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Publications by Sieghart, Werner, Univ.Prof. Dr.

2022 Reviews

  • Sieghart W, Chiou LC, Ernst M, Fabjan J, M Savić M, Lee MT (2022) α6-Containing GABAA Receptors: Functional Roles and Therapeutic Potentials Pharmacol Rev, 74(1): 238-270

2021 Original Articles

  • Tzeng HR, Lee MT, Fan PC, Knutson DE, Lai TH, Sieghart W, Cook J, Chiou LC (2021) α6GABAA Receptor Positive Modulators Alleviate Migraine-like Grimaces in Mice via Compensating GABAergic Deficits in Trigeminal Ganglia Neurotherapeutics, 18(1): 569-585
  • Golani LK, Platt DM, Rüedi-Bettschen D, Edwanker C, Huang S, Poe MM, Furtmüller R, Sieghart W, Cook JM, Rowlett JK (2021) 8-Substituted Triazolobenzodiazepines: In Vitro and In Vivo Pharmacology in Relation to Structural Docking at the α1 Subunit-Containing GABAA Receptor Front. Pharmacol., 12: 625233
  • Belelli D, Hales TG, Lambert JJ, Luscher B, Olsen R, Peters JA, Rudolph U, Sieghart W (2021) GABAA receptors in GtoPdb v.2021.3 IUPHAR BPS Guide Pharm CITE, : Sep 2;2021(3):10.2218/gtopdb/F72/2021.3.

2020 Original Articles

  • Sperk G, Kirchmair E, Bakker J, Sieghart W, Drexel M, Kondova I (2020) Immunohistochemical distribution of 10 GABAA receptor subunits in the forebrain of the rhesus monkey Macaca mulatta. J Comp Neurol, 528(15): 2551-2568

2019 Original Articles

  • Kasugai Y, Vogel E, Hörtnagl H, Schönherr S, Paradiso E, Hauschild M, Göbel G, Milenkovic I, Peterschmitt Y, Tasan R, Sperk G, Shigemoto R, Sieghart W, Singewald N, Lüthi A, Ferraguti F (2019) Structural and Functional Remodeling of Amygdala GABAergic Synapses in Associative Fear Learning Neuron, 104(4): 781-794
  • Stefanits H, Milenkovic I, Mahr N, Pataraia E, Baumgartner C, Hainfellner JA, Kovacs GG, Kasprian G, Sieghart W, Yilmazer-Hanke D, Czech T. (2019) Alterations in GABAA Receptor Subunit Expression in the Amygdala and Entorhinal Cortex in Human Temporal Lobe Epilepsy J Neuropath Exp Neurol, 78(11): 1022-1048
  • Vasović D, Divović B, Treven M, Knutson D, Steudle F, Scholze P, Obradović A, Fabjan J, Brković B, Sieghart W, Ernst M, Cook J, Savić M (2019) Trigeminal neuropathic pain development and maintenance in rats are suppressed by a positive modulator of α6 GABA A receptors Eur. J. Pain, 23(5): 973-984

2018 Original Articles

  • Knutson D, Kodali R, Divović B, Treven M, Stephen M, Zahn N, Dobričić V, Huber A, Meirelles M, Verma R, Wimmer L, Witzigmann C, Arnold L, Chiou L, Ernst M, Mihovilovic M, Savić M, Sieghart W, Cook J (2018) Design and Synthesis of Novel Deuterated Ligands Functionally Selective for the γ-Aminobutyric Acid Type A Receptor (GABAAR) α6 Subtype with Improved Metabolic Stability and Enhanced Bioavailability J Med Chem, 61 (6): 2422-2446
  • Chiou L, Lee H, Ernst M, Huang W, Chou J, Chen H, Mouri A, Chen L, Treven M, Mamiya T, Fan P, Knutson D, Witzigmann C, Cook J, Sieghart W, Nabeshima T (2018) Cerebellar α6-subunit-containing GABAAreceptors: a novel therapeutic target for disrupted prepulse inhibition in neuropsychiatric disorders Br J Pharmacol, 175 (12): 2414-2427
  • Duke A, Meng Z, Platt D, Atack J, Dawson G, Reynolds D, Tiruveedhula V, Li G, Stephen M, Sieghart W, Cook J, Rowlett J (2018) Evidence That Sedative Effects of Benzodiazepines Involve Unexpected GABAA Receptor Subtypes: Quantitative Observation Studies in Rhesus Monkeys J Pharmacol Exp Ther, 366 (1): 145-157
  • Fan P, Lai T, Hor C, Lee M, Huang P, Sieghart W, Ernst M, Knutson D, Cook J, Chiou L (2018) The α6 subunit-containing GABAA receptor: A novel drug target for inhibition of trigeminal activation Neuropharmacology, 140: 1-13
  • Siebert D, Bampali K, Puthenkalam R, Varagic Z, Sarto-Jackson I, Scholze P, Sieghart W, Mihovilovic M, Schnürch M, Ernst M (2018) Engineered Flumazenil Recognition Site Provides Mechanistic Insight Governing Benzodiazepine Modulation in GABAA Receptors ACS Chem Biol, 13: 2040-2047

2018 Reviews

  • Sieghart W, Savić MM. (2018) International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. CVI: GABAA Receptor Subtype- and Function-selective Ligands: Key Issues in Translation to Humans Pharmacol Rev, 70(4): 836-878

2017 Original Articles

  • Stefanits H, Milenkovic I, Mahr N, Pataraia E, Hainfellner J, Kovacs G, Sieghart W, Yilmazer-Hanke D, Czech T (2017) GABAA receptor subunits in the human amygdala and hippocampus: immunohistochemical distribution of 7 subunits J Comp Neurol, 526 (2): 324-348
  • Ghafari M, Falsafi S, Szodorai E, Kim E, Li L, Höger H, Berger J, Fuchs K, Sieghart W, Lubec G (2017) Formation of GABAA receptor complexes containing α1 and α5 subunits is paralleling a multiple T-maze learning task in mice Brain Struct Funct, 222 (1): 549-561

2016 Original Articles

  • Hoerbelt P, Ramerstorfer J, Ernst M, Sieghart W, Thomson JL, Hough LB, Fleck MW (2016) Mutagenesis and computational docking studies support the existence of a histamine binding site at the extracellular b3+b3- interface of homooligomeric b3 GABA-A receptors Neuropharmacology, 108: 252-263
  • Jonas O, Calligaris D, Methuku K, Poe M, Francois J, Tranghese F, Changelian A, Sieghart W, Ernst M, Pomeranz Krummel D, Cook J, Pomeroy S, Cima M, Agar N, Langer R, Sengupta S (2016) First In Vivo Testing of Compounds Targeting Group 3 Medulloblastomas Using an Implantable Microdevice as a New Paradigm for Drug Development J Biomed Nanotech, 12 (6): 1297-1302

2015 Original Articles

  • Pangratz-Fuehrer S, Sieghart W, Rudolph U, Parada I, Huguenard J (2015) Early postnatal switch in GABAAreceptor α-subunits in the reticular thalamic nucleus J. Neurophysiol., 115 (3): 1183-1195
  • Stojanovic T, Capo I, Aronica E, Adle-Biassette H, Höger H, Sieghart W, Kovacs GG, Milenkovic I (2015) The α1, α2, α3, and γ2 subunits of GABAAreceptors show characteristic spatial and temporal expression patterns in rhombencephalic structures during normal human brain development J Comp Neurol, 524 (9): 1805-1824
  • Ernst M, Sieghart W (2015) GABAA – Rezeptorsubtypen: Strukturelle Vielfalt gibt Hoffnung auf neue Therapiekonzepte Neuroforum, 21 (4): 144-151
  • Ernst M, Sieghart W (2015) GABAA receptor subtypes: structural variety raises hope for new therapy concepts e-Neuroforum, 6 (4): 97-103
  • Kudryavtsev D, Shelukhina I, Son L, Ojomoko L, Kryukova E, Lyukmanova E, Zhmak M, Dolgikh D, Ivanov I, Kasheverov I, Starkov V, Ramerstorfer J, Sieghart W, Tsetlin V, Utkin Y (2015) Neurotoxins from Snake Venoms and α-Conotoxin ImI Inhibit Functionally Active Ionotropic γ-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) Receptors J Biol Chem, 290 (37): 22747-22758
  • Sieghart W (2015) Allosteric Modulation of GABAA Receptors via Multiple Drug-Binding Sites Adv Pharmacol, : 53-96
  • Ramerstorfer J, Foppa V, Thiery H, Hermange P, Janody S, Berger M, Dodd R, Sieghart W (2015) GABAA Receptor Subtype-Selectivity of Novel Bicuculline Derivates Curr Med Chem, 22: 771-780

2014 Original Articles

  • Obradović A, Joksimović S, Poe M, Ramerstorfer J, Varagic Z, Namjoshi O, Batinić B, Radulović T, Marković B, Roth B, Sieghart W, Cook J, Savić M (2014) Sh-I-048A, an in vitro non-selective super-agonist at the benzodiazepine site of GABAA receptors: The approximated activation of receptor subtypes may explain behavioral effects Brain Res, 1554: 36-48
  • Mirheydari P, Ramerstorfer J, Varagic Z, Scholze P, Wimmer L, Mihovilovic MM, Sieghart W, Ernst M (2014) Unexpected properties of delta-containing GABA-A receptors in response to ligands interacting with the alpha+beta-site Neurochem Res, 39 (6): 1057-1067

2014 Book Chapters

  • Sieghart W (2014) GABA-A receptors in the brain: exciting targets for the development of clinically important drugs. In: , Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia k.A.: k.A.

2013 Original Articles

  • Joksimovic S, Varagic Z, Kovacevic J, Van Linn M, Milic M, Rallapali S, Timic T, Sieghart W, Cook JM, Savic MM (2013) Insights into functional pharmacology of alpha1 GABA-A receptors: how much does partial activation at the benzodiazepine site matter? Psychopharmycol, 230: 113-123
  • Yip GM, Chen ZW, Edge CJ, Smith EH, Dickinson R, Hohenester E, Townsend RR, Fuchs K, Sieghart W, Evers AS, Fanks NP (2013) A propofol binding site on mammalian GABA-A receptors identified by photolabeling Nature Chem Biol, 9: 715-720
  • Milenkovic I, Vasiljevic M, Maurer D, Höger H, Klausberger T, Sieghart W. (2013) The parvalbumin-positive interneurons in the mouse dentate gyrus express GABAA receptor subunits alpha1, beta2, and delta along their extrasynaptic cell membrane. Neuroscience, 254: 80-96
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  • Varagic Z, Ramerstorfer J, Huang S, Rallapalli S, Sarto-Jackson I, Cook J, Sieghart W, Ernst M (2013) Subtype selectivity of alpha+beta-site ligands of GABA-A receptors - identification of the first highly specific positive modulators at alpha6beta2/3gamma2 receptors Br J Pharmacol, 169(2): 384-399
  • Varagic Z, Wimmer L, Schnuerch M, Mihovilovic MD, Huang S, Rallapalli S, Cook JM, Mirheydari P, Ecker GF, Sieghart W, Ernst M (2013) Identification of novel positive allosteric modulators and null modulators at the GABA-a receptor alpha+beta-interface Br J Pharmacol, 169(2): 371-383
  • Hoertnagl H, Tasan RO, Wieselthaler A, Kirchmair E, Sieghart W, Sperk G (2013) Patterns of mRNA and protein expression for 12 GABA-A receptor subunits in the mouse brain Neuroscience, 236: 345-372
  • Sieghart W (2013) Anxioselective anxiolytics: additional perspective Trends Pharmacol Sci, 34: 145-146
  • Namjoshi OA, Wang Z-J, Rallapalli SK, Johnson EM Jr, Johnson Y-T, Ng H, Ramerstorfer J, Varagic Z, Sieghart W, Majumder S, Roth BL, Rowlett JK, Cook JM (2013) Search for alpha3beta2/3gamma2 subtype selective ligands that are stableon human liver microsomes Bioorg Med Chem, 21: 93-101

2012 Original Articles

  • Richter L, de Graaf C, Sieghart W, Varagic Z, Mörzinger M, de Esch IJP, Ecker GF, Ernst M (2012) Diazepam-bound GABA-A receptor models identify new benzodiazepine binding-site ligands Nature Chem Biol, 8: 455-464
  • Spurny R, Ramerstorfer J, Price K, Brams M, Ernst M, Nury H, Verheij M, Legrand P, Bertrand D, Bertrand S, Dougherty DA, de Esch IJ, Corringer PJ, Sieghart W, Lummis SC, Ulens C (2012) Pentameric ligand-gated ion channel ELIC is activated by GABA and modulated by benzodiazepines Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 109(44): E3028-34
  • Chen ZW, Manion B, Townsend RR, Reichert DE, Covey DF, Steinbach JH, Sieghart W, Fuchs K, Evers AS (2012) Neurosteroid analogue photolabeling of a site in the TM3 domain of the beta3 subunit of the GABA-A receptor Mol Pharmacol, 82: 408-419
  • Utkin YN, Weise C, Kasheverov IE, Andreeva TV, Kyukova EV, Zhmak MN, Starkov VG, Anh HN, Bertrand D, Ramerstorfer J, Sieghart W, Lummis S, Tsetlin VI (2012) Azemiopsin from Azemiops feae viper venom, a new polypeptide ligand of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor J Biol Chem, 287: 27079-27086
  • Joksimovic S, Divljakovic J, Van Linn ML, Varagic Z, Brajkovic G, Milinkovic MM, Yin W, Timic T, Sieghart W, Cook JM, Savic MM (2012) Benzodiazepine-induced spatial learning deficits in rats are regulated by the degree of modulation of a1 GABA-A receptors Eur Neuropsychopharmacol, 23: 390-399
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  • Seeger C, Christopeit T, Fuchs K, Grote K, Sieghart W, Danielson UH (2012) Histaminergic pharmacology of homo-oligomeric beta3 gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptors characterized by surface plasmon resonance biosensor technology Biochem Pharmacol, 84: 341-355
  • Radner S, Celie PH, Fuchs K, Sieghart W, Sixma TK, Stornaiuolo M (2012) Transient transfection coupled to baculovirus infection for rapid protein expression screening in insect cells J Struc Biol, 179: 46-55
  • Tretter V, Mukherjee J, Maric HM, Schindelin H, Sieghart W, Moss SJ (2012) Gephyrin, the enigmatic organizer at GABAergic synapses Front Cell Neurosci, 6: 1-16
  • Sieghart W (2012) Unraveling the role of GABA-A receptor subtypes in distinct neurons and behaviour J Physiol, 590: 2181-2182
  • Sarto-Jackson I, Milenkovic I, Smalla K-H, Gundelfinger ED, Kaehne T, Herrera-Molina R, Thomas S, Kiebler MA, Sieghart W (2012) The cell adhesion molecule neuroplastin-65 is a novel interaction partner of gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptors J Biol Chem, 287: 14201-14214
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  • Richter L, de Graaf C, Sieghart W, Varagic Z, Mörzinger M, de Esch IJP, Ecker GF, Ernst M (2012) Diazepam-bound GABA-A receptor models identify new benzodiazepine binding site ligands Nature Chem Biol, 8: 455-464
  • Sieghart W, Ramerstorfer J, Sarto-Jackson I, Varagic Z, Ernst M (2012) A novel GABA-A receptor pharmacology: drugs interacting with the alpha+beta-interface Br J Pharmacol, 166: 476-485
  • Chen ZW, Fuchs K, Sieghart W, Townsend RR, Evers AS (2012) Deep amino acid sequencing of native brain GABA-A receptors using high-resolution mass spectrometry Mol Cell Proteomics, 11.1, 10.1074/mcp.M111.011445-1: Epub Oct 2011
  • Vasiljevic M, Heisler FF, Hausrat TJ, Fehr S, Milenkovic I, Kneussel M, Sieghart W (2012) Spatio-temporal expression analysis of the calcium-binding protein calumenin in the rodent brain Neuroscience, 202: 29-41

2011 Original Articles

  • Yang AR, Liu J, Yi HS, Warnock KT, Wang M, June HL Jr, Puche AC, Elnabawi A, Sieghart W, Aurelian L, June HL Sr (2011) Binge drinking: in search of its molecular target via the GABA-A receptor Front Neurosci, 5:123: Epub Oct 2011
  • Leppä E, Linden AM, Vekovischeva OY, Swinny JD, Rantanen V, Toppila E, Höger H, Sieghart W, Wulff P, Wisden W, Korpi ER (2011) Removal of GABA-A receptor gamma2 subunits from parvalbumin neurons causes wide-ranging behavioural alterations PLoS.ONE., 6 (9): e24159
  • Shrivastava AN, Triller A, Sieghart W (2011) GABA-A receptors: post-synaptic co-localization and cross-talk with other receptors Front Cell Neurosci, 5,7: Epub June 2011
  • Tretter V, Kerschner B, Milenkovic I, Ramsden SL, Ramerstorfer J, Saiepour L, Maric HM, Moss SJ, Schindelin H, Harvey RJ, Sieghart W, Harvey K (2011) Molecular basis of the GABA-A receptor alpha3 subunit interaction with the clustering protein gephyrin J Biol Chem, 286 (43): 37702-37711
  • Suryanarayanan A, Liang J, Meyer EM, Lindemeyer AK, Chandra D, Homanics GE, Sieghart W, Olsen RW, Spigelman I (2011) Subunit compensation and plasticity of synaptic GABA-A receptors induced by ethanol in alpha4 subunit knockout mice Front Neurosci, 5: Article 110
  • Corteen NL, Cole TM, Sarna A, Sieghart W, Swinny JD (2011) Localisation of GABA-A receptor subunits on neurochemically distinct cell-types in the rat locus coeruleus Eur J Neurosci, 34: 260-262
  • Shrivastava AN, Triller A, Sieghart W, Sarto-Jackson I (2011) Regulation of GABA-A receptor dynamics by interaction with P2X-2 receptors J Biol Chem, 286: 14455-14468
  • Gross A, Sims RE, Swinny JD, Sieghart W, Bolam JP, Stanford IM (2011) Differential localization of GABA-A receptor subunits in relation to striato-pallidal and pallido-pallidal synapses Eur J Neurosci, 33: 868-878
  • Liu J, Yang A, Kelly T, Puche A, Esoga C, June H, Jr., Elnabawi A, Merchenthaler I, Sieghart W, June H, Sr., Aurelian L (2011) Binge alcohol drinking is associated with GABA-A alpha2-regulated TLR4 expression in the central amygdala PNAS, 108: 4465-4470
  • Shen Y, Lindemeyer KA, Spigelman I, Sieghart W, Olsen RW, Liang J (2011) Plasticity of GABA-A receptors following ethanol pre-exposure in cultured hippocampal neurons Mol Pharmacol, 79: 432-442
  • Ramerstorfer J, Furtmüller R, Sarto-Jackson I, Varagic Z, Sieghart W, Ernst M (2011) The GABA-A receptor alpha+beta-interface: a novel target for subtype-selective drugs J Neurosci, 31: 870-877
  • Kindler J, Bailer U, De Zwaan M, Fuchs K, Leisch F, Grün B, Strnad A, Stojanovic M, Windisch J, Lennkh-Wolfsberg, El-Giamal N, Sieghart W, Kasper S, Aschauer H (2011) No association of the neuropeptide Y (Leu7Pro) and ghrelin gene (Arg51Gln, Leu72Met, Gln90Leu) single nucleotide polymorphisms with eating disorders Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 65: 203-207

2010 Original Articles

  • Abramian AM, Comenencia-Ortiz E, Vithlani M, Tretter V, Sieghart W, Davies PA, Moss SJ (2010) Protein kinase C phosphorylation regulates membrane insertion of GABA-A receptor subtypes that mediate tonic inhibition J Biol Chem, 285: 41795-41805
  • Kasugai Y, Swinny J, Roberts D, Dalezios Y, Fukazawa Y, Sieghart W, Shigemoto R, Somogyi P (2010) Quantitative localisation of synaptic and extrasynaptic GABA-A receptor subunits on hippocampal pyramidal cells by freeze-fracture replica immunolabeling Eur J Neurosci, 32: 1868-1888
  • Fischer BD, Licata SC, Edwankar RV, Wang ZJ, Huang S, He X, Yu J, Zhou H, Johnson EM Jr, Cook JM, Furtmüller R, Ramerstorfer J, Sieghart W, Roth BL, Majumder S, Rowlett JK (2010) Anxiolytic-like effects of 8-acetylene imidazobenzodiazepines in a rhesus monkey conflict procedure Neuropharmacology, 59: 612-618
  • Savic MM, Majumder S, Huang SM, Edwankar RV, Furtmüller R, Joksimovic S, Clayton T, Ramerstorfer J, Milinkovic MM, Roth BL, Sieghart W, Cook JM (2010) Novel positive allosteric modulators of GABA-A receptors: Do subtle differences in activity at alpha1 plus a5 versus a2 plus a3 subunits account for dissimilarities in behavioural effects in rats? Progr Neuro-Psychopharmacol & Biol Psychiat, 34: 376-386
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  • Ramerstorfer J, Furtmüller R, Vogel E, Huck S, Sieghart W (2010) The point mutation gamma2F77I changes the potency and efficacy of benzodiazepine site ligands in different GABAA receptor subtypes Eur J Pharmacol, 636: 18-27
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  • Schosser A, Fuchs K, Scharl T, Schloegelhofer M, Kindler J, Mossahed N, Kaufmann RM, Leisch F, Kasper S, Sieghart W, Aschauer HN (2010) Interaction between Serotonin 5-HT2A receptor gene and Dopamine Transporter (DAT1) gene polymorphisms influences personality trait of Persistence in Austrian Caucasians World J Biol Psychiat, 11: 417-424

2009 Original Articles

  • Marchionni I, Kasap Z, Mozrzymas JW, Sieghart W, Cherubini E, Zacchi P (2009) New insights on the role of gephyrin in regulating both phasic and tonic GABAergic inhibitition in rat hippocampal neurons in culture Neuroscience, 164(2): 552 - 562
  • Tretter V, Revilla-Sanchez R, Houston C, Terunuma M, Havekes R, Florian C, Jurd R, Vithlani M, Michels G, Couve A, Sieghart W, Brandon N, Abel T, Smart T, Moss S (2009) Deficits in spatial memory correlate with modified y-aminobutyric acid type A receptor tyrosine phosphorylation in the hippocampus Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 106: 20039-20044
  • Kang SU, Fuchs K, Sieghart W, Pollak A, Csaszar E, Lubec G (2009) Gel-based mass spectrometric analysis of a strongly hydrophobic GABAA-receptor subunit containing four transmembrane domains Nat Protoc, 4: 1093-1102
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  • Atucha E, Hammerschmidt F, Zolle I, Sieghart W, Berger M L (2009) Structure-activity relationship of etomidate derivatives at the GABA-A receptor: Comparison with binding to 11-beta-hydroxylase Bioorg Med Chem Lett, 19: 4284-4287
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  • Rivas FM, Stables JP, Murphree L, Edwankar RV, Edwankar CR, Huang S, Jain HD, Zhou H, Majumder S, Sankar S, Roth BL, Ramerstorfer J, Furtmüller R, Sieghart W, Cook JM (2009) Antiseizure activity of novel gamma-aminobutyric acid(A) receptor subtype-selective benzodiazepine analogues in mice and rat models J Med Chem, 52: 1795-1798
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2009 Reviews

  • Olsen RW, Sieghart W (2009) Subtypes provide diversity of function and pharmacology Neuropharmacology, 56: 141-148

2008 Original Articles

  • Savic MM, Clayton T, Furtmüller R, Gavrilovic I, Samardzic J, Savic S, Huck S, Sieghart W, Cook JM (2008) PWZ-029, a compound with moderate inverse agonist functional selectivity at GABA-A receptors containing alpha5 subunits, improves passive, but not active, avoidance learning in rats Brain Res, 1208: 150-159
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  • Han D, Försterling FH, Li X, Deschamps JR, Parrish D, Cao H, Rallapalli S, Clayton T, Teng Y, Majumder S, Sankar S, Roth BL, Sieghart W, Furtmüller R, Rowlett J, Weed MR, Cook JM (2008) A study of the structure-activity relationship of GABA-A-benzodiazepine receptor bivalent ligands by conformational analysis with low temperature NMR and X-ray analysis Bioorg Med Chem, 16: 8853-8862
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  • Choi DS, Wei W, Deitchman JK, Kharazia VN, Lesscher HMB, McMahon T, Wang D, Qi ZH, Sieghart W, Zhang C, Shokat KM, Mody I, Messing RO (2008) Protein kinase C-delta regulates ethanol intoxication and enhancement of GABA-stimulated tonic current J Neurosci, 28: 11890-11899
  • Baburin I, Khom S, Timin E, Hohaus A, Sieghart W, Hering S (2008) Estimating the efficiency of benzodiazepines on GABA-A receptors comprising gamma1 or gamma2 subunits Br J Pharmacol, 155: 424-433
  • Kang SU, Fuchs K, Sieghart W, Lubec G (2008) Gel-based mass spectrometric analysis of recombinant GABA-A receptor subunits representing strongly hydrophobic transmembrane proteins J Proteome Res, 7: 3498-3506
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  • Furtmüller R, Furtmüller B, Ramerstorfer J, Paladini AC, Wasowski C, Marder M, Huck S, Sieghart W (2008) 6,3'-Dinitroflavone is a low efficacy modulator of GABA(A) receptors Eur J Pharmacol, 591: 142-146
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  • Harris D, Clayton T, Cook J, Sahbaie P, Halliwell RF, Furtmüller R, Huck S, Sieghart W, and DeLorey TM (2008) Selective influence on contextual memory: physiochemical properties associated with selectivity of benzodiazepine ligands at GABAA receptors containing the alpha5 subunit J Med Chem, 51: 3788-3803
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  • Terunuma M, Xu J, Vithlani M, Sieghart W, Kittler J, Pangalos M, Haydon PG, Coulter DA, Moss SJ (2008) Deficits in phosphorylation of GABA-A receptors by intimately associated protein kinase C activity underlie compromised synaptic inhibition during status epilepticus J Neurosci, 28: 376-384
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  • Payne HL, Ives JH, Sieghart W, Thompson CL (2008) AMPA and kainate receptors mediate mutually exclusive effects on GABA-A receptor expression in cultured mouse cerebellar granule neurons J Neurochem, 104: 173-186
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  • Savic MM, Huang S, Furtmüller R, Clayton T, Huck S, Obradovic DI, Ugresic ND, Sieghart W, Bokonjic DR, Cook JM (2008) Are GABA(A) Receptors Containing alpha5 Subunits Contributing to the Sedative Properties of Benzodiazepine Site Agonists? Neuropsychopharm, 33: 332-339
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2008 Reviews

  • Olsen RW, Sieghart W (2008) International Union of Pharmacology. LXX. Subtypes of gamma-aminobutyric acidA receptors: classification on the basis of subunit composition, pharmacology and function - update Pharmacol Rev, 60: 243-260
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  • Sarto-Jackson I, Sieghart W (2008) Assembly of GABA-A receptors Mol Membr Biol, 25: 302-310
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2007 Original Articles

  • Schosser A, Fuchs K, Scharl T, Leisch F, Bailer U, Kasper S, Sieghart W, Hornik K, Aschauer HN (2007) Additional support for linkage of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder to chromosome 3q29 Eur Neuropsychopharmacol, 17: 501-505
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  • Payne HL, Connelly WM, Ives JH, Lehner R, Furtmüller B, Sieghart W, Tiwari P, Lucocq JM, Lees G, Thompson CL (2007) GABA-A alpha6-containing receptors are selectively compromised in cerebellar granule cells of the ataxic mouse, stargazer. J Biol Chem, 282: 29130-29143
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  • Wulff P, Goetz T, Leppä E, Linden AM, Renzi M, Swinny JD, Vekovischeva OY, Sieghart W, Somogyi P, Korpi ER, Farrant M, Wisden W (2007) From synapse to behaviour: rapid modulation of defined neuronal populations through engineered GABA-A receptors Nature Neurosci, 10: 923-929
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  • Pytel M, Wojtowicz T, Mercik K, Sarto-Jackson I, Sieghart W, Ikonomidou C, Mozrzymas JW (2007) 17 beta-estradiol modulates GABAergic synaptic transmission and tonic currents during development in vitro Neuropharmacology, 52: 1342-1353
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  • Sarto-Jackson I, Furtmüller R, Ernst M, Huck S, Sieghart W (2007) Spontaneous cross-link of mutated alpha1 subunits during GABA-A receptor assembly J Biol Chem, 282: 4354-4363
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2007 Reviews

  • Clayton T, Chen JL, Ernst M, Richter L, Cromer BA, Morton CJ, Ng H, Kaczorowski CC, Helmstetter FJ, Furtmüller R, Ecker G, Parker MW, Sieghart W, Cook JM (2007) An updated unified pharmacophore model of the benzodiazepine binding site of gamma-aminobutyric acid(a) receptors: correlation with comparative models Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 14: 2755-2775
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2007 Book Chapters

  • Sieghart W (2007) Neurobiologische Grundlagen psychischer Erkrankungen. In: , Krankheit, Krankheitsursachen und -bilder Marian B, Facultas Universitätsverlag: 380-384
  • Sieghart W (2007) Subunit Composition and Structure of GABA-A receptor subtypes. In: , The GABA Receptors, 3rd edition (Enna SJ, Möhler H) Humana Press Inc.

2006 Original Articles

  • Payne HL, Donoghue PS, Connelly WMK, Hinterreiter S, Tiwari P, Ives JH, Hann V, Sieghart W, Lees G, Thompson CL (2006) Aberrant GABA-A receptor expression in the dentate gyrus of the epileptic mutant mouse, stargazer J Neurosci, 26: 8600-8608
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  • Hanchar HJ, Chutsrinopkun P, Meera P, Supavilai P, Sieghart W, Wallner M, Olsen R (2006) Ethanol potently and competitively inhibits binding of the alcohol antagonist Ro15-4513 to alpha4/6beta3delta GABA-A receptors Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 103: 8546-8551
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  • Swanwick CC, Murthy NR, Mtchedlishvili Z, Sieghart W, Kapur J (2006) Development of GABAergic Synapses in Cultured Hippocampal Neurons J Comp Neurol, 495: 497-510
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  • Sarto-Jackson I, Ramerstorfer J, Ernst M, Sieghart W (2006) Identification of amino acid residues important for assembly of GABA-A receptor alpha1 and gamma2 subunits J Neurochem, 96: 983-995
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  • Ogris W, Lehner R, Fuchs K, Furtmüller B, Höger H, Homanics GE, Sieghart W (2006) Investigation of the abundance and subunit composition of GABA-A receptor subtypes in the cerebellum of alpha1-subunit-deficient mice J Neurochem, 96: 136-147
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  • Khom S, Baburin I, Timin EN, Hohaus A, Sieghart W, Hering S (2006) Pharmacological properties of GABA-A receptors containing gamma1 subunits Mol Pharmacol, 69: 640-649
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2006 Book Chapters

  • Sieghart W (2006) Structure, pharmacology and function of GABA-A receptor subtypes. In: , Advances in Pharmacology 54 (Enna SJ) Elsevier Inc: 231-263
    | Article (PDF) |

2005 Original Articles

  • Ernst M, Bruckner S, Boresch S, Sieghart W (2005) Comparative models of GABA-A receptor extracellular and transmembrane domains: important insights in pharmacology and function Mol Pharmacol, 68: 1291-1300
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Mangan PS, Sun C, Carpenter M, Goodkin HP, Sieghart W, Kapur J (2005) Cultured hippocampal pyramidal neurons express two kinds of GABAA receptors. Mol Pharmacol, 67: 775-788
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Bailer U, Wiesegger G, Leisch F, Fuchs K, Leitner I, Letmaier M, Konstantinidis A, Stastny J, Sieghart W, Hornik K, Mitterauer B, Kasper S, Aschauer HN (2005) No association of clock gene T3111C polymorphism and affective disorders Eur Neuropsychopharmacol, 15: 51-55
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Cope DW, Halbsguth C, Karayannis T, Wulff P, Ferraguti F, Hoeger H, Leppä E, Linden AM, Oberto A, Ogris W, Korpi ER, Sieghart W, Somogyi P, Wisden W, Capogna M (2005) Loss of zolpidem efficacy in the hippocampus of mice with the GABAA receptor gamma2 F77I point mutation Eur J Neurosci, 21: 3002-3016
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2005 Reviews

  • Sieghart W, Ernst M (2005) Heterogeneity of GABA-A receptors: revived interest in the development of subtype-selective drugs Curr Med Chem - Centr Nervous Syst, 5: 217-242
    | Article (PDF) |

2004 Original Articles

  • Schosser A, Fuchs K, Leisch F, Bailer U, Meszaros K, Lenzinger E, Willinger U, Strobl R, Heiden A, Gebhardt C, Kasper S, Sieghart W, Hornik K, Aschauer H (2004) Possible linkage of schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorder to chromosome 3q29 J Psychiatr Res, 38 (3): 357-364
  • Schosser A, Fuchs K, Leisch F, Bailer U, Meszaros K, Lenzinger E, Willinger U, Strobl R, Heiden A, Gebhardt C, Kasper S, Sieghart W, Hornik K, Aschauer H (2004) Possible linkage of schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorder to chromosome 3q29 J Psychiatr Res, 38 (3): 357-364
  • Mitterhauser M, Wadsak W, Wabnegger L, Mien L-K, Tögel S, Langer O, Sieghart W, Viernstein H, Kletter K, Dudczak R (2004) Biological evaluation of 2'-[18F]fluoroflumazenil ([18F]FFMZ), a potential GABA receptor ligand for PET Nucl Med and Biol, 31: 291-295
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Schosser A, Fuchs K, Leisch F, Bailer U, Meszaros K, Lenzinger E, Willinger U, Strobl R, Heiden A, Gebhardt C, Kasper S, Sieghart W, Hornik K, Aschauer HN (2004) Possible linkage of schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorders to chromosome 3q29; a follow-up. J Psychiatr Res, 38: 357-364
  • Cope DW, Wulff P, Oberto A, Aller MI, Capogna M, Ferraguti F, Halbsguth C, Höger H, Jolin HE, Jones A, Mckenzie ANJ, Ogris W, Pöltl A, Sinkkonen ST, Vekovischeva OY, Korpi ER, Sieghart W, et al (2004) Abolition of zolpidem sensitivity in mice with a point mutation in the GABAA receptor gamma2 subunit Neuropharmacology, 47: 17-34
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Ogris W, Pöltl A, Hauer B, Ernst M, Oberto A, Wulff P, Höger H,Wisden W, Sieghart W (2004) Affinity of various benzodiazepine site ligands in mice with a point mutation in the GABAA receptor gamma2 subunit Biochem Pharmacol, 68: 1621-1629
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  • Petrini EM, Marchionni I, Zacchi P, Sieghart W, Cherubini E (2004) Clustering of extrasynaptic GABAA receptors modulates tonic inhibition in cultured hippocampal neurons J Biol Chem, 279: 45833-45843
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  • Sinkkonen ST, Vekovischeva OY, Möykkynen T, Ogris W, Sieghart W, Wisden W, Korpi E (2004) Behavioral correlates of an altered balance between synaptic and extrasynaptic GABAAergic inhibition in a mouse model Eur J Neurosci, 20: 2168-2178
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  • Sun C, Sieghart W, Kapur J (2004) Distribution of alpha1, alpha4, gamma2 and delta subunits of GABA A receptors in hippocampal granule cells Brain Res, 1029: 207-216
    | Article (PDF) |

2004 Book Chapters

  • Sieghart W (2004) Laboruntersuchungen in der Psychiatrie. In: , Psychische Funktionen in Gesundheit und Krankheit Springer-Kremser M, Löffler-Stastka H, Facultas Universitätsverlag: 374-381

2003 Original Articles

  • Ehya N, Sarto I, Wabnegger L, Klausberger T, and Sieghart W (2003) Identification of an amino acid sequence within GABAA receptor beta3 subunits that is important for receptor assembly J Neurochem, 84: 127-135
  • Ernst M, Brauchart D, Boresch S, and Sieghart W (2003) Comparative modeling of GABAA receptors: limits, insights, future developments Neuroscience, 119: 933-943
  • Mitterhauser M, Wadsak W, Wabnegger L, Sieghart W, Viernstein H, Kletter K, Dudczak R (2003) In vivo and in vitro evaluation of [18F]FETO with respect to the adrenocortical and GABAergic system in rats Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 30: 1398-1401
  • Pirker S, Schwarzer C, T. Czech T, Baumgartner C, Pockberger H, Maier H, Hauer B, Sieghart W, Furtinger S, and Sperk G (2003) Increased expression of GABAA receptor beta-subunits in the hippocampus of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy J Neuropath Exp Neurol, 62: 820-834
  • Willeit M, Praschak-Rieder N, Neumeister A, Zill P, Leisch F, Stastny J, Hilger E, Thierry N, Konstantinidis A, Winkler D, Fuchs K , Sieghart W, Aschauer H, Ackenheil M, et al (2003) A polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) in the serotonin transporter promoter gene is associated with DSM-IV depression subtypes in seasonal affective disorder Mol Psychiatry, 8: 942-946
  • Pöltl A, Hauer B, Fuchs K, Tretter V, Sieghart W (2003) Subunit composition and quantitative importance of GABAA receptor subtypes in the cerebellum of mouse and rat. J Neurochem, 87: 1444-1455
  • Li X, Cao H, Zhang C, Furtmüller R, Fuchs K, Huck S, Sieghart W, Deschamps J, Cook JM (2003) Synthesis, in vitro affinity, and efficacy of a bis 8-ethynyl-4H-imidazol[1,5a]- [1,4]benzo-diazepine analogue, the first bivalent alpha5 subtype selective BzR/GABAA antagonist J Med Chem, 46: 5567-5570

2003 Book Chapters

  • Sieghart W (2003) Benzodiazepines, benzodiazepine receptors, and endogenous ligands. In: Boer, J.A., Ad Sitsen, J.M, Handbook of Depression and Anxiety eds. Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York, Basel: 415-442

2002 Original Articles

  • Bailer U, Leisch F, Meszaros K, Lenzinger E, Willinger U, Strobl R, Heiden A, Gebhardt C, Döge E, Fuchs K, Sieghart W, Kasper S, Hornik K, Aschauer H (2002) Genome scan for susceptibility loci for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder Biol Psychiatry, 52 (1): 40-52
  • Ehya N, Sarto I, Wabnegger L, Klausberger T, Sieghart W (2002) Identification of an amino acid sequence within GABAA receptor β3 subunits that is important for receptor assembly J Neurochem, 84 (1): 127-135
    | Weblink |
  • Sarto I, Wabnegger L, Dögl E, Sieghart W (2002) Homologous sites of GABA-A receptor alpha1, beta3 and gamma2 subunits are important for assembly Neuropharmacology, 43: 482-491
  • Wisden W, Cope D, Klausberger T, Hauer B, Sinkkonen S T, Tretter V, Lujan R, Jones A, Korpi E R, Mody I, Sieghart W, Somogyi P, (2002) Ectopic expression of the GABA-A receptor alpha 6 subunit in hippocampal pyramidal neurons produces extrasynaptic receptors and an increased tonic inhibition. Neuropharmacology, 43: 530-549
  • Kumar S, Sieghart W, Morrow AL (2002) Association of protein kinase C with GABA-A receptors containing alpha1 and alpha4 subunits in the cerebral cortex: selective effects of chronic ethanol consumption J Neurochem, 82: 110-117
  • Bailer U, Leisch F, Meszaros K, Lenzinger E, Willinger U, Strobl R, Heiden A, Gebhardt C, Dögl E, Fuchs K, Sieghart W, Kasper S, Hornik K, Aschauer HN (2002) Genome scan for susceptibility loci for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder Biol Psychiatry, 52: 40-52
  • Sarto I, Klausberger T, Ehya N, Mayer B, Fuchs K, Sieghart W (2002) A novel site on gamma3 subunits important for assembly of GABA-A receptors J Biol Chem, 277: 30656-30664
  • El Hadri A, Abouabdellah A, Thomet U, Baur R, Furtmüller R, Sigel E, Sieghart W, Dodd RH (2002) N-Substituted 4-amino-3,3-dipropyl-2(3H)-furanones: new positive allosteric modulators of the GABA-A receptor sharing electrophysiological properties with the anticonvulsant loreclezole J Med Chem, 45: 2824-2831
  • Peng Z, Hauer B, Mihalek RM, Homanics GE, Sieghart W, Olsen RW, Houser CR (2002) GABA-A receptor changes in delta subunit-deficient mice: altered expression of alpha4 and gamma2 subunits in the forebrain J Comp Neurol, 446: 179-197
  • Korpi ER, Mihalek RM, Sinkkonen ST, Hauer B, Hevers W, Homanics GE, Sieghart W, Lüddens H (2002) Altered receptor subtypes in the forebrain of GABA-A receptor delta subunit-deficient mice: recruitment of gamma2 subunits Neuroscience, 109: 733-743
  • Furtmüller R, Schlag MG, Berger M L, Hopf R, Huck S, Sieghart W, Redl H (2002) Tranexamic acid, a widely used antifibrinolytic agent, causes convulsions by a gamma-aminobutyric acid-A-receptor antagonistic effect J Pharmacol Exp Ther, 301: 168-173

2002 Reviews

  • Sieghart, W and Sperk, G (2002) Subunit composition, distribution and function of GABA-A receptor subtypes Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2: 795-816
    | Article (PDF) |

2001 Original Articles

  • Saha S, Sieghart W, Fritschy JM, McWilliam PN, Batten TF (2001) gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor (GABA-A) subunits in rat nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS) revealed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and immunohistochemistry Mol Cell Neurosci, 17: 241-257
  • Buhr A, Wagner C, Fuchs K, Sieghart W, Sigel E (2001) Two novel residues in M2 of the GABA-A receptor affecting gating by GABA and picrotoxin affinity J Biol Chem, 276: 7775-7781
  • Maric D, Liu QY, Maric I, Chaudry S, Chang YH, Smith SV, Sieghart W, Fritschy JM, Barker JL (2001) GABA expression dominates neuronal lineage progression in the embryonic rat neocortex and facilitates neurite outgrowth via GABA-A autoreceptor/Cl-channels J Neurosci, 21: 2343-2360
  • Sigel E, Baur R, Furtmüller R, Razet R, Dodd RH, Sieghart W (2001) Differential cross talk of ROD compounds with the benzodiazepine binding site Mol Pharmacol, 59: 1470-1477
  • Schwarzer C, Berresheim U, Pirker S, Wieselthaler A, Fuchs K, Sieghart W, Sperk G (2001) Distribution of the major gamma-aminobutyric acid(A) receptor subunits in the basal ganglia and associated limbic brain areas of the adult rat J Comp Neurol, 433: 526-549
  • Klausberger T, Ehya N, Fuchs K, Fuchs T, Ebert V, Sarto I, Sieghart W (2001) Detection and binding properties of GABA-A receptor assembly intermediates J Biol Chem, 276: 16024-16032
  • Tretter V, Hauer B, Nusser Z, Mihalek RM, Höger H, Homanics GE, Somogyi P, Sieghart W (2001) Targeted disruption of the GABA(A) receptor delta subunit gene leads to an upregulation of gamma 2 subunit containing receptors in cerebellar granule cells J Biol Chem, 276: 10532-10538
  • Dellovade TL, Davis AM, Ferguson C, Sieghart W, Homanics GE, Tobet SA (2001) GABA influences the development of the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus J Neurobiol, 49: 264-276
  • Klausberger T, Sarto I, Ehya N, Fuchs K, Furtmüller R, Mayer B, Huck S, Sieghart W (2001) Alternate use of distinct intersubunit contacts controls GABA-A receptor assembly and stoichiometry J Neurosci, 21: 9124-9133
  • Willeit M, Stastny J, Pirker W, Praschak-Rieder N, Neumeister A, Asenbaum S, Tauscher J, Fuchs K, Sieghart W, Hornik K, Aschauer HN, Brücke T, Kasper S (2001) No evidence for in vivo regulation of midbrain serotonin transporter availability by serotonin transporter promoter gene polymorphism Biol Psychiatry, 50: 8-12

2000 Original Articles

  • Bailer U, Leisch F, Meszaros K, Lenzinger E, Willinger U, Strobl R, Gebhardt C, Gerhard E, Fuchs K, Sieghart W, Kasper S, Hornik K, Aschauer H (2000) Genome Scan for Susceptibility Loci for Schizophrenia Neuropsychobiology, 42 (4): 175-182
  • Meszaros K, Lenzinger E, Hornik K, Füreder T, Stompe T, Willinger U, Heiden A, Fathi N, Gerhard E, Fuchs K, Sieghart W, Kasper S, Aschauer H (2000) Association study of schizophrenia spectrum disorders and dopamine D3 receptor gene: is schizoaffective disorder special? Psychiat Res, 96 (2): 179-183
  • Gebhardt C, Leisch F, Schüssler P, Fuchs K, Stompe T, Sieghart W, Hornik K, Kasper S, Aschauer HN (2000) Non-association of dopamine D4 and D2 receptor genes with personality in healthy individuals Psychiat Gen, 10 (3): 131-7
  • Razet R, Thomet U, Furtmüller R, Chiaroni A, Sigel E, Sieghart W, Dodd RH (2000) 5-{1´-(2´,3´,4´-tetrahydroisoquinolyl)}-4,5-dihydro-2(3H)-furanones: positive allosteric modulators of the GABA-A receptor with a new mode of acion J Med Chem, 43: 4363-4366
  • Bailer U, Leisch F, Meszaros K, Lenzinger E, Willinger U, Strobl R, Gebhardt C, Gerhard E, Fuchs K, Sieghart W, Kasper S, Hornik K, Aschauer HN on behalf of the European Science Foundation Programme (2000) Genome scan for Susceptibility Loci for Schizophrenia Neuropsychobiology, 42: 175-182
  • Meszaros K, Lenzinger E, Hornik K, Füreder T, Stompe T, Willinger U, Heiden A, Fathi N, Gerhard E, Fuchs K, Sieghart W, Kasper S, Aschauer HN (2000) Association study of schizophrenia spectrum disorders and dopamine D3 receptor gene: is schizoaffective disorder special? Psychiat Res, 96: 179-183
  • Razet R, Thomet U, Furtmüller R, Jursky F, Sigel E, Sieghart W, Dodd RH (2000) Use of bicuculline, a GABA antagonist, as a template for the development of a new class of ligands showing positive allosteric modulation of the GABA-A receptor Bioorg Med Chem Lett, 10: 2579-2583
  • Do-Rego JL, Mensah-Nyagan GA, Beaujean D, Vaudry D, Sieghart W, Luu-The V, Pelletier G, Vaudry H (2000) gamma-Aminobutyric acid, acting through gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptors, inhibits the biosynthesis of neurosteroids in the frog hypothalamus PNAS, 97: 13925-13930
  • Simonian SX, Skynner MJ, Sieghart W, Essrich C, Lüscher B, Herbison AE (2000) Role of the GABA-A receptor gamma2 subunit in the development of gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons in vivo Eur J Neurosci, 12: 3488-3496
  • Thomet U, Baur R, Razet R, Dodd RH, Furtmüller R, Sieghart W, Sigel E (2000) A novel positive allosteric modulator of the GABA-A receptor: the action of (+)-ROD188 Br J Pharmacol, 131: 843-850
  • Brandon NJ, Delmas P, Kittler JT, McDonald BJ, Sieghart W, Brown DA, Smart TG, Moss SJ (2000) GABA-A receptor phosphorylation and functional modulation in cortical neurons by a protein kinase C-dependent pathway J Biol Chem, 275: 38856-38862
  • Uusi-Oukari M, Heikkila J, Sinkkonen ST, Makelä R, Hauer B, Homanics GE, Sieghart W, Wisden W, Korpi ER (2000) Long-range interactions in neuronal gene expression: evidence from gene targeting in the GABA-A receptor beta2-alpha6-alpha1-gamma2 subunit gene cluster Mol Cell Neurosci, 16: 34-41
  • Nicoletti D, Ghini AA, Furtmüller R, Sieghart W, Dodd RH, Burton G (2000) Synthesis and GABA-A receptor activity of 6-oxa-analogs of neurosteroids Steroids, 65: 349-356
  • Sassoe-Pognetto M, Panzanelli P, Sieghart W, Fritschy JM (2000) Colocalization of multiple GABA-A receptor subtypes with gephyrin at postsynaptic sites J Comp Neurol, 420: 481-498
  • Klausberger T, Fuchs K, Mayer B, Ehya N, Sieghart W (2000) GABA-A receptor assembly: Identification and structure of gamma2 sequences forming the intersubunit contacts with alpha1 and beta3 subunits J Biol Chem, 275: 8921-8928
  • Louiset E, McKernan R, Sieghart W, Vaudry H (2000) Subunit composition and pharmacological characterization of gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptors in frog pituitary melanotrophs Endocrinology, 141: 1083-1092
  • Okada M, Onodera K, Van Reterghem C, Sieghart W, Takahashi T (2000) Functional correlation of GABA-A receptor a subunits expression with the properties of IPSCs in the developing thalamus J Neurosci, 20: 2202-2208
  • Gebhardt C, Leisch F, Schüssler P, Fuchs K, Stompe T, Sieghart W, Hornik K, Kasper S, Aschauer HN (2000) Non-association of dopamine D4 and D2 receptor genes with personality in healthy individuals Psychiat Gen, 10: 131-137
  • Pirker S, Schwarzer C, Wieselthaler A, Sieghart W, Sperk G (2000) GABA-A receptors: immunocytochemical distribution of 13 subunits in the adult rat brain Neuroscience, 101: 815-850
  • Heiden A, Schüssler P, Itzlinger U, Leisch F, Scharfetter J, Gebhardt C, Fuchs K, Willeit M, Nilsson L, Miller-Reiter E, Meszaros K, Sieghart W, Hornik K, Kasper S, Aschauer HN (2000) Association studies of candidate genes in bipolar disorders Neuropsychobiology, 42: 18-21
  • Jursky F, Fuchs K, Buhr A, Tretter V, Sigel E, Sieghart W (2000) Identification of aminoacid residues of GABA(A) receptor subunits contributing to the formation and affinity of the tert-butylbicyclophosphorothionate binding site J Neurochem, 74: 1310-1316

2000 Reviews

  • Sieghart W (2000) Unraveling the function of GABA-A receptor subtypes Trends Pharmacol Sci, 21: 411-413

1999 Original Articles

  • Scharfetter J, Chaudhry H, Hornik K, Fuchs K, Sieghart W, Kasper S, Aschauer H (1999) Dopamine D3 receptor gene polymorphism and response to clozapine in schizophrenic Pakistani patients Eur Neuropsychopharmacol, 10 (1): 17-20
  • Lenzinger E, Neumeister A, Praschak-Rieder N, Fuchs K, Gerhard E, Willeit M, Sieghart W, Kasper S, Hornik K, N. Aschauer H (1999) Behavioral effects of tryptophan depletion in seasonal affective disorder associated with the serotonin transporter gene? Psychiat Res, 85 (3): 241-246
  • Scharfetter J, Chaudhry HR, Hornik K, Fuchs K, Sieghart W, Kasper S, Aschauer HN (1999) Dopamine D3 receptor gene polymorphism and response to clozapine in schizophrenic Pakistani patients Eur Neuropsychopharmacol, 10: 17-20
  • Kapitany T, Schindl M, Schindler SD, Heßelmann B, Füreder T, Barnas C, Sieghart W, Kasper S (1999) The citalopram challenge test in patients with major depression and in healthy controls Psychiat Res, 88: 75-88
  • Nusser Z, Sieghart W, Mody I (1999) Differential regulation of synaptic GABA-A receptors by cAMP-dependent protein kinase in mouse cerebellar and olfactory bulb neurons J Physiol, 521: 421-435
  • Feucht M, Fuchs K, Pichlbauer E, Hornik K, Scharfetter J, Goessler R, Füreder T, Cvetkovic N, Sieghart W, Kasper S, Aschauer H (1999) Possible association between childhood absence epilepsy and the gene encoding GABRB3 Biol Psychiatry, 46: 997-1002
  • Gustincich S, Feigenspan A, Sieghart W, Raviola E (1999) Composition of the GABA-A receptors of retinal dopaminergic neurons J Neurosci, 19: 7812-7822
  • Thomet U, Furtmüller R, Sieghart W, Le Hyaric-Almeida M, Rousseau JF, Dodd RH, Venault P, Chapouthier G, Sigel E (1999) EDPC: a novel high affinity ligand for the benzodiazepine site on rat GABA-A receptors Neurosci Lett, 269: 63-66
  • Levi S, Chesnoy-Marchais D, Sieghart W, Triller A (1999) Synaptic control of glycine-, GABA-A receptors and gephyrin expression in cultured motoneurons J Neurosci, 19: 7434-7449
  • Kannenberg K, Schaerer MT, Fuchs K, Sieghart W, Sigel E (1999) A novel serine kinase with specificity for beta3 subunits is tightly associated with GABA-A receptors J Biol Chem, 274: 21257-21264
  • Thomet U, Baur R, Scholze P, Sieghart W, Sigel E (1999) Dual mode of stimulation by the beta-carboline ZK91085 of recombinant GABA-A receptor currents: molecular determinants affecting its action Br J Pharmacol, 127: 1231-1239
  • Chen S, Huang Z, Zeng XJ, Sieghart W, Tietz EI (1999) Benzodiazepine-mediated regulation of alpha1, alpha2, beta1-3 and gamma2 GABA-A receptor subunit proteins in the rat brain hippocampus and cortex Neuroscience, 93: 33-44
  • Maric D, Maric I, Wen X, Fritschy JM, Sieghart W, Barker JL, Serafini R (1999) GABA-A receptor subunit and composition and functional properties of Cl-channels with differential sensitivity to zolpidem in embryonic rat hippocampal cells J Neurosci, 19: 4921-4937
  • Lenzinger E, Neumeister A, Praschak-Rieder N, Fuchs K, Gerhard E, Willeit M, Sieghart W, Kasper SF, Hornik K, Aschauer HN (1999) Behavioral effects of tryptophan depletion in seasonal affective disorder associated with the serotonin transporter gene? Psychiat Res, 22: 241-246
  • Ebert V, Scholze P, Fuchs K, Sieghart W (1999) Identification of subunits mediating clustering of GABA-A receptors by rapsyn Neurochem Internat, 34: 453-463
  • Kannenberg K, Sieghart W, Reuter H (1999) Clusters of GABA-A receptors on cultured hippocampal cells correlate only partially with functional synapses Eur J Neurosci, 11: 1256-1264
  • Tobet SA, Henderson RG, Whiting PJ, Sieghart W (1999) Special relationship of gamma-aminobutyric acid to the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus during embryonic development J Comp Neurol, 405: 88-98
  • Bencits E, Ebert V, Tretter V, Sieghart W, (1999) A significant part of native gamma-aminobutyric acid-A receptors containing alpha4 do not contain gamma or delta subunits J Biol Chem, 274: 19613-19616
  • Nusser Z, Ahmad Z, Tretter V, Fuchs K, Wisden W, Sieghart W, Somogyi P (1999) Alterations in the expression of GABA-A receptor subunits in cerebellar granule cells after the disruption of the alpha6 subunit gene Eur J Neurosci, 11: 1685-1697
  • Mihalek RM, Banerjee PK, Korpi ER, Quinlan JJ, Firestone LL, Mi Z, Lagenaur C, Tretter V, Sieghart W, Anagnostaras SG, Sage JR, Fanselow MS, Guidotti A, DeLorey TM, Olsen RW, Homanics GE (1999) Attenuated sensitivity to neuroactive steroids in gamma-aminobutyrate type A receptor delta subunit knockout mice PNAS, 96: 12905-12910

1999 Reviews

  • Sieghart W, Fuchs K, Tretter V, Eber V, Jechlinger M, Höger H, Adamiker D (1999) Structure and subunit composition of GABA-A receptors Neurochem Internat, 34: 379-385

1998 Original Articles

  • Kapitany T, Meszaros K, Lenzinger E, Schindler SD, Barnas C, Fuchs K, Sieghart W, Aschauer HN, Kasper S (1998) Genetic polymorphisms for drug metabolism (CYP2D6) and tardive dyskinesia in schizophrenia Schizophr Res, 32: 101-106
  • Serafini R, Ma W, Maric D, Maric I, Lahjouji F, Sieghart W, Barker JL (1998) Initially expressed early embryonic GABA-A receptor Cl- ion channels exhibit heterogeneous channel properties Eur J Neurosci, 10: 1771-1783
  • Mitsuyama H, Little KY, Sieghart W, Devaud LL, Morrow AL (1998) GABA-A receptor alpha1, alpha4 and beta3 subunit mRNA and protein expression in the frontal cortex of human alcoholics Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 22: 815-822
  • Spurlock G, Williams J, McGuffin P, Aschauer HN, Lenzinger E, Fuchs K, Sieghart W, Meszaros K, Fathi N, Laurent C, Mallet J, Macciardi F, Pedrini S, Gill M, Hawi Z, Gibson S, Adolfsson R, Owen MJ (1998) European Multicentre Association Study of Schizophrenia: A study of the DRD2Ser311Cys and DRD3Ser9Gly Polymorphisms Am J Med Genet, 81: 24-28
  • Matthews DB, Devaud LL, Fritschy JM, Sieghart W, Morrow AL (1998) Differential regulation of GABA-A receptor gene expression by ethanol in the rat hippocampus versus cerebral cortex J Neurochem, 70: 1160-1166
  • Nusser Z, Sieghart W, Somogyi P (1998) Segregation of different GABA-A receptors to synaptic and extrasynaptic membranes of cerebellar granule cells J Neurosci, 18: 1693-1703

1998 Reviews

  • Barnard EA, Skolnick P, Olsen RW, Möhler H, Sieghart W, Biggio G, Braestrup C, Bateson AN, Langer SZ (1998) International Union of Pharmacology. XV. Subtypes of gamma-aminobutyric acid-A receptors: classification on the basis of subunit structure and receptor function Pharmacol Rev, 50: 291-313

1997 Original Articles

  • Köhler D, Härtter S, Fuchs K, Sieghart W, Hiemke C (1997) CYP2D6 genotype and phenotyping by determination of dextromethorphan and metabolites in serum of healthy controls and of patients under psychotropic medication Pharmacogenetics, 7: 453-461
  • Tsunashima K, Schwarzer C, Kirchmair E, Sieghart W, Sperk G (1997) GABA-A receptor subunits in the rat hippocampus III: Altered mRNA expression in kainic acid-induced epilepsy Neuroscience, 80: 1019-1032
  • Schwarzer C, Tsunashima K, Wanzenböck C, Fuchs K, Sieghart W, Sperk G (1997) GABA-A receptor subunits in the rat hippocampus II: Altered distribution in kainic acid-induced temporal lobe epilepsy Neuroscience, 80: 1001-1017
  • Sperk G, Schwarzer C, Tsunashima K, Fuchs K, Sieghart W (1997) GABA-A receptor subunits in the rat hippocampus I: Immunocytochemical distribution of thirteen subunits Neuroscience, 80: 987-1000
  • Meszaros K, Lenzinger E, Hornik K, Schönbeck G, Hatzinger R, Langer G, Sieghart W, Aschauer HN (1997) Biperiden and haloperidol plasma levels and extrapyramidal side effects in schizophrenic patients Neuropsychobiology, 36: 69-72
  • von Meyer L, Hänseler E, Lardet G, Scholer A, Sieghart W (1997) European multicenter evaluation of the analytical performance of the Abbott AxSYM abused drugs assays Eur J Clin Chem Clin Biochem, 35: 133-140
  • Devaud LL, Fritschy JM, Sieghart W, Morrow AL (1997) Bi-directional alterations of GABA-A receptor subunit peptide levels in rat cortex during chronic ethanol consumption and withdrawal J Neurochem, 69: 126-130
  • Maric D, Maric I, Ma W, Lahojuji F, Somogyi R, Wen X, Sieghart W, Fritschy JM, Barker JL (1997) Anatomical gradients in proliferation and differentiation of embryonic rat CNS accessed by buoyant density fractionation: alpha3, beta3 and gamma2 GABA-A receptor subunit co-expression by postmitotic Eur J Neurosci, 9: 507-522
  • Tretter V, Ehya N, Fuchs K, Sieghart W (1997) Stoichiometry and assembly of a recombinant GABA-A receptor subtype J Neurosci, 17: 2728-2737
  • Jones A, Korpi ER, McKernan RM, Nusser Z, Pelz R, Mäkelä R, Mellor JR, Pollard S, Bahn S, Stephenson RA, Randall AD, Sieghart W, Somogyi P, Smith AJH, Wisden W (1997) Ligand-gated ion channel subunit partnerships: GABA-A receptor alpha6 subunit gene inactivation inhibits delta subunit expression J Neurosci, 17: 1350-1362

1996 Original Articles

  • Meszaros K, Lenzinger E, Füreder T, Hornik K, Willinger U, Isenberg K, Todd R, Cloninger C, Reich T, Fuchs K, Sieghart W, Aschauer H (1996) The influence of phenotype on the outcome of linkage analysis of schizophrenia Schizophr Res, 22 (1): 89-90
  • Meszaros K, Lenzinger E, Füreder T, Hornik K, Willinger U, Stompe T, Heiden A, Resinger E, Fathi N, Gerhard E, Fuchs K, Miller-Reiter E, Pfersmann V, Sieghart W, Aschauer H, Kasper S (1996) Schizophrenia and the dopamine-β-hydroxylase gene Psychiat Gen, 6 (1): 17-22
  • Meszaros K, Lenzinger E, Füreder T, Hornik K, Willinger U, Stompe T, Heiden AM, Resinger E, Fathi N, Gerhard E, Fuchs K, Miller-Reiter E, Pfersmann V, Sieghart W, Aschauer HN, Kasper S (1996) Schizophrenia and the dopamine-beta-hydroxylase gene: results of a linkage and association study. Psychiat Gen, 6 (1): 17-22
  • Zezula J, Slany A, Sieghart W (1996) Interaction of allosteric ligands with GABA-A receptors containing one, two or three different subunits Eur J Pharmacol, 301: 207-214
  • Marksteiner J, Kaufmann W, Pfaller K, Sieghart W, Saria A (1996) Striatal efferents preferentially innervate neurons in the central pallidum containing GABA-A receptor alpha1 subunit-like immunoreactivity Synapse, 23: 107-114
  • Meszaros K, Lenzinger E, Füreder T, Hornik K, Willinger U, Isenberg KE, Todd RD, Cloninger CR, Reich T, Fuchs K, Sieghart W, Aschauer HN (1996) The influence of phenotype on the outcome of linkage analysis of schizophrenia Schizophr Res, 22: 89-90
  • Meszaros K, Brücke T, Fuchs K, Gerhard E, Sieghart W, Harasco van der Meer C, Aschauer HN (1996) Normal CAG repeats in the Huntington gene in a family with benign familial chorea Psychiat Gen, 6: 91-94
  • Todd AJ, Watt C, Spike RC, Sieghart W (1996) Co-localizlation of GABA, glycine and their receptors at synapses in the rat spinal cord J Neurosci, 16: 974-982
  • Meszaros K, Lenzinger E, Füreder T, Hornik K, Willinger U, Stompe T, Heiden AH, Resinger E, Fathi N, Gerhard E, Fuchs K, Miller-Reiter E, Pfersmann V, Sieghart W, Aschauer HN, Kasper S (1996) Schizophrenia and the dopamine-beta-hydroxylase gene: results of a linkage and association study Psychiat Gen, 6: 17-22
  • Nusser Z, Sieghart W, Stephenson FA, Somogyi P (1996) The alpha6 subunit of the GABA-A receptor is concentrated in both inhibitory and excitatory synapses on cerebellar granule cells J Neurosci, 16: 103-114
  • Somogyi P, Fritschy JM, Benke D, Roberts JDB, Sieghart W (1996) The gamma2 subunit of the GABA-A receptor is concentrated in synaptic junctions containing the alpha1 and beta2/3 subunits in hippocampus, cerebellum and globus pallidus Neuropharmacology, 35: 1425-1444
  • Ebert V, Scholze P, Sieghart W (1996) Extensive heterogeneity of recombinant gamma-aminobutyric acid-A receptors expressed in alpha4beta3gamma2-transfected human embryonic kidney 293 cells Neuropharmacology, 35: 1323-1330
  • Nusser Z, Sieghart W, Benke D, Fritschy JM, Somogyi P (1996) Differential synaptic localization of two major gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor alpha subunits on hippocampal pyramidal cells Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 93: 11939-11944
  • Scholze P, Ebert V, Sieghart W (1996) Affinity of various ligands for GABA-A receptors containing alpha4beta3gamma2, alpha4gamma2, or alpha1beta3gamma2 subunits Eur J Pharmacol, 304: 155-162

1996 Book Chapters

  • Kapitany T, Meszaros K, Aschauer H, Schindler S, Barnas C, Fuchs K, Sieghart W, Kasper S (1996) Genotypisierung des Cyp 2D6-Polymorphismus in einer Gruppe chronisch schizophrener Patienten mit therapeutisch ungünstigem Verlauf. In: Möller HJ, Müller-Spahn F, Kurtz G (Hrsg.), Aktuelle Perspektiven der Biologischen Psychiatrie. Wien: Springer Verlag: pp. 483-485

1995 Original Articles

  • Slany A, Zezula J, Fuchs K, Sieghart W (1995) Allosteric modulation of [³H]flunitrazepam binding to recombinant GABA-A receptors Eur J Pharmacol, 291: 99-105
  • Slany A, Zezula J, Tretter V, Sieghart W (1995) Rat beta3-subunits expressed in human embryonic kidney 293 cells form high affinity [35S]t-butylbicyclophosphoro-thionate binding sites modulated by several allosteric ligands of GABA-A receptors Mol Pharmacol, 48: 385-391
  • Zezula J, Karall S, Dodd RH, Sieghart W (1995) [³H]Propyl-6-azido-beta-carboline-3-carboxylate: a new photoaffinity label for the GABA-A-benzodiazepine receptor Eur J Pharmacol, 281: 93-96
  • Marksteiner J, Lassnig L, Humpel C, Sieghart W, Saria A (1995) Distribution of GABA-A receptor alpha1-subunit like immuno-reactivity in comparison with that of enkephalin and substance P in the rat forebrain Synapse, 20: 165-174
  • Fuchs K, Zezula J, Slany A, Sieghart W (1995) Endogenous [³H]flunitrazepam binding in human embryonic kidney cell line 293 Eur J Pharmacol, 289: 87-95
  • Fenelon VS, Sieghart W, Herbison AE (1995) Cellular localization and differential distribution of GABA-A receptor subunit proteins and mRNA's within hypothalamic magnocellular neurons Neuroscience, 64: 1129-1143
  • Nusser Z, Roberts DBJ, Baude A, Richards JG, Sieghart W, Somogyi P (1995) Immunocytochemical localization of the alpha1 and beta2/3 subunits of the GABA-A receptor in relation to specific GABAergic synapses in the dentate gyrus Eur J Neurosci, 7: 630-646

1995 Reviews

  • Sieghart W (1995) Structure and pharmacology of GABA-A receptor subtypes Pharmacol Rev, 47: 181-234

1994 Original Articles

  • Inglefield JR, Sieghart W, Kellogg CK (1994) Immunohistochemical and neurochemical evidence for GABA-A receptor heterogeneity between the hypothalamus and cortex J. Chem. Neuroanatomy, 7: 243-252
  • Mossier B, Tögel M, Fuchs K, Sieghart W (1994) Immunoaffinity purification of gamma-aminobutyric acid-A (GABA-A) receptors containing gamma1-subunits. Evidence for the presence of a single type of gamma-subunit in GABA-A receptors J Biol Chem, 269: 25777-25782
  • Meszaros K, Willinger U, Heiden AM, Fuchs K, Baumhackl U, Brücke T, Feucht M, Fathi N, Lenzinger E, Miller E, Resinger E, Wöber-Bingöl C, Stompe T, Sieghart W, Aschauer HN (1994) Chorea Huntington; Die (CAG)n-Sequenz am Gen IT15 in Österreich Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift, 106: 671-672
  • Aschauer HN, Lobos EA, Isenberg KE, Fischer G, Meszaros K, Willinger U, Fuchs K, Beran H, Lang M, Chaudhry HR, Sieghart W, Todd RD (1994) A RFLP linkage group on chromosome 2 combining markers from two published maps Life Sci. Advances-Molecular Biology, 13: 139-143
  • Tögel M, Mossier B, Fuchs K, Sieghart W (1994) GABA-A receptors displaying association of gamma3-subunits with beta2/3- and different alpha-subunits exhibit unique pharmacological properties J Biol Chem, 269: 12993-12998
  • Kern W, Sieghart W (1994) Polyclonal antibodies directed against an epitope specific for the alpha4-subunit of GABA-A receptors identify a 67 kDa protein in rat brain membranes J Neurochem, 62: 764-769
  • Item C, Sieghart W (1994) Binding of GABA-A receptors to tubulin J Neurochem, 63: 1119-1125

1994 Reviews

  • Sieghart W (1994) Pharmacology of benzodiazepine receptors: an update J. Psychiat. Neurosci., 19: 24-29

1993 Original Articles

  • Aschauer H, Fischer G, Isenberg K, Meszaros K, Willinger U, Todd R, Beran H, Strobl R, Lang M, Fuchs K, Sieghart W, Reich T, Cloninger C (1993) No proof of linkage between schizophrenia-related disorders including schizophrenia and chromosome 2q21 region Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 243 (3-4): 193-198
  • Sieghart W, Item C, Buchstaller A, Fuchs K, Höger H, Adamiker D (1993) Evidence for the existence of differential O-glycosylated alpha5-subunits of the gamma-aminobutyric acid-A receptor in the rat brain J Neurochem, 60: 93-98

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