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Publications by Hahn, Andreas, Assoc.-Prof. PD MSc.

2022 Original Articles

  • Spurny-Dworak B, Godbersen GM, Reed MB, Unterholzner J, Vanicek T, Baldinger-Melich P, Hahn A, Kranz GS, Bogner W, Lanzenberger R, Kasper S (2022) The impact of theta-burst stimulation on cortical GABA and glutamate in treatment-resistant depression: A surface-based MRSI analysis approach. Front Mol Neurosci, : 913274
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2021 Original Articles

  • Hahn A, Reed M, Pichler V, Michenthaler P, Rischka L, Godbersen G, Wadsak W, Hacker M, Lanzenberger R (2021) Functional dynamics of dopamine synthesis during monetary reward and punishment processing Cereb Blood Flow Metab, : 0271678X2110198
  • Rischka L, Godbersen G, Pichler V, Michenthaler P, Klug S, Klöbl M, Ritter V, Wadsak W, Hacker M, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R, Hahn A (2021) Reliability of task-specific neuronal activation assessed with functional PET, ASL and BOLD imaging Cereb Blood Flow Metab, : 0271678X2110205
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  • Seiger R, Gryglewski G, Klöbl M, Kautzky A, Godbersen G, Rischka L, Vanicek T, Hienert M, Unterholzner J, Silberbauer L, Michenthaler P, Handschuh P, Hahn A, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R (2021) The influence of acute SSRI administration on white matter microstructure in patients suffering from major depressive disorder and healthy controls Int J Neuropsychopharmacol, 24 (7): 542-550
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2020 Original Articles

  • Gryglewski G, Seiger R, Baldinger-Melich P, Unterholzner J, Spurny B, Vanicek T, Hahn, Kasper S, Frey R, Lanzenberger R (2020) Changes in white matter microstructure after electroconvulsive therapy in treatment resistant depression Int J Neuropsychopharmacol, 23: 20-25
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  • Shiyam Sundar L, Iommi D, Muzik O, Chalampalakis Z, Klebermass E, Hienert M, Rischka L, Lanzenberger R, Hahn A, Pataraia E, Traub-Weidinger T, Hummel J, Beyer T (2020) Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks Aided Motion Correction of Dynamic 18F-FDG PET Brain Studies J Nucl Med, 62 (6): 871-879
  • Kraus C, Hahn A, Sigurdardottir H, Spurny B, Wadsak W, Mitterhauser M, Hacker M, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R (2020) Brain glucose uptake during transcranial direct current stimulation measured with functional [18F]FDG-PET Brain Imaging Behav, 14 (2): 477-484
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  • Unterholzner J, Gryglewski G, Philippe C, Seiger R, Pichler V, Godbersen G, Berroterán-Infante N, Murgaš M, Hahn A, Wadsak W, Mitterhauser M, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R (2020) Topologically Guided Prioritization of Candidate Gene Transcripts Coexpressed with the 5-HT1A Receptor by Combining In Vivo PET and Allen Human Brain Atlas Data Cereb. Cortex, 30 (6): 3771-3780
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  • Kautzky A, Vanicek T, Philippe C, Kranz G, Wadsak W, Mitterhauser M, Hartmann A, Hahn A, Hacker M, Rujescu D, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R (2020) Machine learning classification of ADHD and HC by multimodal serotonergic data Transl Psychiat, 10: 104
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  • Hahn A, Breakspear M, Rischka L, Wadsak W, Godbersen G, Pichler V, Michenthaler P, Vanicek T, Hacker M, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R, Cocchi L (2020) Reconfiguration of functional brain networks and metabolic cost converge during task performance eLife, 9: e52443
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  • Klöbl M, Gryglewski G, Rischka L, Godbersen G, Unterholzner J, Reed M, Michenthaler P, Vanicek T, Winkler-Pjrek E, Hahn A, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R (2020) Predicting Antidepressant Citalopram Treatment Response via Changes in Brain Functional Connectivity After Acute Intravenous Challenge Front Comput Neurosci, 14: 554186
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2019 Original Articles

  • Hahn A, Strandberg T, Stomrud E, Nilsson M, van Westen D, Palmqvist S, Ossenkoppele R, Hansson O (2019) Association Between Earliest Amyloid Uptake and Functional Connectivity in Cognitively Unimpaired Elderly Cereb. Cortex, 29 (5): 2173-2182
  • Rischka L, Gryglewski G, Berroterán-Infante N, Rausch I, James G, Klöbl M, Sigurdardottir H, Hartenbach M, Hahn A, Wadsak W, Mitterhauser M, Beyer T, Kasper S, Prayer D, Hacker M, Lanzenberger R (2019) Attenuation Correction Approaches for Serotonin Transporter Quantification With PET/MRI Front Physiol, 10: 1422
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  • Gryglewski G, Seiger R, Baldinger-Melich P, Unterholzner J, Spurny B, Vanicek T, Hahn A, Kasper S, Frey R, Lanzenberger R (2019) Changes in White Matter Microstructure After Electroconvulsive Therapy for Treatment-Resistant Depression Int J Neuropsychopharmacol, 23 (1): 20-25
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  • Spies M, Klöbl M, Höflich A, Hummer A, Vanicek T, Michenthaler P, Kranz G, Hahn A, Winkler D, Windischberger C, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R (2019) Association between dynamic resting-state functional connectivity and ketamine plasma levels in visual processing networks Sci Rep, 9 (1): 11484
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  • Mori A, Klöbl M, Okada G, Reed M, Takamura M, Michenthaler P, Takagaki K, Handschuh P, Yokoyama S, Murgas M, Ichikawa N, Gryglewski G, Shibasaki C, Spies M, Yoshino A, Hahn A, Okamoto Y, Lanzenberger R, Yamawaki S, Kasper S (2019) Predicting Ventral Striatal Activation During Reward Anticipation From Functional Connectivity at Rest Front Hum Neurosci, 13: 289
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  • Silberbauer L, Gryglewski G, Berroterán-Infante N, Rischka L, Vanicek T, Pichler V, Hienert M, Kautzky A, Philippe C, Godbersen G, Vraka C, James G, Wadsak W, Mitterhauser M, Hacker M, Kasper S, Hahn A, Lanzenberger R (2019) Serotonin Transporter Binding in the Human Brain After Pharmacological Challenge Measured Using PET and PET/MR Front Mol Neurosci, 12: 172
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  • Gryglewski G, Klöbl M, Berroterán-Infante N, Rischka L, Balber T, Vanicek T, Pichler V, Kautzky A, Klebermass E, Reed M, Vraka C, Hienert M, James G, Silberbauer L, Godbersen G, Unterholzner J, Michenthaler P, Hartenbach M, Winkler-Pjrek E, Wadsak W, Mitterhauser M, Hahn A, Hacker M, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R (2019) Modeling the acute pharmacological response to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in human brain using simultaneous PET/MR imaging Eur Neuropsychopharmacol, 29 (6): 711-719
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  • Baldinger-Melich P, Gryglewski G, Philippe C, James G, Vraka C, Silberbauer L, Balber T, Vanicek T, Pichler V, Unterholzner J, Kranz G, Hahn A, Winkler D, Mitterhauser M, Wadsak W, Hacker M, Kasper S, Frey R, Lanzenberger R (2019) The effect of electroconvulsive therapy on cerebral monoamine oxidase A expression in treatment-resistant depression investigated using positron emission tomography Brain Stimul, 12 (3): 714-723
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  • Hahn A, Lanzenberger R, Kasper S (2019) Making Sense of Connectivity Int J Neuropsychopharmacol, 22 (3): 194-207
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  • James G, Gryglewski G, Vanicek T, Berroterán-Infante N, Philippe C, Kautzky A, Nics L, Vraka C, Godbersen G, Unterholzner J, Sigurdardottir H, Spies M, Seiger R, Kranz G, Hahn A, Mitterhauser M, Wadsak W, Bauer A, Hacker M, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R (2019) Parcellation of the Human Cerebral Cortex Based on Molecular Targets in the Serotonin System Quantified by Positron Emission Tomography In vivo Cereb. Cortex, 29: 372-382
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2018 Original Articles

  • Kraus C, Klöbl M, Tik M, Auer B, Vanicek T, Geissberger N, Pfabigan D, Hahn A, Woletz M, Paul K, Komorowski A, Kasper S, Windischberger C, Lamm C, Lanzenberger R (2018) The pulvinar nucleus and antidepressant treatment: dynamic modeling of antidepressant response and remission with ultra-high field functional MRI Mol Psychiatry, 24 (5): 746-756
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  • Kautzky A, Seiger R, Hahn A, Fischer P, Krampla W, Kasper S, Kovacs G, Lanzenberger R (2018) Prediction of Autopsy Verified Neuropathological Change of Alzheimer’s Disease Using Machine Learning and MRI Front Aging Neurosci, 10: 406
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  • Gryglewski G, Seiger R, James G, Godbersen G, Komorowski A, Unterholzner J, Michenthaler P, Hahn A, Wadsak W, Mitterhauser M, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R (2018) Corrigendum to “Spatial analysis and high resolution mapping of the human whole-brain transcriptome for integrative analysis in neuroimaging” Neuroimage,
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  • Rischka L, Gryglewski G, Pfaff S, Vanicek T, Hienert M, Klöbl M, Hartenbach M, Haug A, Wadsak W, Mitterhauser M, Hacker M, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R, Hahn A (2018) Reduced task durations in functional PET imaging with [ 18 F]FDG approaching that of functional MRI Neuroimage, 181: 323-330
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  • Gryglewski G, Seiger R, James G, Godbersen G, Komorowski A, Unterholzner J, Michenthaler P, Hahn A, Wadsak W, Mitterhauser M, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R (2018) Spatial analysis and high resolution mapping of the human whole-brain transcriptome for integrative analysis in neuroimaging Neuroimage, 176: 259-267
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  • Kranz G, Hahn A, Kraus C, Spies M, Pichler V, Jungwirth J, Mitterhauser M, Wadsak W, Windischberger C, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R (2018) Probing the association between serotonin-1A autoreceptor binding and amygdala reactivity in healthy volunteers Neuroimage, 171: 1-5
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  • Kranz G, Hahn A, Kaufmann U, Tik M, Ganger S, Seiger R, Hummer A, Windischberger C, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R (2018) Effects of testosterone treatment on hypothalamic neuroplasticity in female-to-male transgender individuals Brain Struct Funct, 223 (1): 321-328
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2017 Original Articles

  • Hahn A, Gryglewski G, Nics L, Rischka L, Ganger S, Sigurdardottir H, Vraka C, Silberbauer L, Vanicek T, Kautzky A, Wadsak W, Mitterhauser M, Hartenbach M, Hacker M, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R (2017) Task-relevant brain networks identified with simultaneous PET/MR imaging of metabolism and connectivity Brain Struct Funct, 223: 1369-1378
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  • Kranz G, Seiger R, Kaufmann U, Hummer A, Hahn A, Ganger S, Tik M, Windischberger C, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R (2017) Effects of sex hormone treatment on white matter microstructure in individuals with gender dysphoria Neuroimage, 150: 60-67
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  • James G, Baldinger-Melich P, Philippe C, Kranz G, Vanicek T, Hahn A, Gryglewski G, Hienert M, Spies M, Traub-Weidinger T, Mitterhauser M, Wadsak W, Hacker M, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R (2017) Effects of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors on Interregional Relation of Serotonin Transporter Availability in Major Depression Front Hum Neurosci, 11: 48
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  • Spies M, Kraus C, Geissberger N, Auer B, Klöbl M, Tik M, Stürkat I, Hahn A, Woletz M, Pfabigan D, Kasper S, Lamm C, Windischberger C, Lanzenberger R (2017) Default mode network deactivation during emotion processing predicts early antidepressant response Transl Psychiatry, 7 (1): e1008
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  • Gryglewski G, Rischka L, Philippe C, Hahn A, James G, Klebermass E, Hienert M, Silberbauer L, Vanicek T, Kautzky A, Berroterán-Infante N, Nics L, Traub-Weidinger T, Mitterhauser M, Wadsak W, Hacker M, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R (2017) Simple and rapid quantification of serotonin transporter binding using [11C]DASB bolus plus constant infusion Neuroimage, 149: 23-32
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  • Höflich A, Ganger S, Tik M, Hahn A, Kranz G, Vanicek T, Spies M, Kraus C, Windischberger C, Kasper S, Winkler D, Lanzenberger R (2017) Imaging the neuroplastic effects of ketamine with VBM and the necessity of placebo control Neuroimage, 147: 198-203
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  • Komorowski A, James GM, Philippe C, Gryglewski G, Bauer A, Hienert M, Spies M, Kautzky A, Vanicek T, Hahn A, Traub-Weidinger T, Winkler D, Wadsak W, Mitterhauser M, Hacker M, Kasper S, Lanzenberger (2017) Association of protein distribution and gene expression revealed by PET and post-mortem quantification in the serotonergic system of the human brain Cereb. Cortex, 27: 117-130
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  • Vanicek T, Kutzelnigg A, Philippe C, Sigurdardottir H, James G, Hahn A, Kranz G, Höflich A, Kautzky A, Traub-Weidinger T, Hacker M, Wadsak W, Mitterhauser M, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R (2017) Altered interregional molecular associations of the serotonin transporter in attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder assessed with PET Human Brain Mapping, 38 (2): 792-802
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  • Höflich A, Hahn A, Küblböck M, Kranz G, Vanicek T, Ganger S, Spies M, Windischberger C, Kasper S, Winkler D, Lanzenberger R (2017) Ketamine-dependent neuronal activation in healthy volunteers Brain Struct Funct, 222 (3): 1533-1542
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2016 Original Articles

  • Hahn A, Schain M, Erlandsson M, Sjölin P, James G, Strandberg O, Hägerström D, Lanzenberger R, Jögi J, Olsson T, Smith R, Hansson O (2016) Modeling Strategies for Quantification of In Vivo 18F-AV-1451 Binding in Patients with Tau Pathology J Nucl Med, 58 (4): 623-631
  • Seiger R, Hahn A, Hummer A, Kranz G, Ganger S, Woletz M, Kraus C, Sladky R, Kautzky A, Kasper S, Windischberger C, Lanzenberger R (2016) Subcortical gray matter changes in transgender subjects after long-term cross-sex hormone administration Psychoneuroendocrinology, 74: 371-379
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  • Hahn A, Gryglewski G, Nics L, Hienert M, Rischka L, Vraka C, Sigurdardottir H, Vanicek T, James G, Seiger R, Kautzky A, Silberbauer L, Wadsak W, Mitterhauser M, Hacker M, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R (2016) Quantification of task-specific glucose metabolism with constant infusion of 18F-FDG J Nucl Med, 57 (12): 1933-1940
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  • Baldinger-Melich P, Kraus C, Hahn A, Lanzenberger R, Kasper S (2016) Zerebrale Bildgebung bei affektiven Störungen und Angsterkrankungen Journal für Neurologie, Neurochirurgie und Psychiatrie, 17 (1): 16-20
  • Spies M, Hahn A, Kranz G, Sladky R, Kaufmann U, Hummer A, Ganger S, Kraus C, Winkler D, Seiger R, Comasco E, Windischberger C, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R (2016) Gender transition affects neural correlates of empathy: A resting state functional connectivity study with ultra high-field 7T MR imaging Neuroimage, 138: 257-265
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  • Hahn A, Kranz G, Sladky R, Kaufmann U, Ganger S, Hummer A, Seiger R, Spies M, Vanicek T, Winkler D, Kasper S, Windischberger C, Swaab D, Lanzenberger R (2016) Testosterone affects language areas of the adult human brain Human Brain Mapping, 37 (5): 1738-1748
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2015 Original Articles

  • Ganger S, Hahn A, Küblböck M, Kranz G, Spies M, Vanicek T, Seiger R, Sladky R, Windischberger C, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R (2015) Comparison of continuously acquired resting state and extracted analogues from active tasks Human Brain Mapping, 36 (10): 4053-4063
  • Hoflich A, Hahn A, Kublbock M, Kranz G, Vanicek T, Windischberger C, Saria A, Kasper S, Winkler D, Lanzenberger R (2015) Ketamine-induced modulation of the thalamo-cortical network in healthy volunteers as a model for schizophrenia Int J Neuropsychopharmacol,
  • Seiger R, Hahn A, Hummer A, Kranz GS, Ganger S, Küblböck M, Kraus C, Sladky R, Kasper S, Windischberger C, Lanzenberger R (2015) Voxel-based morphometry at ultra-high fields. A comparison of 7 T and 3 T MRI data Neuroimage, 113: 207-216
  • Baldinger P, Kraus C, Rami-Mark C, Gryglewski G, Kranz G, Haeusler D, Hahn A, Spies M, Wadsak W, Mitterhauser M, Rujescu D, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R (2015) Interaction between 5-HTTLPR and 5-HT1B genotype status enhances cerebral 5-HT1A receptor binding Neuroimage, 111: 505-512
  • Hahn A, Kranz G, Sladky R, Ganger S, Windischberger C, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R (2015) Individual diversity of functional brain network economy Brain Connect, 5 (3): 156-165

2014 Original Articles

  • Baldinger P, Höflich AS, Mitterhauser M, Hahn A, Rami-Mark C, Spies M, Wadsak W, Lanzenberger R, Kasper S (2014) Effects of Silexan on the serotonin-1A receptor and microstructure of the human brain: a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, cross-over study with molecular and structural neuroimaging. Int. J. Neuropsychopharmacol.,
  • Kranz G, Hahn A, Kaufmann U, Kublbock M, Hummer A, Ganger S, Seiger R, Winkler D, Swaab D, Windischberger C, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R (2014) White Matter Microstructure in Transsexuals and Controls Investigated by Diffusion Tensor Imaging J Neurosci, 34 (46): 15466-15475
  • Vanicek T, Spies M, Rami-Mark C, Savli M, Höflich A, Kranz G, Hahn A, Kutzelnigg A, Traub-Weidinger T, Mitterhauser M, Wadsak W, Hacker M, Volkow N, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R (2014) The Norepinephrine Transporter in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Investigated With Positron Emission Tomography JAMA Psychiatry, 71 (12): 1340-1349
  • Seidel E, Pfabigan D, Hahn A, Sladky R, Grahl A, Paul K, Kraus C, Küblböck M, Kranz G, Hummer A, Lanzenberger R, Windischberger C, Lamm C (2014) Uncertainty during pain anticipation: The adaptive value of preparatory processes Human Brain Mapping,
  • Hahn A, Kranz G, Küblböck M, Kaufmann U, Ganger S, Hummer A, Seiger R, Spies M, Winkler D, Kasper S, Windischberger C, Swaab D, Lanzenberger R (2014) Structural Connectivity Networks of Transgender People Cereb. Cortex,
  • Kraus C, Baldinger P, Rami-Mark C, Gryglewski G, Kranz G, Haeusler D, Hahn A, Wadsak W, Mitterhauser M, Rujescu D, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R (2014) Exploring the Impact of BDNF Val66Met Genotype on Serotonin Transporter and Serotonin-1A Receptor Binding PLoS One, 9 (9): e106810
  • Kranz G, Hahn A, Baldinger P, Haeusler D, Philippe C, Kaufmann U, Wadsak W, Savli M, Hoeflich A, Kraus C, Vanicek T, Mitterhauser M, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R (2014) Cerebral serotonin transporter asymmetry in females, males and male-to-female transsexuals measured by PET in vivo Brain Struct Funct, 219 (1): 171-183
  • Kraus C, Ganger S, Losak J, Hahn A, Savli M, Kranz G, Baldinger P, Windischberger C, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R (2014) Gray matter and intrinsic network changes in the posterior cingulate cortex after selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor intake Neuroimage, 84: 236-244
  • Baldinger P, Kranz G, Haeusler D, Savli M, Spies M, Philippe C, Hahn A, Höflich A, Wadsak W, Mitterhauser M, Lanzenberger R, Kasper S (2014) Regional differences in SERT occupancy after acute and prolonged SSRI intake investigated by brain PET Neuroimage, 88: 252-262
  • Hahn A, Haeusler D, Kraus C, Höflich A, Kranz G, Baldinger P, Savli M, Mitterhauser M, Wadsak W, Karanikas G, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R (2014) Attenuated serotonin transporter association between dorsal raphe and ventral striatum in major depression Human Brain Mapping, 35 (8): 3857-3866
  • Comasco E, Hahn A, Ganger S, Gingnell M, Bannbers E, Oreland L, Wikström J, Epperson C, Lanzenberger R, Sundström-Poromaa I (2014) Emotional fronto-cingulate cortex activation and brain derived neurotrophic factor polymorphism in premenstrual dysphoric disorder Human Brain Mapping, 35 (9): 4450-4458
  • Pfabigan D, Seidel E, Sladky R, Hahn A, Paul K, Grahl A, Küblböck M, Kraus C, Hummer A, Kranz G, Windischberger C, Lanzenberger R, Lamm C (2014) P300 amplitude variation is related to ventral striatum BOLD response during gain and loss anticipation: An EEG and fMRI experiment Neuroimage, 96: 12-21
  • Kranz G, Rami-Mark C, Kaufmann U, Baldinger P, Hahn A, Höflich A, Savli M, Stein P, Wadsak W, Mitterhauser M, Winkler D, Lanzenberger R, Kasper S (2014) Effects of hormone replacement therapy on cerebral serotonin-1A receptor binding in postmenopausal women examined with [carbonyl-11C]WAY-100635 Psychoneuroendocrinology, 45: 1-10
  • Stein P, Baldinger P, Kaufmann U, Christina R, Hahn A, Höflich A, Kranz G, Savli M, Wadsak W, Mitterhauser M, Winkler D, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R (2014) Relation of progesterone and DHEAS serum levels to 5-HT1A receptor binding potential in pre- and postmenopausal women Psychoneuroendocrinology, 46: 52-63

2013 Original Articles

  • Lanzenberger R, Baldinger P, Hahn A, Ungersboeck J, Mitterhauser M, Winkler D, Micskei Z, Stein P, Karanikas G, Wadsak W, Kasper S, Frey R (2013) Global decrease of serotonin-1A receptor binding after electroconvulsive therapy in major depression measured by PET Mol Psychiatry, 18 (1): 93-100
  • Lanzenberger R, Baldinger P, Hahn A, Ungersboeck J, Mitterhauser M, Winkler D, Micskei Z, Stein P, Karanikas G, Wadsak W, Kasper S, Frey R (2013) Impact of electroconvulsive therapy on 5-HT1A receptor binding in major depression Mol Psychiatry, 18 (1): 1-1
  • Hahn A, Nics L, Baldinger P, Wadsak W, Savli M, Kraus C, Birkfellner W, Ungersboeck J, Haeusler D, Mitterhauser M, Karanikas G, Kasper S, Frey R, Lanzenberger R (2013) Application of image-derived and venous input functions in major depression using [carbonyl-11C]WAY-100635 Nucl Med Biol, 40 (3): 371-377
  • Hahn A, Kranz G, Seidel E, Sladky R, Kraus C, Küblböck M, Pfabigan D, Hummer A, Grahl A, Ganger S, Windischberger C, Lamm C, Lanzenberger R (2013) Comparing neural response to painful electrical stimulation with functional MRI at 3 and 7T Neuroimage, 82: 336-343
  • Baldinger P, Hahn A, Mitterhauser M, Kranz G, Friedl M, Wadsak W, Kraus C, Ungersböck J, Hartmann A, Giegling I, Rujescu D, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R (2013) Impact of COMT genotype on serotonin-1A receptor binding investigated with PET Brain Struct Funct, 219 (6): 2017-2028

2012 Original Articles

  • Baldinger P, Hahn A, Friedl M, Kranz GS, Ungersböck J, Höflich A, Mitterhauser M, Rujescu D, Wadsak W, Lanzenberger R, Kasper S (2012) Einfluss der HTR1A-Polymorphismus rs878567 auf das Serotonin-1A-Bindungspotenzial in vivo Journal für Neurologie, Neurochirurgie und Psychiatrie, 13(1): 36-38
  • Spindelegger C, Stein P, Wadsak W, Fink M, Mitterhauser M, Moser U, Savli M, Mien L, Akimova E, Hahn A, Willeit M, Kletter K, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R (2012) Light-dependent alteration of serotonin-1A receptor binding in cortical and subcortical limbic regions in the human brain World J Biol Psychiat, 13 (6): 413-422
  • Hahn A, Wadsak W, Windischberger C, Baldinger P, Hoflich A, Losak J, Nics L, Philippe C, Kranz G, Kraus C, Mitterhauser M, Karanikas G, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R (2012) Differential modulation of the default mode network via serotonin-1A receptors PNAS, 109 (7): 2619-2624
  • Hahn A, Nics L, Baldinger P, Ungersböck J, Dolliner P, Frey R, Birkfellner W, Mitterhauser M, Wadsak W, Karanikas G, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R (2012) Combining image-derived and venous input functions enables quantification of serotonin-1A receptors with [carbonyl-11C]WAY-100635 independent of arterial sampling Neuroimage, 62 (1): 199-206
  • Kranz G, Hahn A, Savli M, Lanzenberger R (2012) Challenges in the differentiation of midbrain raphe nuclei in neuroimaging research PNAS, 109 (29): E2000
  • Savli M, Bauer A, Mitterhauser M, Ding Y, Hahn A, Kroll T, Neumeister A, Haeusler D, Ungersboeck J, Henry S, Isfahani S, Rattay F, Wadsak W, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R (2012) Normative database of the serotonergic system in healthy subjects using multi-tracer PET Neuroimage, 63 (1): 447-459
  • Lanzenberger R, Kranz G, Haeusler D, Akimova E, Savli M, Hahn A, Mitterhauser M, Spindelegger C, Philippe C, Fink M, Wadsak W, Karanikas G, Kasper S (2012) Prediction of SSRI treatment response in major depression based on serotonin transporter interplay between median raphe nucleus and projection areas Neuroimage, 63 (2): 874-881
  • Kraus C, Hahn A, Savli M, Kranz G, Baldinger P, Höflich A, Spindelegger C, Ungersboeck J, Haeusler D, Mitterhauser M, Windischberger C, Wadsak W, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R (2012) Serotonin-1A receptor binding is positively associated with gray matter volume — A multimodal neuroimaging study combining PET and structural MRI Neuroimage, 63 (3): 1091-1098
  • Nics L, Hahn A, Zeilinger M, Vraka C, Ungersboeck J, Haeusler D, Hartmann S, Wagner K, Lanzenberger R, Wadsak W, Mitterhauser M (2012) Quantification of the radio-metabolites of the serotonin-1A receptor radioligand [carbonyl-11C]WAY-100635 in human plasma: An HPLC-assay which enables measurement of two patients in parallel Appl Radiat Isot, 70 (12): 2730-2736

2011 Original Articles

  • Hahn A, Stein P, Windischberger C, Weissenbacher A, Spindelegger C, Moser E, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R (2011) Reduced resting-state functional connectivity between amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex in social anxiety disorder Neuroimage, 56 (3): 881-889

2010 Original Articles

  • Lanzenberger R, Wadsak W, Spindelegger C, Mitterhauser M, Akimova E, Mien L, Fink M, Moser U, Savli M, Kranz G, Hahn A, Kletter K, Kasper S (2010) Cortisol plasma levels in social anxiety disorder patients correlate with serotonin-1A receptor binding in limbic brain regions Int J Neuropsychopharmacol, 13 (9): 1129-1143
  • Hahn A, Lanzenberger R, Wadsak W, Spindelegger C, Moser U, Mien L, Mitterhauser M, Kasper S (2010) Escitalopram Enhances the Association of Serotonin-1A Autoreceptors to Heteroreceptors in Anxiety Disorders J Neurosci, 30 (43): 14482-14489

2009 Original Articles

  • Witte A, Flöel A, Stein P, Savli M, Mien L, Wadsak W, Spindelegger C, Moser U, Fink M, Hahn A, Mitterhauser M, Kletter K, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R (2009) Aggression is related to frontal serotonin-1A receptor distribution as revealed by PET in healthy subjects Human Brain Mapping, 30 (8): 2558-2570
  • Fink M, Wadsak W, Savli M, Stein P, Moser U, Hahn A, Mien L, Kletter K, Mitterhauser M, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R (2009) Lateralization of the serotonin-1A receptor distribution in language areas revealed by PET Neuroimage, 45 (2): 598-605

2009 Reviews

  • Fink M, Akimova E, Spindelegger C, Hahn A, Lanzenberger R, Kasper S. (2009) Social anxiety disorder: epidemiology, biology and treatment. Psychiatr Danub., 21(4): 533-42

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