-Garriga J, Barkhof F, Ciccarelli O, de Stefano N, Filippi M, Gasperini C, Kappos L, De Luca G, Enzinger C, Rovira ?, Schoonheim M, Yousry T, (2024) The ageing central nervous system in multiple sclerosis: the imaging perspective Brain, : Jul 24:awae251. doi: 10.1093/brain/awae251. Online ahead of print.
  • Guo Y, Endmayr V, Zekeridou A, McKeon A, Leypoldt F, Hess K, Kalinowska-Lyszczarz A, Klang A, Pakozdy A, Höftberger E, Hametner S, Haider C, De Simoni D, Peters S, Gelpi E, Röcken C, Oberndorfer S, Lassmann H, Lucchinetti C, Höftberger R (2024) New insights into neuropathology and pathogenesis of autoimmune glial fibrillary acidic protein meningoencephalomyelitis Acta Neuropathol, 147 (1): 31
  • Avloniti M, Evangelidou M, Gomini M, Loupis T, Emmanouil M, Mitropoulou A, Tselios T, Lassmann H, Gruart A, Delgado-García J, Probert L, Kyrargyri V (2024) IKKβ deletion from CNS macrophages increases neuronal excitability and accelerates the onset of EAE, while from peripheral macrophages reduces disease severity J Neuroinflammation, 21 (1): 34
  • Steinmaurer A, Riedl C, König T, Testa G, Köck U, Bauer J, Lassmann H, Höftberger R, Berger T, Wimmer I, Hametner S (2024) The relation between BTK expression and iron accumulation of myeloid cells in multiple sclerosis Brain Pathol, 34(5): e13240

2024 Reviews

  • Geraldes R, Arrambide G, Banwell B, Rovira A, Cortese R, Lassmann H, Messina S, Rocca M, Waters P, Chard D, Gasperini C, Hacohen Y, Mariano R, Paul F, DeLuca G, Enzinger C, Kappos L, Leite M, Sastre-Garriga J, Yousry T, Ciccarelli O, Filippi M, Barkhof F, Palace J, (2024) The influence of MOGAD on diagnosis of multiple sclerosis using MRI Nat Rev Neurol, 20(10): 620-635
  • Schmierer K, Lassmann H (2024) The shoulders we keep standing on: remembering Otto Marburg, a big brain in neurology and multiple sclerosis, at 150 Acta Neuropathol, 147 (1): 81
  • Calabrese M, Preziosa P, Scalfari A, Colato E, Marastoni D, Absinta M, Battaglini M, De Stefano N, Di Filippo M, Hametner S, Howell O, Inglese M, Lassmann H, Martin R, Nicholas R, Reynolds R, Rocca M, Tamanti A, Vercellino M, Villar L, Filippi M, Magliozzi R (2024) Determinants and Biomarkers of Progression Independent of Relapses in Multiple Sclerosis Ann Neurol, 96(1): 1-20
  • Rommer P, Puchhammer‐Stöckl E, Lassmann H, Berger T, Vietzen H (2024) Ineffective control of Epstein–Barr virus infection is seen in MS: What is next? Clin Transl Med, 14 (2): :e1596

2023 Original Articles

  • Samadzadeh S, Olesen M, Wirenfeldt M, Möller S, Misu T, Soelberg K, Frederiksen J, Heegaard S, Mariotto S, Fujihara K, Ruprecht K, Andersen T, Marignier R, Lillevang S, Flanagan E, Pittock S, Kim H, Bennett J, Paul F, Sorensen G, Weinshenker B, Lassmann H, Asgari N (2023) Microfibrillar-associated protein 4 as a potential marker of acute relapse in inflammatory demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system: Pathological and clinical aspects Mult Scler, 29(14): 1721-1735
  • Krajnc N, Schmidbauer V, Leinkauf J, Haider L, Bsteh G, Kasprian G, Leutmezer F, Kornek B, Rommer P, Berger T, Lassmann H, Dal-Bianco A, Hametner S (2023) Paramagnetic rim lesions lead to pronounced diffuse periplaque white matter damage in multiple sclerosis Mult Scler, 29(11-12): 1406-1417
  • Schwab J, Haider C, Kopp M, Zrzavy T, Endmayr V, Ricken G, Kubista H, Haider T, Liebscher T, Lübstorf T, Blex C, Serdani-Neuhaus L, Curt A, Cinelli P, Scivoletto G, Fehlings M, May C, Guntermann A, Marcus K, Meisel C, Dirnagl U, Martus P, Prüss H, Popovich P, Lassmann H, Höftberger R (2023) Lesional Antibody Synthesis and Complement Deposition Associate With De Novo Antineuronal Antibody Synthesis After Spinal Cord Injury Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinfl, 10 (3): e200099
  • Kalinowska‐Lyszczarz A, Tillema J, Tobin W, Guo Y, Weigand S, Metz I, Brück W, Lassmann H, Giraldo‐Chica M, Port J, Lucchinetti C (2023) Long‐term clinical, imaging and cognitive outcomes association with MS immunopathology Ann Clin Transl Neurol, 26(5): 891-901
  • Krajnc N, Dal-Bianco A, Leutmezer F, Kasprian G, Pemp B, Kornek B, Berger T, Rommer P, Hametner S, Lassmann H, Bsteh G (2023) Association of paramagnetic rim lesions and retinal layer thickness in patients with multiple sclerosis Mult Scler, 29(3): 374-384
  • Licht‐Mayer S, Campbell G, Mehta A, McGill K, Symonds A, Al‐Azki S, Pryce G, Zandee S, Zhao C, Kipp M, Smith K, Baker D, Altmann D, Anderton S, Kap Y, Laman J, t’Hart B, Rodriguez M, Franklin R, Chandran S, Lassmann H, Trapp B, Mahad D (2023) Axonal response of mitochondria to demyelination and complex IV activity within demyelinated axons in experimental models of multiple sclerosis Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol, 49(1): e12851

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