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Publications by Melzer, Sarah, Ass. Prof., PhD

2022 Original Articles

  • Johnson C, Kretsge L, Yen W, Sriram B, O’Connor A, Liu R, Jimenez J, Phadke R, Wingfield K, Yeung C, Jinadasa T, Nguyen T, Cho E, Fuchs E, Spevack E, Velasco B, Hausmann F, Fournier L, Brack A, Melzer S, Cruz-Martín A (2022) Highly unstable heterogeneous representations in VIP interneurons of the anterior cingulate cortex Mol Psychiatry,

2021 Original Articles

  • Melzer S, Newmark E, Mizuno G, Hyun M, Philson A, Quiroli E, Righetti B, Gregory M, Huang K, Levasseur J, Tian L, Sabatini B (2021) Bombesin-like peptide recruits disinhibitory cortical circuits and enhances fear memories Cell, 184 (22): 5622-5634.e25

2020 Reviews

  • Melzer S, Monyer H (2020) Diversity and function of corticopetal and corticofugal GABAergic projection neurons Nat. Rev. Neurosci., 21 (9): 499-515

2018 Reviews

  • Jékely G, Melzer S, Beets I, Kadow I, Koene J, Haddad S, Holden-Dye L (2018) The long and the short of it – a perspective on peptidergic regulation of circuits and behaviour J Exp Biol, 221 (3)

2017 Original Articles

  • Melzer S, Gil M, Koser D, Michael M, Huang K, Monyer H (2017) Distinct Corticostriatal GABAergic Neurons Modulate Striatal Output Neurons and Motor Activity Cell Rep, 19 (5): 1045-1055

2016 Original Articles

  • Fuchs E, Neitz A, Pinna R, Melzer S, Caputi A, Monyer H (2016) Local and Distant Input Controlling Excitation in Layer II of the Medial Entorhinal Cortex Neuron, 89 (1): 194-208
  • Leitner F, Melzer S, Lütcke H, Pinna R, Seeburg P, Helmchen F, Monyer H (2016) Spatially segregated feedforward and feedback neurons support differential odor processing in the lateral entorhinal cortex Nature Neurosci, 19 (7): 935-944

2013 Reviews

  • Caputi A, Melzer S, Michael M, Monyer H (2013) The long and short of GABAergic neurons Curr Opin Neurobiol, 23 (2): 179-186

2012 Original Articles

  • Melzer S, Michael M, Caputi A, Eliava M, Fuchs E, Whittington M, Monyer H (2012) Long-Range–Projecting GABAergic Neurons Modulate Inhibition in Hippocampus and Entorhinal Cortex Science, 335 (6075): 1506-1510

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