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Publications by Lassmann, Hans, O.Univ.Prof. Dr.h.c.

2024 Original Articles

  • Kaneko K, Kuroda H, Matsumoto Y, Sakamoto N, Yamazaki N, Yamamoto N, Umezawa S, Namatame C, Ono H, Takai Y, Takahashi T, Fujimori J, Nakashima I, Harigaya Y, Lassmann H, Fujihara K, Misu T, Aoki M (2024) Different Complement Activation Patterns Following C5 Cleavage in MOGAD and AQP4-IgG+NMOSD Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinfl, 11 (5): e200293
  • Filippi M, Preziosa P, Barkhof F, Ciccarelli O, Cossarizza A, De Stefano N, Gasperini C, Geraldes R, Granziera C, Haider L, Lassmann H, Margoni M, Pontillo G, Ropele S, Rovira ?, Sastre-Garriga J, Yousry T, Rocca M, Rocca M, Sastre-Garriga J, Barkhof F, Ciccarelli O, de Stefano N, Filippi M, Gasperini C, Kappos L, De Luca G, Enzinger C, Rovira ?, Schoonheim M, Yousry T, (2024) The ageing central nervous system in multiple sclerosis: the imaging perspective Brain, : Jul 24:awae251. doi: 10.1093/brain/awae251. Online ahead of print.
  • Guo Y, Endmayr V, Zekeridou A, McKeon A, Leypoldt F, Hess K, Kalinowska-Lyszczarz A, Klang A, Pakozdy A, Höftberger E, Hametner S, Haider C, De Simoni D, Peters S, Gelpi E, Röcken C, Oberndorfer S, Lassmann H, Lucchinetti C, Höftberger R (2024) New insights into neuropathology and pathogenesis of autoimmune glial fibrillary acidic protein meningoencephalomyelitis Acta Neuropathol, 147 (1): 31
  • Avloniti M, Evangelidou M, Gomini M, Loupis T, Emmanouil M, Mitropoulou A, Tselios T, Lassmann H, Gruart A, Delgado-García J, Probert L, Kyrargyri V (2024) IKKβ deletion from CNS macrophages increases neuronal excitability and accelerates the onset of EAE, while from peripheral macrophages reduces disease severity J Neuroinflammation, 21 (1): 34
  • Steinmaurer A, Riedl C, König T, Testa G, Köck U, Bauer J, Lassmann H, Höftberger R, Berger T, Wimmer I, Hametner S (2024) The relation between BTK expression and iron accumulation of myeloid cells in multiple sclerosis Brain Pathol, 34(5): e13240

2024 Reviews

  • Geraldes R, Arrambide G, Banwell B, Rovira A, Cortese R, Lassmann H, Messina S, Rocca M, Waters P, Chard D, Gasperini C, Hacohen Y, Mariano R, Paul F, DeLuca G, Enzinger C, Kappos L, Leite M, Sastre-Garriga J, Yousry T, Ciccarelli O, Filippi M, Barkhof F, Palace J, (2024) The influence of MOGAD on diagnosis of multiple sclerosis using MRI Nat Rev Neurol, : Sep 3. doi: 10.1038/s41582-024-01005-2. Online ahead of print.
  • Schmierer K, Lassmann H (2024) The shoulders we keep standing on: remembering Otto Marburg, a big brain in neurology and multiple sclerosis, at 150 Acta Neuropathol, 147 (1): 81
  • Calabrese M, Preziosa P, Scalfari A, Colato E, Marastoni D, Absinta M, Battaglini M, De Stefano N, Di Filippo M, Hametner S, Howell O, Inglese M, Lassmann H, Martin R, Nicholas R, Reynolds R, Rocca M, Tamanti A, Vercellino M, Villar L, Filippi M, Magliozzi R (2024) Determinants and Biomarkers of Progression Independent of Relapses in Multiple Sclerosis Ann Neurol, 96(1): 1-20
  • Rommer P, Puchhammer‐Stöckl E, Lassmann H, Berger T, Vietzen H (2024) Ineffective control of Epstein–Barr virus infection is seen in MS: What is next? Clin Transl Med, 14 (2): :e1596

2023 Original Articles

  • Samadzadeh S, Olesen M, Wirenfeldt M, Möller S, Misu T, Soelberg K, Frederiksen J, Heegaard S, Mariotto S, Fujihara K, Ruprecht K, Andersen T, Marignier R, Lillevang S, Flanagan E, Pittock S, Kim H, Bennett J, Paul F, Sorensen G, Weinshenker B, Lassmann H, Asgari N (2023) Microfibrillar-associated protein 4 as a potential marker of acute relapse in inflammatory demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system: Pathological and clinical aspects Mult Scler, 29(14): 1721-1735
  • Krajnc N, Schmidbauer V, Leinkauf J, Haider L, Bsteh G, Kasprian G, Leutmezer F, Kornek B, Rommer P, Berger T, Lassmann H, Dal-Bianco A, Hametner S (2023) Paramagnetic rim lesions lead to pronounced diffuse periplaque white matter damage in multiple sclerosis Mult Scler, 29(11-12): 1406-1417
  • Schwab J, Haider C, Kopp M, Zrzavy T, Endmayr V, Ricken G, Kubista H, Haider T, Liebscher T, Lübstorf T, Blex C, Serdani-Neuhaus L, Curt A, Cinelli P, Scivoletto G, Fehlings M, May C, Guntermann A, Marcus K, Meisel C, Dirnagl U, Martus P, Prüss H, Popovich P, Lassmann H, Höftberger R (2023) Lesional Antibody Synthesis and Complement Deposition Associate With De Novo Antineuronal Antibody Synthesis After Spinal Cord Injury Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinfl, 10 (3): e200099
  • Kalinowska‐Lyszczarz A, Tillema J, Tobin W, Guo Y, Weigand S, Metz I, Brück W, Lassmann H, Giraldo‐Chica M, Port J, Lucchinetti C (2023) Long‐term clinical, imaging and cognitive outcomes association with MS immunopathology Ann Clin Transl Neurol, 26(5): 891-901
  • Krajnc N, Dal-Bianco A, Leutmezer F, Kasprian G, Pemp B, Kornek B, Berger T, Rommer P, Hametner S, Lassmann H, Bsteh G (2023) Association of paramagnetic rim lesions and retinal layer thickness in patients with multiple sclerosis Mult Scler, 29(3): 374-384
  • Licht‐Mayer S, Campbell G, Mehta A, McGill K, Symonds A, Al‐Azki S, Pryce G, Zandee S, Zhao C, Kipp M, Smith K, Baker D, Altmann D, Anderton S, Kap Y, Laman J, t’Hart B, Rodriguez M, Franklin R, Chandran S, Lassmann H, Trapp B, Mahad D (2023) Axonal response of mitochondria to demyelination and complex IV activity within demyelinated axons in experimental models of multiple sclerosis Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol, 49(1): e12851

2022 Original Articles

  • Hametner S, Silvaieh S, Thurnher M, Dal-Bianco A, Cetin H, Ponleitner M, Zebenholzer K, Pemp B, Trattnig S, Rössler K, Berger T, Lassmann H, Hainfellner J, Bsteh G (2022) A case of primary optic pathway demyelination caused by oncocytic oligodendrogliopathy of unknown origin Acta Neuropathologica Communications, 10 (1): 160
  • Krajnc N, Bsteh G, Kasprian G, Zrzavy T, Kornek B, Berger T, Leutmezer F, Rommer P, Lassmann H, Hametner S, Dal-Bianco A (2022) Peripheral Hemolysis in Relation to Iron Rim Presence and Brain Volume in Multiple Sclerosis Front Neurol, 13: 928582

2022 Reviews

  • Ineichen BV , Okar SV , Proulx ST, Engelhardt B , Lassmann H , Reich DS (2022) Perivascular spaces and their role in neuroinflammation Neuron, 110(21): 3566-3581
  • Giovannoni G, Vanderdonckt P, Hartung H, Lassmann H, Comi G (2022) EBV and multiple sclerosis: Setting the research agenda Mult Scler Relat Disord., 67: 104158
  • Höftberger R, Lassmann H, Berger T, Reindl M (2022) Pathogenic autoantibodies in multiple sclerosis — from a simple idea to a complex concept Nat Rev Neurol, : 18(11):681-688
  • Vanderdonckt P, Aloisi F, Comi G, de Bruyn A, Hartung H, Huitinga I, Kuhlmann T, Lucchinetti C, Metz I, Reynolds R, Lassmann H (2022) Tissue donations for multiple sclerosis research: current state and suggestions for improvement Brain Commun, 4 (2)
  • Lassmann H (2022) The Contribution of Neuropathology to Multiple Sclerosis Research Eur J Neurol, : 29(9):2869-2877
  • Lassmann H (2022) Tumefactive Multiple Sclerosis or Inflammatory Demyelinating Disease with Large Lesions? Eur J Neurol, 29(3): 687-688

2021 Original Articles

  • Dal-Bianco A, Schranzer R, Grabner G, Lanzinger M, Kolbrink S, Pusswald G, Altmann P, Ponleitner M, Weber M, Kornek B, Zebenholzer K, Schmied C, Berger T, Lassmann H, Trattnig S, Hametner S, Leutmezer F, Rommer P (2021) Iron Rims in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis as Neurodegenerative Marker? A 7-Tesla Magnetic Resonance Study Front Neurol, 12: 632749
  • Förster M, Nelke C, Räuber S, Lassmann H, Ruck T, Sormani MP, Signori A, Hartung HP, Küry P, Meuth SG, Kremer D (2021) Nitrosative Stress Molecules in Multiple Sclerosis: A Meta-Analysis Biomedicines, 9(12): 1899
  • Papazian I, Tsoukala E, Boutou A, Karamita M, Kambas K, Iliopoulou L, Fischer R, Kontermann R, Denis M, Kollias G, Lassmann H, Probert L (2021) Fundamentally different roles of neuronal TNF receptors in CNS pathology: TNFR1 and IKKβ promote microglial responses and tissue injury in demyelination while TNFR2 protects against excitotoxicity in mice J Neuroinflammation, 18 (1): 222.
  • Zrzavy T, Endmayr V, Bauer J, Macher S, Mossaheb N, Schwaiger C, Ricken G, Winklehner M, Glatter S, Breu M, Wimmer I, Kovacs G, Risser D, Klupp N, Simonitsch‐Klupp I, Roetzer T, Rommer P, Berger T, Gelpi E, Lassmann H, Graus F, Dalmau J, Höftberger R (2021) Neuropathological variability within a spectrum of NMDAR‐encephalitis. Ann Neurol, : 2021 Sep 25. doi: 10.1002/ana.26223. Online ahead of print.
  • Tobin W, Kalinowska-Lyszczarz A, Weigand S, Guo Y, Tosakulwong N, Parisi J, Metz I, Frischer J, Lassmann H, Brück W, Linbo L, Lucchinetti C (2021) Clinical Correlation of Multiple Sclerosis Immunopathologic Subtypes Neurology, 97(19): e1906-e1913
  • Fleischer V, Gonzalez-Escamilla G, Ciolac D, Albrecht P, Küry P, Gruchot J, Dietrich M, Hecker C, Müntefering T, Bock S, Oshaghi M, Radetz A, Cerina M, Krämer J, Wachsmuth L, Faber C, Lassmann H, Ruck T, Meuth SG, Muthuraman M, Groppa S. (2021) Translational value of choroid plexus imaging for tracking neuroinflammation in mice and humans Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 118(36): e2025000118
  • Marignier R, Hacohen Y, Cobo-Calvo A, Pröbstel A, Aktas O, Alexopoulos H, Amato M, Asgari N, Banwell B, Bennett J, Brilot F, Capobianco M, Chitnis T, Ciccarelli O, Deiva K, De Sèze J, Fujihara K, Jacob A, Kim H, Kleiter I, Lassmann H, Leite M, Linington C, Meinl E, Palace J, Paul F, Petzold A, Pittock S, Reindl M, Sato D, Selmaj K, Siva A, Stankoff B, Tintore M, Traboulsee A, Waters P, Waubant E, Weinshenker B, Derfuss T, Vukusic S, Hemmer B (2021) Myelin-oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disease Lancet Neurol, 20 (9): 762-772
  • Petersen MA, Tognatta R, Meyer-Franke A, Bushong EA, Mendiola AS, Yan Z, Muthusamy A, Merlini M, Meza-Acevedo R, Cabriga B, Zhou Y, Thomas R, Ryu JK, Lassmann H, Ellisman MH, Akassoglou K. (2021) BMP receptor blockade overcomes extrinsic inhibition of remyelination and restores neurovascular homeostasis. Brain, 144(8): .2291-2301
  • Metz I, Gavrilova R, Weigand S, Frischer J, Popescu B, Guo Y, Gloth M, Tobin W, Zalewski N, Lassmann H, Tillema J, Erickson B, Parisi J, Becker S, König F, Brück W, Lucchinetti C (2021) MRI Correlates of Multiple Sclerosis Immunopathological Patterns Ann Neurol, 90(3): 440-454
  • Häusler D, Akgün K, Stork L, Lassmann H, Ziemssen T, Brück W, Metz I. (2021) CNS inflammation after natalizumab therapy for multiple sclerosis: A retrospective histopathological and CSF cohort study Brain Pathol, 31(6): e12969
  • Takai Y, Misu T, Suzuki H, Takahashi T, Okada H, Tanaka S, Okita K, Sasou S, Watanabe M, Namatame C, Matsumoto Y, Ono H, Kaneko K, Nishiyama S, Kuroda H, Nakashima I, Lassmann H, Fujihara K, Itoyama Y, Aoki M (2021) Staging of astrocytopathy and complement activation in neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders Brain, 144: 2401-2415
  • Doss P, Umair M, Baillargeon J, Fazazi R, Fudge N, Akbar I, Yeola A, Williams J, Leclercq M, Joly-Beauparlant C, Beauchemin P, Ruda G, Alpaugh M, Anderson A, Brennan P, Droit A, Lassmann H, Moore C, Rangachari M (2021) Male sex chromosomal complement exacerbates the pathogenicity of Th17 cells in a chronic model of central nervous system autoimmunity Cell Rep, 34 (10): 108833
  • Cubas-Núñez L, Gil-Perotín S, Castillo-Villalba J, López V, Solís Tarazona L, Gasqué-Rubio R, Carratalá-Boscá S, Alcalá-Vicente C, Pérez-Miralles F, Lassmann H, Casanova B (2021) Potential Role of CHI3L1+ Astrocytes in Progression in MS Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinfl, 8 (3): e972
  • Dal-Bianco A, Grabner G, Kronnerwetter C, Weber M, Kornek B, Kasprian G, Berger T, Leutmezer F, Rommer P, Trattnig S, Lassmann H, Hametner S (2021) Long-term evolution of multiple sclerosis iron rim lesions in 7 T MRI Brain, 144(3): 833-847
  • Zrzavy T, Schwaiger C, Wimmer I, Berger T, Bauer J, Butovsky O, Schwab J, Lassmann H, Höftberger R (2021) Acute and non-resolving inflammation associate with oxidative injury after human spinal cord injury Brain, 144(1): 144-161
  • Tham M, Frischer J, Weigand S, Fitz‐Gibbon P, Webb S, Guo Y, Adiele R, Robinson C, Brück W, Lassmann H, Furber K, Pushie M, Parisi J, Lucchinetti C, Popescu B (2021) Iron heterogeneity in early active multiple sclerosis lesions Ann Neurol, 89(3): 498-510
  • Beltrán E+, Paunovic M+, Gebert D, Cesur E, Jeitler M, Höftberger R, Malotka J, Mader S, Kawakami N, Meinl E, Bradl M*, Dornmair K*, Lassmann H* + sharing co-first; *sharing senior authorship (2021) Archeological neuroimmunology: resurrection of a pathogenic immune response from a historical case sheds light on human autoimmune encephalomyelitis and multiple sclerosis Acta Neuropathol, 141(1): 67-83
  • Wimmer I, Scharler C, Kadowaki T, Hillebrand S, Scheiber‐Mojdehkar B, Ueda S, Bradl M, Berger T, Lassmann H, Hametner S (2021) Iron accumulation in the choroid plexus, ependymal cells and CNS parenchyma in a rat strain with low‐grade haemolysis of fragile macrocytic red blood cells Brain Pathol, 31(2): 333-345
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2021 Reviews

  • Schwabenland M, Brück W, Priller J, Stadelmann C, Lassmann H, Prinz M (2021) Analyzing microglial phenotypes across neuropathologies: a practical guide Acta Neuropathol, 142(6): 923-936.
  • Baert L, Marignier R, Lassmann H, Huard B (2021) Case Report: In Situ Expression of a Proliferation-Inducing Ligand in Neuromyelitis Optica Front Neurol, 12: e721877
  • Dal-Bianco A, Höftberger R, Lassmann H, Berger T (2021) Kurt Jellinger 90: his contribution to neuroimmunology J Neural Transm, 128(10): 1545-1550
  • Cree B, Arnold D, Chataway J, Chitnis T, Fox R, Ramajo A, Murphy N, Lassmann H (2021) Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis: New Insights Neurology, 97(8): 378-388
  • Comi G, Bar‐Or A, Lassmann H, Uccelli A, Hartung H, Montalban X, Sørensen P, Hohlfeld R, Hauser S, Absinta M, Battistini L, Bennet J, Bergman J, Calabrese M, Correale J, Dornmair K, Moiola L, Edan G, Fujihara K, Gastaldi M, Ghezzi A, Gommerman J, Hausler D, Hoftberger R, Kappos L, Sörensen P, Klotz L, Leocani L, Magliozzi R, Michel L, Meinl E, Misu T, Palace J, Prat A, Rocca M, Selmaj K, (2021) The role of B cells in Multiple Sclerosis and related disorders Ann Neurol, 89(1): 13-23

2021 Book Chapters

  • Lassmann, Hans (2021) Pathophysiological Bases of Autoimmune-Initiated/Mediated Neurodegeneration. In: Sergiu Groppa and Sven G. Meuth: , Translational Methods for Multiple Sclerosis Research Springer Nature, Cham Switzerland: 3-12

2020 Original Articles

  • Dagkonaki A, Avloniti M, Evangelidou M, Papazian I, Kanistras I, Tseveleki V, Lampros F, Tselios T, Jensen L, Möbius W, Ruhwedel T, Androutsou M, Matsoukas J, Anagnostouli M, Lassmann H, Probert L (2020) Mannan-MOG35-55 Reverses Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis, Inducing a Peripheral Type 2 Myeloid Response, Reducing CNS Inflammation, and Preserving Axons in Spinal Cord Lesions Front Immunol, 11: 575451
  • Gerhards R, Pfeffer L, Lorenz J, Starost L, Nowack L, Thaler F, Schlüter M, Rübsamen H, Macrini C, Winklmeier S, Mader S, Bronge M, Grönlund H, Feederle R, Hsia H, Lichtenthaler S, Merl-Pham J, Hauck S, Kuhlmann T, Bauer I, Beltran E, Gerdes L, Mezydlo A, Bar-Or A, Banwell B, Khademi M, Olsson T, Hohlfeld R, Lassmann H, Kümpfel T, Kawakami N, Meinl E (2020) Oligodendrocyte myelin glycoprotein as a novel target for pathogenic autoimmunity in the CNS Acta Neuropathologica Communications, 8 (1): 207
  • Eggers C, Kopatz V, Dörr W, Lassmann H, Geinitz H (2020) Localised multiple sclerosis-like disease after irradiation of the cervicothoracic spinal cord Mult Scler Relat Disord., 45: 102443
  • Licht-Mayer S, Campbell G, Canizares M, Mehta A, Gane A, McGill K, Ghosh A, Fullerton A, Menezes N, Dean J, Dunham J, Al-Azki S, Pryce G, Zandee S, Zhao C, Kipp M, Smith K, Baker D, Altmann D, Anderton S, Kap Y, Laman J, Hart B, Rodriguez M, Watzlawick R, Schwab J, Carter R, Morton N, Zagnoni M, Franklin R, Mitchell R, Fleetwood-Walker S, Lyons D, Chandran S, Lassmann H, Trapp B, Mahad D (2020) Enhanced axonal response of mitochondria to demyelination offers neuroprotection: implications for multiple sclerosis Acta Neuropathol, 140(2): 143-167
  • Takai Y, Misu T, Kaneko K, Chihara N, Narikawa K, Tsuchida S, Nishida H, Komori T, Seki M, Komatsu T, Nakamagoe K, Ikeda T, Yoshida M, Takahashi T, Ono H, Nishiyama S, Kuroda H, Nakashima I, Suzuki H, Bradl M, Lassmann H, Fujihara K, Aoki M; Japan MOG-antibody Disease Consortium. (2020) Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disease: an immunopathological study Brain, 143(5):: 1431-1446
  • Tsymala I, Nigritinou M, Zeka B, Schulz R, Niederschick F, Matković M, Bauer I, Szalay M, Schanda K, Lerch M, Misu T, Fujihara K, Bennett J, Dahle C, Pache F, Rommer P, Leutmezer F, Illes Z, Leite M, Palace J, Scholze P, Reindl M, Lassmann H, Bradl M (2020) Induction of aquaporin 4-reactive antibodies in Lewis rats immunized with aquaporin 4 mimotopes Acta Neuropathologica Communications, 15; 8 (1)
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  • Gödel C, Kunkel B, Kashani A, Lassmann H, Arumugam M, Krishnamoorthy G (2020) Perturbation of gut microbiota decreases susceptibility but does not modulate ongoing autoimmune neurological disease J Neuroinflammation, 17 (1): 79
  • Höftberger R, Guo Y, Flanagan E, Lopez-Chiriboga A, Endmayr V, Hochmeister S, Joldic D, Pittock S, Tillema J, Gorman M, Lassmann H, Lucchinetti C (2020) The pathology of central nervous system inflammatory demyelinating disease accompanying myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein autoantibody Acta Neuropathol, 139(5): 875-892
  • Klinger M, Zugmaier G, Nägele V, Goebeler M, Brandl C, Stelljes M, Lassmann H, von Stackelberg A, Bargou R, Kufer P (2020) Adhesion of T cells to endothelial cells facilitates blinatumomab-associated neurologic adverse events Cancer Res, 80 (1) : 91-101

2020 Reviews

  • Filippi M, Preziosa P, Langdon D, Lassmann H, Paul F, Rovira A, Schoonheim M, Solari A, Stankoff B, Rocca M (2020) Identifying Progression In Multiple Sclerosis: New Perspectives Ann Neurol, 88(3): 438-452
  • Absinta M, Lassmann H, Trapp B (2020) Mechanisms underlying progression in multiple sclerosis Curr Opin Neurol, 33(3): 277-285.
  • Lassmann H (2020) Pathology of inflammatory diseases of the nervous system: Human disease versus animal models Glia, 68 (4): 830-844

2020 Book Chapters

  • Höftberger R, Lassmann H (2020) Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis and Acute Hemorrhagic Leukoencephalomyelitis. In: Fabrice Chretien, Infections of the Central Nervous System: Pathology and Genetics John Wiley & Sons, Inc; Oxford, UK, Hoboken, USA: 251-257

2019 Original Articles

  • Gross C, Meyer C, Bhatia U, Yshii L, Kleffner I, Bauer J, Tröscher A, Schulte-Mecklenbeck A, Herich S, Schneider-Hohendorf T, Plate H, Kuhlmann T, Schwaninger M, Brück W, Pawlitzki M, Laplaud D, Loussouarn D, Parratt J, Barnett M, Buckland M, Hardy T, Reddel S, Ringelstein M, Dörr J, Wildemann B, Kraemer M, Lassmann H, Höftberger R, Beltrán E, Dornmair K, Schwab N, Klotz L, Meuth S, Martin-Blondel G, Wiendl H, Liblau R (2019) CD8+ T cell-mediated endotheliopathy is a targetable mechanism of neuro-inflammation in Susac syndrome Nat Commun, 10 (1): 5779
  • Magliozzi R, Hametner S, Facchiano F, Marastoni D, Rossi S, Castellaro M, Poli A, Lattanzi F, Visconti A, Nicholas R, Reynolds R, Monaco S, Lassmann H, Calabrese M (2019) Iron homeostasis, complement, and coagulation cascade as CSF signature of cortical lesions in early multiple sclerosis Ann Clin Transl Neurol, 6(11): 2150-2163
  • Konjevic Sabolek M, Held K, Beltrán E, Niedl A, Meinl E, Hohlfeld R, Lassmann H, Dornmair K (2019) Communication of CD 8 + T cells with mononuclear phagocytes in multiple sclerosis Ann Clin Transl Neurol, 6(7): 1151-1164
  • Wimmer I, Tietz S, Nishihara H, Deutsch U, Sallusto F, Gosselet F, Lyck R, Muller W, Lassmann H, Engelhardt B (2019) PECAM-1 Stabilizes Blood-Brain Barrier Integrity and Favors Paracellular T-Cell Diapedesis Across the Blood-Brain Barrier During Neuroinflammation Front Immunol, 10: 711
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  • Wimmer I, Scharler C, Zrzavy T, Kadowaki T, Mödlagl V, Rojc K, Tröscher A, Kitic M, Ueda S, Bradl M, Lassmann H (2019) Microglia pre-activation and neurodegeneration precipitate neuroinflammation without exacerbating tissue injury in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Acta Neuropathologica Communications, 7 (1): 14
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  • Tröscher A, Wimmer I, Quemada-Garrido L, Köck U, Gessl D, Verberk S, Martin B, Lassmann H, Bien C, Bauer J (2019) Microglial nodules provide the environment for pathogenic T cells in human encephalitis Acta Neuropathol, 137(4): 137(4):619-635
  • Baert L, Benkhoucha M, Popa N, Ahmed M, Manfroi B, Boutonnat J, Sturm N, Raguenez G, Tessier M, Casez O, Marignier R, Ahmadi M, Broisat A, Ghezzi C, Rivat C, Sonrier C, Hahne M, Baeten D, Vives R, Lortat-Jacob H, Marche P, Schneider P, Lassmann H, Boucraut J, Lalive P, Huard B (2019) APRIL-mediated anti-inflammatory response of astrocytes in multiple sclerosis Ann Neurol, 85(3): 406-420
  • Hillebrand S, Schanda K, Nigritinou M, Tsymala I, Böhm D, Peschl P, Takai Y, Fujihara K, Nakashima I, Misu T, Reindl M, Lassmann H, Bradl M (2019) Circulating AQP4-specific auto-antibodies alone can induce neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder in the rat Acta Neuropathol, 137(3): 467-485
  • Heckova E, Strasser B, Hangel G, Považan M, Dal-Bianco A, Rommer P, Bednarik P, Gruber S, Leutmezer F, Lassmann H, Trattnig S, Bogner W (2019) 7 T Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging in Multiple Sclerosis Invest Radiol, 54(4): 247-254
  • Kau T, Hametner S, Endmayr V, Deistung A, Prihoda M, Haimburger E, Menard C, Haider T, Höftberger R, Robinson S, Reichenbach J, Lassmann H, Traxler H, Trattnig S, Grabner G (2019) Microvessels may Confound the “Swallow Tail Sign” in Normal Aged Midbrains: A Postmortem 7 T SW-MRI Study J Neuroimaging, 29(1): 65-69
  • Zrzavy T, Höftberger R, Berger T, Rauschka H, Butovsky O, Weiner H, Lassmann H (2019) Pro-inflammatory Activation of Microglia in the Brain of Patients with Sepsis Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol, 45(3): 278-290

2019 Reviews

  • Titulaer M, Irani S, Lassmann H (2019) PDE10A antibodies in autoimmune encephalitis Neurology, 93(8): 327-328
  • Lassmann H (2019) The changing concepts in the neuropathology of acquired demyelinating central nervous system disorders. Curr Opin Neurol, 32(3): 313-319
  • Lassmann H (2019) Pathogenic Mechanisms Associated With Different Clinical Courses of Multiple Sclerosis Front Immunol, 9: 3116
  • Ciccarelli O, Cohen J, Reingold S, Weinshenker B, Amato M, Banwell B, Barkhof F, Bebo B, Becher B, Bethoux F, Brandt A, Brownlee W, Calabresi P, Chatway J, Chien C, Chitnis T, Ciccarelli O, Cohen J, Comi G, Correale J, De Sèze J, De Stefano N, Fazekas F, Flanagan E, Freedman M, Fujihara K, Galetta S, Goldman M, Greenberg B, Hartung H, Hemmer B, Henning A, Izbudak I, Kappos L, Lassmann H, Laule C, Levy M, Lublin F, Lucchinetti C, Lukas C, Marrie R, Miller A, Miller D, Montalban X, Mowry E, Ourselin S, Paul F, Pelletier D, Ranjeva J, Reich D, Reingold S, Rocca M, Rovira A, Schlaerger R, Soelberg Sorensen P, Sormani M, Stuve O, Thompson A, Tintoré M, Traboulsee A, Trapp B, Trojano M, Uitdehaag B, Vukusic S, Waubant E, Weinshenker B, Wheeler-Kingshott C, Xu J (2019) Spinal cord involvement in multiple sclerosis and neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders Lancet Neurol, 18 (2): 185-197

2018 Original Articles

  • Reinthaler E, Graf E, Zrzavy T, Wieland T, Hotzy C, Kopecky C, Pferschy S, Schmied C, Leutmezer F, Keilani M, Lill C, Hoffjan S, Epplen J, Zettl U, Hecker M, Deutschländer A, Meuth S, Ahram M, Mustafa B, El-Khateeb M, Vilariño-Güell C, Sadovnick A, Zimprich F, Tomkinson B, Strom T, Kristoferitsch W, Lassmann H, Zimprich A (2018) TPP2 mutation associated with sterile brain inflammation mimicking MS Neurol Genet, 4 (6): e285
  • Rubino S, Mayo L, Wimmer I, Siedler V, Brunner F, Hametner S, Madi A, Lanser A, Moreira T, Donnelly D, Cox L, Rezende R, Butovsky O, Lassmann H, Weiner H (2018) Acute microglia ablation induces neurodegeneration in the somatosensory system Nat Commun, 9 (1): 4578
  • Martin N, Nawrocki A, Molnar V, Elkjaer M, Thygesen E, Palkovits M, Acs P, Sejbaek T, Nielsen H, Hegedus Z, Sellebjerg F, Molnar T, Barbosa E, Alcaraz N, Gallyas F, Svenningsen A, Baumbach J, Lassmann H, Larsen M, Illes Z (2018) Orthologous proteins of experimental de- and remyelination are differentially regulated in the CSF proteome of multiple sclerosis subtypes PlosOne, 13 (8): e0202530
  • Spadaro M, Winklmeier S, Beltrán E, Macrini C, Höftberger R, Schuh E, Thaler F, Gerdes L, Laurent S, Gerhards R, Brändle S, Dornmair K, Breithaupt C, Krumbholz M, Moser M, Kirshnamoorthy G, Kamp F, Jenne D, Hohlfeld R, Kümpfel T, Lassmann H, Kawakami N, Meinl E (2018) Pathogenicity of human antibodies against myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein Ann Neurol, 84(2): 315-328
  • Hametner S, Endmayr V, Deistung A, Palmrich P, Prihoda M, Haimburger E, Menard C, Feng X, Haider T, Leisser M, Köck U, Kaider A, Höftberger R, Robinson S, Reichenbach JR, Lassmann H, Traxler H, Trattnig S, Grabner G. (2018) The influence of brain iron and myelin on magnetic susceptibility and effective transverse relaxation - A biochemical and histological validation study Neuroimage, 179: 117-133.
  • Weinhofer I, Zierfuss B, Hametner S, Wagner M, Popitsch N, Machacek C, Bartolini B, Zlabinger G, Ohradanova-Repic A, Stockinger H, Köhler W, Höftberger R, Regelsberger G, Forss-Petter S, Lassmann H, Berger J (2018) Impaired plasticity of macrophages in X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy Brain, 141: 2329-2342
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Machado-Santos J, Saji E, Tröscher A, Paunovic M, Liblau R, Gabriely G, Bien C, Bauer J, Lassmann H (2018) The compartmentalized inflammatory response in the multiple sclerosis brain is composed of tissue-resident CD8+ T lymphocytes and B cells Brain, 141(7): 2066-2082
  • Blaabjerg M, Hemdrup A, Drici L, Ruprecht K, Garred P, Höftberger R, Kristensen B, Kondziella D, Sejbaek T, Hansen S, Nielsen H, Jensen P, Meyer M, Paul F, Lassmann H, Larsen M, Illes Z (2018) Omics-Based Approach Reveals Complement-Mediated Inflammation in Chronic Lymphocytic Inflammation With Pontine Perivascular Enhancement Responsive to Steroids (CLIPPERS) Front Immunol, 9: 741
  • Wimmer I, Tröscher A, Brunner F, Rubino S, Bien C, Weiner H, Lassmann H, Bauer J (2018) Systematic evaluation of RNA quality, microarray data reliability and pathway analysis in fresh, fresh frozen and formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue samples Sci Rep, 8 (1): 6351
    | Weblink |
  • Bagnato F, Hametner S, Franco G, Pawate S, Sriram S, Lassmann H, Gore J, Smith S, Dortch R (2018) Selective Inversion Recovery Quantitative Magnetization Transfer Brain MRI at 7T: Clinical and Postmortem Validation in Multiple Sclerosis J Neuroimaging, 28(4) : 380-388
  • Martin N, Molnar V, Szilagyi G, Elkjaer M, Nawrocki A, Okarmus J, Wlodarczyk A, Thygesen E, Palkovits M, Gallyas F, Larsen M, Lassmann H, Benedikz E, Owens T, Svenningsen A, Illes Z (2018) Experimental Demyelination and Axonal Loss Are Reduced in MicroRNA-146a Deficient Mice Front Immunol, 9: 490
  • Bagnato F, Hametner S, Boyd E, Endmayr V, Shi Y, Ikonomidou V, Chen G, Pawate S, Lassmann H, Smith S, Welch E (2018) Untangling the R2* contrast in multiple sclerosis: A combined MRI-histology study at 7.0 Tesla PlosOne, 13 (3): e0193839
  • Zrzavy T, Machado-Santos J, Christine S, Baumgartner C, Weiner H, Butovsky O, Lassmann H (2018) Dominant role of microglial and macrophage innate immune responses in human ischemic infarcts Brain Pathol, 28(6): 791-805

2018 Reviews

  • Lassmann H (2018) Multiple Sclerosis Pathology and its Reflection by Imaging Technologies: Introduction Brain Pathol, 28 (5): 721-722
  • Wimmer I, Zrzavy T, Lassmann H (2018) Neuroinflammatory responses in experimental and human stroke lesions J Neuroimmunol, 323: 10-18
  • Hametner S, Bianco AD, Trattnig S, Lassmann H. (2018) Iron related changes in MS lesions and their validity to characterize MS lesion types and dynamics with Ultra-high field magnetic resonance imaging Brain Pathol, 28(5): 743-749
  • Bradl M, Reindl M, Lassmann H (2018) Mechanisms for lesion localization in neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders Curr Opin Neurol, 31(3): 325-333
  • O’Loughlin E, Madore C, Lassmann H, Butovsky O (2018) Microglial Phenotypes and Functions in Multiple Sclerosis Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med., 8 (2): a028993
  • Lassmann H (2018) Multiple Sclerosis Pathology Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med., 8(3): a028936

2017 Original Articles

  • Dal-Bianco A, Grabner G, Kronnerwetter C, Weber M, Höftberger R, Berger T, Auff E, Leutmezer F, Trattnig S, Lassmann H, Bagnato F, Hametner S (2017) Slow expansion of multiple sclerosis iron rim lesions: pathology and 7 T magnetic resonance imaging Acta Neuropathol, 133 (1): 25-42
  • Petersen M, Ryu J, Chang K, Etxeberria A, Bardehle S, Mendiola A, Kamau-Devers W, Fancy S, Thor A, Bushong E, Baeza-Raja B, Syme C, Wu M, Rios Coronado P, Meyer-Franke A, Yahn S, Pous L, Lee J, Schachtrup C, Lassmann H, Huang E, Han M, Absinta M, Reich D, Ellisman M, Rowitch D, Chan J, Akassoglou K (2017) Fibrinogen Activates BMP Signaling in Oligodendrocyte Progenitor Cells and Inhibits Remyelination after Vascular Damage Neuron, 96(5): 1003-1012
  • Peschl P, Schanda K, Zeka B, Given K, Böhm D, Ruprecht K, Saiz A, Lutterotti A, Rostásy K, Höftberger R, Berger T, Macklin W, Lassmann H, Bradl M, Bennett J, Reindl M (2017) Human antibodies against the myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein can cause complement-dependent demyelination J Neuroinflammation, 14 (1): 208
  • Krasemann S, Madore C, Cialic R, Baufeld C, Calcagno N, El Fatimy R, Beckers L, O’Loughlin E, Xu Y, Fanek Z, Greco D, Smith S, Tweet G, Humulock Z, Zrzavy T, Conde-Sanroman P, Gacias M, Weng Z, Chen H, Tjon E, Mazaheri F, Hartmann K, Madi A, Ulrich J, Glatzel M, Worthmann A, Heeren J, Budnik B, Lemere C, Ikezu T, Heppner F, Litvak V, Holtzman D, Lassmann H, Weiner H, Ochando J, Haass C, Butovsky O (2017) The TREM2-APOE Pathway Drives the Transcriptional Phenotype of Dysfunctional Microglia in Neurodegenerative Diseases Immunity, 47 (3): 566-581.e9
  • Gabriely G, da Cunha A, Rezende R, Kenyon B, Madi A, Vandeventer T, Skillin N, Rubino S, Garo L, Mazzola M, Kolypetri P, Lanser A, Moreira T, Faria A, Lassmann H, Kuchroo V, Murugaiyan G, Weiner H (2017) Targeting latency-associated peptide promotes antitumor immunity Sci Immunol, 2 (11): eaaj1738
  • Zrzavy T, Hametner S, Wimmer I, Butovsky O, Weiner H, Lassmann H (2017) Loss of ‘homeostatic’ microglia and patterns of their activation in active multiple sclerosis Brain, 140 (7): 1900-1913
  • Dunham J, Bauer J, Campbell G, Mahad D, van Driel N, van der Pol S, ‘t Hart B, Lassmann H, Laman J, van Horssen J, Kap Y (2017) Oxidative Injury and Iron Redistribution Are Pathological Hallmarks of Marmoset Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis J Neuropath Exp Neurol, 76(6): 467-478
  • Karamita M, Barnum C, Möbius W, Tansey M, Szymkowski D, Lassmann H, Probert L (2017) Therapeutic inhibition of soluble brain TNF promotes remyelination by increasing myelin phagocytosis by microglia JCI Inside, 2 (8): e87455
  • Körtvélyessy P, Breu M, Pawlitzki M, Metz I, Heinze H, Matzke M, Mawrin C, Rommer P, Kovacs G, Mitter C, Reindl M, Brück W, Wandinger K, Lassmann H, Höftberger R, Leypoldt F (2017) ADEM-like presentation, anti-MOG antibodies, and MS pathology: TWO case reports Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinfl, 4 (3): e335
  • Popescu B, Frischer J, Webb S, Tham M, Adiele R, Robinson C, Fitz-Gibbon P, Weigand S, Metz I, Nehzati S, George G, Pickering I, Brück W, Hametner S, Lassmann H, Parisi J, Yong G, Lucchinetti C (2017) Pathogenic implications of distinct patterns of iron and zinc in chronic MS lesions Acta Neuropathol, 134 (1): 45-64
  • Laukoter S, Rauschka H, Tröscher A, Köck U, Saji E, Jellinger K, Lassmann H, Bauer J (2017) Differences in T cell cytotoxicity and cell death mechanisms between progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, herpes simplex virus encephalitis and cytomegalovirus encephalitis Acta Neuropathol, 133(4): 613-627
  • Michailidou I, Naessens D, Hametner S, Guldenaar W, Kooi E, Geurts J, Baas F, Lassmann H, Ramaglia V (2017) Complement C3 on microglial clusters in multiple sclerosis occur in chronic but not acute disease: Implication for disease pathogenesis Glia, 65(2): 264-277

2017 Reviews

  • Lassmann H (2017) Targets of therapy in progressive MS Mult Scler, 23 (12): 1593-1599
  • Türkoğlu R, Lassmann H, Aker F, Tzartos J, Tzartos S, Tüzün E (2017) Recurrent tumefactive demyelinating lesions: a pathological study Clin Neuropathol, 36(4): 195-198
  • Zeka B., Lassmann H., Bradl M. (2017) Müller cells and retinal axons can be primary targets in experimental neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder Clinical and Experimental Neuroimmunology, 8: 3-7
  • Kuhlmann T, Ludwin S, Prat A, Antel J, Brück W, Lassmann H. (2017) An updated histological classification system for multiple sclerosis lesions Acta Neuropathol, 133(1): 13-24
  • Zurawski J, Lassmann H, Bakshi R. (2017) Use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Visualize Leptomeningeal Inflammation in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis: A Review. Jama Neurol, 74(1): 100-109
  • Lassmann H, Bradl M. (2017) Multiple sclerosis: experimental models and reality Acta Neuropathol, 133(2): 223-244
  • Kawachi I, Lassmann H (2017) Neurodegeneration in multiple sclerosis and neuromyelitis optica J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 88(2):: 137-145

2017 Book Chapters

  • Höftberger R, Lassmann H (2017) Immune-mediated disorders. In: , Handbook of Clinical Neurology : 285-299
  • Höftberger R, Lassmann H (2017) Inflammatory demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system. In: , Handbook of Clinical Neurology : 263-283

2016 Original Articles

  • Zeka B, Hastermann M, Kaufmann N, Schanda K, Pende M, Misu T, Rommer P, Fujihara K, Nakashima I, Dahle C, Leutmezer F, Reindl M, Lassmann H, Bradl M (2016) Aquaporin 4-specific T cells and NMO-IgG cause primary retinal damage in experimental NMO/SD Acta Neuropathologica Communications, 4 (1): 82
  • Wiedermann U, Sitte HH, Burgmann H, Eser A, Falb P, Holzmann H, Kitchen M, Köller M, Kollaritsch H, Kundi M, Lassmann H, Mutz I, Pickl WF, Riedl E, Sibilia M, Thalhammer F, Tucek B, Zenz W, Zwiauer K. (2016) Guidelines for vaccination of immunocompromised individuals Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift, 128 (S4): 337-376
  • Allan D, Fairlie-Clarke K, Elliott C, Schuh C, Barnett S, Lassmann H, Linnington C, Jiang H (2016) Role of IL-33 and ST2 signalling pathway in multiple sclerosis: expression by oligodendrocytes and inhibition of myelination in central nervous system Acta Neuropathologica Communications, 4 (1): 75
  • Mayo L, Cunha AP, Madi A, Beynon V, Yang Z, Alvarez JI, Prat A, Sobel RA, Kobzik L, Lassmann H, Quintana FJ, Weiner HL (2016) IL-10-dependent Tr1 cells attenuate astrocyte activation and ameliorate chronic central nervous system inflammation Brain, 139 (7): 1939-1957
  • Blaabjerg M, Ruprecht K, Sinnecker T, Kondziella D, Niendorf T, Kerrn-Jespersen B, Lindelof M, Lassmann H, Kristensen B, Paul F, Illes Z (2016) Widespread inflammation in CLIPPERS syndrome indicated by autopsy and ultra-high-field 7T MRI Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm, 3 (3): e226-e226
  • Oji S, Nicolussi E, Kaufmann N, Zeka B, Schanda K, Fujihara K, Illes Z, Dahle C, Reindl M, Lassmann H, Bradl M (2016) Experimental Neuromyelitis Optica Induces a Type I Interferon Signature in the Spinal Cord PLoS One, 11 (3): e0151244
  • Haider L, Zrzavy T, Hametner S, Höftberger R, Bagnato F, Grabner G, Trattnig S, Pfeifenbring S, Brück W, Lassmann H (2016) The topograpy of demyelination and neurodegeneration in the multiple sclerosis brain Brain, 139 (3): 807-815

2016 Reviews

  • Lassmann H (2016) Demyelination and Neurodegeneration in Multiple Sclerosis: The Role of Hypoxia Ann Neurol, 79 (4): 520-521
  • Valent P, Groner B, Schumacher U, Superti-Furga G, Busslinger M, Kralovics R, Zielinski C, Penninger J, Kerjaschki D, Stingl G, Smolen J, Valenta R, Lassmann H, Kovar H, Jäger U, Kornek G, Müller M, Sörgel F (2016) Paul Ehrlich (1854-1915) and His Contributions to the Foundation and Birth of Translational Medicine J Innate Immun, 8(2): 111-120
  • Martin-Blondel G, Brassat D, Bauer J, Lassmann H, Liblau R (2016) CCR5 blockade for neuroinflammatory diseases — beyond control of HIV Nat Rev Neurol, 12(2): 95-105
  • Lassmann H, van Horssen J. (2016) Oxidative stress and its impact on neurons and glia in multiple sclerosis lesions Biochim Biophys Acta, 1862(3): 506-510
  • Bauer J, Lassmann H. (2016) Neuropathological Techniques to Investigate Central Nervous System Sections in Multiple Sclerosis Methods Mol Biol, 1304: 211-229

2016 Book Chapters

  • Bradl M, Lassmann H (2016) Neurologic autoimmunity mechanisms revealed by animal models. In: , Handbook of Clinical Neurology : 121-143

2015 Original Articles

  • Zeka B, Hastermann M, Hochmeister S, Kögl N, Kaufmann N, Schanda K, Mader S, Misu T, Rommer P, Fujihara K, Illes Z, Leutmezer F, Sato D, Nakashima I, Reindl M, Lassmann H, Bradl M (2015) Highly encephalitogenic aquaporin 4-specific T cells and NMO-IgG jointly orchestrate lesion location and tissue damage in the CNS Acta Neuropathol, 130 (6): 783-798
  • Aboulenein-Djamshidian F, Höftberger R, Waters P, Krampla W, Lassmann H, Budka H, Vincent A, Kristoferitsch W (2015) Reduction in Serum Aquaporin-4 Antibody Titers During Development of a Tumor-Like Brain Lesion in a Patient With Neuromyelitis Optica: A Serum Antibody–Consuming Effect? J Neuropath Exp Neurol, 74 (3): 194-197
  • Höftberger R, Leisser M, Bauer J, Lassmann H (2015) Autoimmune encephalitis in humans: how closely does it reflect multiple sclerosis ? Acta Neuropathologica Communications, 3 (1): 80
  • Di Pauli F, Hoftberger R, Reindl M, Beer R, Rhomberg P, Schanda K, Sato D, Fujihara K, Lassmann H, Schmutzhard E, Berger T (2015) Fulminant demyelinating encephalomyelitis: Insights from antibody studies and neuropathology Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm, 2 (6): e175-e175
  • Ryu JK, Petersen MA, Murray SG, Baeten KM, Meyer-Franke A, Chan JP, Vagena E, Bedard C, Machado MR, Coronado PE, Prod'homme T, Charo IF, Lassmann H, Degen JL, Zamvil SS, Akassoglou K (2015) Blood coagulation protein fibrinogen promotes autoimmunity and demyelination via chemokine release and antigen presentation Nat Commun, 6: 8164
  • Frischer J, Weigand S, Guo Y, Kale N, Parisi J, Pirko I, Mandrekar J, Bramow S, Metz I, Brück W, Lassmann H, Lucchinetti C (2015) Clinical and pathological insights into the dynamic nature of the white matter multiple sclerosis plaque Ann Neurol, 78(5): 710-721
  • Licht-Mayer S, Wimmer I, Traffehn S, Metz I, Brück W, Bauer J, Bradl M, Lassmann H. (2015) Cell type-specific Nrf2 expression in multiple sclerosis lesions Acta Neuropathol, 130 (2): 263-277
  • Kaushansky N, Eisenstein M, Boura-Halfon S, Hansen BE, Nielsen CH, Milo R, Zeilig G, Lassmann H, Altmann DM, Ben-Nun A. (2015) Role of a novel HLA-DQA1*01:02;DRB1*15:01 mixed-isotype heterodimer in the pathogenesis of 'humanized' multiple sclerosis-like disease J Biol Chem, 290 (24): 15260-15278
  • Lindner M, Thümmler K, Arthur A, Brunner S, Elliott C, McElroy D, Mohan H, Williams A, Edgar JM, Schuh C, Stadelmann C, Barnett SC, Lassmann H, Mücklisch S, Mudaliar M, Schaeren-Wiemers N, Meinl E, Linington C (2015) Fibroblast growth factor signalling in multiple sclerosis: inhibition of myelination and induction of pro-inflammatory environment by FGF9 Brain, 138 (7): 1875-1893
  • Bagnato F, Hametner S, Pennell D, Dortch R, Dula A, Pawate S, Smith S, Lassmann H, Gore J, Welch E (2015) 7T MRI-Histologic Correlation Study of Low Specific Absorption Rate T2-Weighted GRASE Sequences in the Detection of White Matter Involvement in Multiple Sclerosis J Neuroimaging, 25 (3): 370-378
  • Spadaro M, Gerdes LA, Mayer MC, Ertl-Wagner B, Laurent S, Krumbholz M, Breithaupt C, Högen T, Straube A, Giese A, Hohlfeld R, Lassmann H, Meinl E, Kümpfel T. (2015) Histopathology and clinical course of MOG-antibody-associated encephalomyelitis Ann Clin Transl Neurol, 2(3: 295-301
  • Martin-Blondel G, Bauer J, Uro-Coste E, Biotti D, Averseng-Peaureaux D, Fabre N, Dumas H, Bonneville F, Lassmann H, Marchou B, Liblau RS, Brassat D. (2015) Therapeutic use of CCR5 antagonists is supported by strong expression of CCR5 on CD8+ T cells in progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy-associated immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome Acta Neuropathol, 129(3): 463-465
  • Tseveleki V, Tselios T, Kanistras I, Koutsoni O, Karamita M, Vamvakas S, Apostolopoulos V, Dotsika E, Matsoukas J, Lassmann H, Probert L (2015) Mannan-conjugated myelin peptides prime non-pathogenic Th1 and Th17 cells and ameliorate experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Exp. Neurol., 267: 254-267
  • Butovsky O, Jedrychowski M, Cialic R, Krasemann S, Murugaiyan G, Fanek Z, Greco D, Wu P, Doykan C, Kiner O, Lawson R, Frosch M, Pochet N, Fatimy R, Krichevsky A, Gygi S, Lassmann H, Berry J, Cudkowicz M, Weiner H (2015) Targeting miR-155 restores abnormal microglia and attenuates disease in SOD1 mice Ann Neurol, 77(1): 75-99

2015 Reviews

  • Lassmann H (2015) Spinal cord pathology in multiple sclerosis Lancet Neurol, 14 (4): 348-349
  • Bauer J, Gold R, Adams O, Lassmann H. (2015) Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy and immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) Acta Neuropathol, 130(6): 751-764
  • Mahad DH, Trapp BD, Lassmann H (2015) Pathological mechanisms in progressive multiple sclerosis Lancet Neurology, 14: 183–93
  • Weier K, Banwell B, Cerasa A, Collins DL, Dogonowski AM, Lassmann H, Quattrone A, Sahraian MA, Siebner HR, Sprenger T. (2015) The Role of the Cerebellum in Multiple Sclerosis Cerebellum, 14(3): 364-74

2015 Book Chapters

  • Lassmann H (2015) Immune Response in the Human Central Nervous System in Multiple Sclerosis and Stroke. In: Wiley-Blackwell, Neuroinflammation - New Insights into Beneficial and Detrimental Functions Wiley-Blackwell: 3-19

2014 Original Articles

  • Mohan H, Friese A, Albrecht S, Krumbholz M, Elliott CL, Arthur A, Menon R, Farina C, Junker A, Stadelmann C, Barnett SC, Huitinga I, Wekerle H, Hohlfeld R, Lassmann H, Kuhlmann T, Linington C, Meinl E. (2014) Transcript profiling of different types of multiple sclerosis lesions yields FGF1 as a promoter of remyelination Acta Neuropathologica Communications, 2(1): 178
  • Nijland PG, Witte ME, van Het Hof B, van der Pol S, Bauer J, Lassmann H, van der Valk P, de Vries HE, van Horssen J. (2014) Astroglial PGC-1alpha increases mitochondrial antioxidant capacity and suppresses inflammation: implications for multiple sclerosis Acta Neuropathologica Communications, 2(1): 170
  • Yao B, Hametner S, van Gelderen P, Merkle H, Chen C, Lassmann H, Duyn J, Bagnato F (2014) 7 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Detect Cortical Pathology in Multiple Sclerosis PLoS One, 9 (10): e108863
  • Castelo-Branco G, Stridh P, Guerreiro-Cacais A, Adzemovic M, Falcão A, Marta M, Berglund R, Gillett A, Hamza K, Lassmann H, Hermanson O, Jagodic M (2014) Acute treatment with valproic acid and l-thyroxine ameliorates clinical signs of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and prevents brain pathology in DA rats Neurobiol Dis, 71: 220-233
  • Taieb G, Uro-Coste E, Clanet M, Lassmann H, Benouaich-Amiel A, Laurent C, Delisle M, Labauge P, Brassat D (2014) A central nervous system B-cell lymphoma arising two years after initial diagnosis of CLIPPERS J Neurol Sci, 344 (1-2): 224-226
  • Guo Y, Lennon VA, Popescu BF, Grouse CK, Topel J, Milone M, Lassmann H, Parisi JE, Pittock SJ, Stefoski D, Balabanov R, Lucchinetti CF (2014) Autoimmune Aquaporin-4 Myopathy in Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Jama Neurol, 71 (8): 1025
  • Haider L, Simeonidou C, Steinberger G, Hametner S, Grigoriadis N, Deretzi G, Kovacs G, Kutzelnigg A, Lassmann H, Frischer J (2014) Multiple sclerosis deep grey matter: the relation between demyelination, neurodegeneration, inflammation and iron J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 85(12): 1386-1395
  • Metz Imke, Weigand Stephen D, Popescu Bogdan F.G., Frischer Josa M, Parisi Joseph E, Guo Yong, Lassmann Hans, Brück Wolfgang, Lucchinetti Claudia F. (2014) Pathologic heterogeneity persists in early active multiple sclerosis lesions Ann Neurol, 75 (5): 728-738
  • Kitic Maja, Wimmer Isabella, Adzemovic Milena, Kögl Nikolaus, Rudel Antonia, Lassmann Hans, Bradl Monika (2014) Thymic stromal lymphopoietin is expressed in the intact central nervous system and upregulated in the myelin-degenerative central nervous system Glia, 62 (7): 1066-1074
  • Schuh C, Wimmer I, Hametner S, Haider L, Van Dam AM, Liblau RS, Smith KJ, Probert L, Binder CJ, Bauer J, Bradl M, Mahad D, Lassmann H. (2014) Oxidative tissue injury in multiple sclerosis is only partly reflected in experimental disease models Acta Neuropathol, 128 (2): 247-266
  • Frischer J, Reindl M, Künz B, Berger T, Schmidt S, Milford E, Knosp E, Lassmann H, Utku N. (2014) TIRC7 and HLA-DR axis contributes to inflammation in multiple sclerosis Mult Scler, 20(9) : 1171 –1181
  • Hagelkruys A, Lagger S, Krahmer J, Leopoldi A, Artaker M, Pusch O, Zezula J, Weissmann S, Xie Y, Schöfer C, Schlederer M, Brosch G, Matthias P, Selfridge J, Lassmann H, Knoblich JA, Seiser C. (2014) A single allele of Hdac2 but not Hdac1 is sufficient for normal mouse brain development in the absence of its paralog Development, 141(3): 604-616
  • Grabner G, Dal-Bianco A, Hametner S, Lassmann H, Trattnig S. (2014) Group specific vein-atlasing: An application for analyzing the venous system under normal and multiple sclerosis conditions J Magn Reson Imaging, 40 (3): 655-661

2014 Reviews

  • Lassmann H (2014) CNS neuroimmunology seen by a neuropathologist Rev Neurol (Paris), 170(10): 561-563
  • Lassmann H (2014) Genetic Control of Nerve Conduction Velocity May Influence Multiple Sclerosis Phenotype Am.J.Pathol., 184 (9): 2369-2370
  • Bradl M, Kanamori Y, Nakashima I, Misu T, Fujihara K, Lassmann H, Sandkühler J. (2014) Pain in neuromyelitis optica-prevalence, pathogenesis and therapy Nat Rev Neurol, 10 (9): 529-536
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Filippi M, Rocca M, Lassmann H (2014) KIR4.1: another misleading expectation in multiple sclerosis? Lancet Neurol, 13(8): 753-755
  • Lassmann H (2014) Mechanisms of white matter damage in multiple sclerosis Glia, 62(11): 1816-1830
  • Bradl M, Lassmann H (2014) Experimental models of neuromyelitis optica Brain Pathol, : 24(1):74-82
  • Witte ME, Mahad DJ, Lassmann H, van Horssen J. (2014) Mitochondrial dysfunction contributes to neurodegeneration in multiple sclerosis Trends Mol Med, 20(3): 179-187

2014 Book Chapters

  • Kutzelnigg A, Lassmann H. (2014) Pathology of multiple sclerosis and related inflammatory demyelinating diseases. In: , Handbook of Clinical Neurology : 15-58

2013 Original Articles

  • Pohl M, Kawakami N, Kitic M, Bauer J, Martins R, Fischer MT, Machado-Santos J, Mader S, Ellwart JW, Misu T, Fujihara K, Wekerle H, Reindl M, Lassmann H, Bradl M (2013) T cell-activation in neuromyelitis optica lesions plays a role in their formation Acta Neuropathologica Communications, : 1(1):85
  • Dauvilliers Y, Bauer J, Rigau V, Lalloyer N, Labauge P, Carlander B, Liblau R, Peyron C, Lassmann H. (2013) Hypothalamic Immunopathology in Anti-Ma-Associated Diencephalitis With Narcolepsy-Cataplexy Jama Neurol, 70(10): 1305-1310
  • Martin-Blondel G, Bauer J, Cuvinciuc V, Uro-Coste E, Debard A, Massip P, Delisle MB, Lassmann H, Marchou B, Mars LT, Liblau RS (2013) In situ evidence of JC virus control by CD8+ T cells in PML-IRIS during HIV infection Neurology, 81(11): 964-970
  • Hametner S, Wimmer I, Haider L, Pfeifenbring S, Brück W, Lassmann H. (2013) Iron and Neurodegeneration in the Multiple Sclerosis Brain Ann Neurol, 74: 848–861
  • Fischer MT, Wimmer I, Höftberger R, Gerlach S, Haider L, Zrzavy T, Hametner S, Mahad D, Binder CJ, Krumbholz M, Bauer J, Bradl M, Lassmann H. (2013) Disease-specific molecular events in cortical multiple sclerosis lesions Brain, 136(Pt 6): 1799-1815
    | Weblink |
  • Kitic M, Hochmeister S, Wimmer I, Bauer J, Misu T, Mader S, Reindl M, Fujihara K, Lassmann H, Bradl M (2013) Intrastriatal injection of interleukin-1 beta triggers the formation of neuromyelitis optica-like lesions in NMO-IgG seropositive rats Acta Neuropathologica Communications, 1(1) : 5
  • Misu T, Höftberger R, Fujihara K, Wimmer I, Takai Y, Nishiyama S, Nakashima I, Konno H, Bradl M, Garzuly F, Itoyama Y, Aoki M, Lassmann H (2013) Presence of six different lesion types suggests diverse mechanisms of tissue injury in neuromyelitis optica Acta Neuropathol, 125(6): 815-827
  • Berghoff AS, Lassmann H, Preusser M, Höftberger R. (2013) Characterization of the inflammatory response to solid cancer metastases in the human brain Clin Exp Metastasis, 30(1): 69-81
  • Filippi M, Preziosa P, Pagani E, Copetti M, Mesaros S, Colombo B, Horsfield M, Falini A, Comi G, Lassmann H, Rocca M. (2013) Microstructural magnetic resonance imaging of cortical lesions in multiple sclerosis Mult Scler, 19(4): 418-426

2013 Reviews

  • Lassmann H (2013) Multiple sclerosis: Lessons from molecular neuropathology Exp. Neurol., 262 Pt A: 2-7
  • Lassmann H (2013) Pathology and disease mechanisms in different stages of multiple sclerosis J Neurol Sci, 333 (1-2): 1-4
  • Filippi M, Rocca MA, Horsfield MA, Hametner S, Geurts JJ, Comi G, Lassmann H. (2013) Imaging Cortical Damage and Dysfunction in Multiple Sclerosis Jama Neurol, 70(5): 556-564
  • Lassmann H (2013) Relapsing-remitting and primary progressive MS have the same cause(s) - the neuropathologist's view: 1 Mult Scler, Mar;19(3): 266-267
  • Lassmann H (2013) Henry de Forest Webster (1927-2012) Acta Neuropathol, 125(2): 311-312

2012 Original Articles

  • Davalos D, Ryu JK, Merlini M, Baeten KM, Le Moan N, Petersen MA, Deerinck TJ, Smirnoff DS, Bedard C, Hakozaki H, Gonias Murray S, Ling JB, Lassmann H, Degen JL, Ellisman MH, Akassoglou K. (2012) Fibrinogen-induced perivascular microglial clustering is required for the development of axonal damage in neuroinflammation Nat Commun, 3: 1227
  • Rigau V, Mania A, Béfort P, Carlander B, Jonquet O, Lassmann H, Camu W, Thouvenot E. (2012) Lethal Multiple Sclerosis Relapse after Natalizumab withdrawal Neurology, 79(22): 2214-2216
  • Adzemovic MZ, Ockinger J, Zeitelhofer M, Hochmeister S, Beyeen AD, Paulson A, Gillett A, Hedreul MT, Covacu R, Lassmann H, Olsson T, Jagodic M. (2012) Expression of Ccl11 Associates with Immune Response Modulation and Protection against Neuroinflammation in Rats PLoS.ONE., : 7(7):e39794
  • Campbell GR, Kraytsberg Y, Krishnan KJ, Ohno N, Ziabreva I, Reeve A, Trapp BD, Newcombe J, Reynolds R, Lassmann H, Khrapko K, Turnbull DM, Mahad DJ. (2012) Clonally expanded mitochondrial DNA deletions within the choroid plexus in multiple sclerosis Acta Neuropathol, 124(2): 209-220
  • Bien CG, Vincent A, Barnett MH, Becker AJ, Blümcke I, Graus F, Jellinger KA, Reuss DE, Ribalta T, Schlegel J, Sutton I, Lassmann H, Bauer J. (2012) Immunopathology of autoantibody-associated encephalitides: clues for pathogenesis Brain, 135(Pt 5): 1622-1638
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Scheikl T, Pignolet B, Dalard C, Desbois S, Raison D, Yamazaki M, Saoudi A, Bauer J, Lassmann H, Hardin-Pouzet H, Liblau RS. (2012) Cutting Edge: Neuronal Recognition by CD8 T Cells Elicits Central Diabetes Insipidus J Immunol, 188 (10): 4731-4735
  • Lax NZ, Campbell GR, Reeve AK, Ohno N, Zambonin J, Blakely EL, Taylor RW, Bonilla E, Tanji K, Dimauro S, Jaros E, Lassmann H, Turnbull DM, Mahad DJ. (2012) Loss of myelin-associated glycoprotein in kearns-sayre syndrome Arch Neurol, 69(4): 490-499.
  • Kaushansky N, Altmann DM, David CS, Lassmann H, Ben-Nun A. (2012) DQB1*0602 rather than DRB1*1501 confers susceptibility to multiple sclerosis-like disease induced by proteolipid protein (PLP). J Neuroinflammation, 9(1): 29
  • Fischer MT, Sharma R, Lim J, Haider L, Frischer J, Drexhage J, Mahad D, Bradl M, van Horssen J, Lassmann H (2012) NADPH Oxidase Expression in Active Multiple Sclerosis Lesions in Relation to Oxidative Tissue Damage and Mitochondrial Injury Brain, 135: 886-899
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Eisele S, Krumbholz M, Fischer M-T, Mohan H, Junker A, Arzberger T, Hohlfeld R, Bradl M, Lassmann H, Meinl E (2012) Prospects of transcript profiling for mRNAs and microRNAs using formalin fixed paraffin embedded dissected autoptic multiple sclerosis lesions Brain Pathol, 22(5): 607-618

2012 Reviews

  • Lassmann H (2012) Targeting intracerebral inflammation in multiple sclerosis: is it feasible? Acta Neuropathol, 124(3): 395-396
  • Berger T, Lassmann H (2012) Karl Vass, 1958-2012 Mult Scler, 18(12): 1666-1667
  • Fujihara K, Misu T, Nakashima I, Takahashi T, Bradl M, Lassmann H, Takano R, Nishiyama S, Takai Y, Suzuki C, Sato D, Kuroda H, Nakamura M, Fujimori J, Narikawa K, Sato S, Itoyama Y, Aoki M (2012) Neuromyelitis optica should be classified as an astrocytopathic disease rather than a demyelinating disease Clinical and Experimental Neuroimmunology, 3: 58-73
  • Lassmann H (2012) Cortical lesions in multiple sclerosis: inflammation versus neurodegeneration Brain, 135(Pt 10): 2904-2905
  • Lassmann H, van Horssen J, Mahad D (2012) Progressive multiple sclerosis: pathology and pathogenesis Nat Rev Neurol, 8(11): 647-656
  • Rathinam C, Lassmann H, Mengel M, Klein C. (2012) Retraction: transcription factor gfi1 restricts B cell-mediated autoimmunity J Immunol, : 189(7):3777
  • Lassmann H (2012) The birth of oligodendrocytes in the anatomical and neuropathological literature: the seminal contribution of Pío del Río-Hortega. Clin Neuropathol, 31(6): 435-436
  • Filippi M, Rocca MA, Barkhof F, Brück W, Chen JT, Comi G, Deluca G, De Stefano N, Erickson BJ, Evangelou N, Fazekas F, Geurts JJ, Lucchinetti C, Miller DH, Pelletier D, Popescu BF, Lassmann H (2012) Association between pathological and MRI findings in multiple sclerosis Lancet Neurology, 11(4): 349-360
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Bradl M, Lassmann H. (2012) Microarray analysis on archival multiple sclerosis tissue: Pathogenic authenticity outweighs technical obstacles Neuropathology, 32(4): 463-466

2012 Book Chapters

  • Bradl M and Lassmann H (2012) Multiple Sclerosis. In: Kettenmann H and Ransom B, Neuroglia, Third Edition Oxford University Press, Oxford New York: 785-797

2011 Original Articles

  • Bagnato F, Hametner S, Yao B, van Gelderen P, Merkle H, Cantor FK, Lassmann H, Duyn JH. (2011) Tracking iron in multiple sclerosis: a combined imaging and histopathological study at 7 Tesla Brain, 134(Pt 12): 3602-3615.
  • Lucchinetti CF, Popescu BFG, Bunyan RF, Moll NM, Roemer SF, Lassmann H, Brück W, Parisi JE, Scheithauer BW, Giannini C, Weigand SD, Mandrekar J, Ransohoff RM (2011) Inflammatory Cortical Demyelination in Early Multiple Sclerosis N Engl J Med, 365(23): 2188-2197.
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Taoufik E, Tseveleki V, Chu SY, Tselios T, Karin M, Lassmann H, Szymkowski DE, Probert L. (2011) Transmembrane tumour necrosis factor is neuroprotective and regulates experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis via neuronal nuclear factor-{kappa}B Brain, 134(Pt 9): 2722-2735
  • Deckert M, Engert A, Brück W, Ferreri AJ, Finke J, Illerhaus G, Klapper W, Korfel A, Küppers R, Maarouf M, Montesinos-Rongen M, Paulus W, Schlegel U, Lassmann H, Wiestler OD, Siebert R, Deangelis LM. (2011) Modern concepts in the biology, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of primary central nervous system lymphoma Leukemia, 25(12): 1797-807.
  • Zambonin JL, Zhao C, Ohno N, Campbell GR, Engeham S, Ziabreva I, Schwarz N, Lee SE, Frischer JM, Turnbull DM, Trapp BD, Lassmann H, Franklin RJ, Mahad DJ. (2011) Increased mitochondrial content in remyelinated axons: implications for multiple sclerosis Brain, 134(Pt 7):: 1901-1913.
  • Haider L, Fischer MT, Frischer JM, Bauer J, Höftberger R, Botond G, Esterbauer H, Binder CJ, Witztum JL, Lassmann H. (2011) Oxidative damage in multiple sclerosis lesions Brain, 134(Pt 7):: 1914-1924
  • Serbecic N, Aboul-Enein F, Beutelspacher SC, Vass C, Kristoferitsch W, Lassmann H, Reitner A, Schmidt-Erfurth U. (2011) High Resolution Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography (SD-OCT) in Multiple Sclerosis: The First Follow Up Study over Two Years PLoS.ONE., : 6(5):e19843
  • Grabner G, Dal-Bianco A, Schernthaner M, Vass K, Lassmann H, Trattnig S (2011) Analysis of multiple sclerosis lesions using a fusion of 3.0 T FLAIR and 7.0 T SWI phase: FLAIR SWI J Magn Reson Imaging, 33(3): 543-549
  • Lichtenbergová L, Lassmann H, Jones MK, Kolářová L, Horák P (2011) Trichobilharzia regenti: Host immune response in the pathogenesis of neuroinfection in mice Exp Parasitol, 128(4): 328-335
  • Pohl M, Fischer MT, Mader S, Schanda K, Kitic M, Sharma R, Wimmer I, Misu T, Fujihara K, Reindl M, Lassmann H, Bradl M. (2011) Pathogenic T cell responses against aquaporin 4 Acta Neuropathol, 122(1): 21-34
  • Grigoriadis N, Lourbopoulos A, Lagoudaki R, Frischer JM, Polyzoidou E, Touloumi O, Simeonidou C, Deretzi G, Kountouras J, Spandou E, Kotta K, Karkavelas G, Tascos N, Lassmann H. (2011) Variable behavior of autologous bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells transplanted in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Exp. Neurol., 230(1): 78-89
  • Serbecic N, Beutelspacher SC, Geitzenauer W, Kircher K, Lassmann H, Reitner A, Khan A, Schmidt-Erfurth U. (2011) RNFL thickness in MS-associated acute optic neuritis using SD-OCT: critical interpretation and limitations Acta Ophtalmol, 89(5): e451-460
  • Campbell GR, Ziabreva I, Reeve AK, Krishnan KJ, Reynolds R, Howell O, Lassmann H, Turnbull DM, Mahad DJ. (2011) Mitochondrial DNA deletions and neurodegeneration in multiple sclerosis Ann Neurol, 69(3): 481-492

2011 Reviews

  • Lassmann H, van Horssen J. (2011) The molecular basis of neurodegeneration in multiple sclerosis FEBS Letters, 585(23): 3715-3723
  • Lassmann H, Niedobitek G, Aloisi F, Middeldorp JM; the NeuroproMiSe EBV Working Group (2011) Epstein-Barr virus in the multiple sclerosis brain: a controversial issue--report on a focused workshop held in the Centre for Brain Research of the Medical University of Vienna, Austria Brain, 134(Pt 9) : 2772-2786
  • Lassmann H (2011) A dynamic view of the blood-brain barrier in active multiple sclerosis lesions Ann Neurol, 70(1): 1-2
  • Lassmann H (2011) The Architecture of Inflammatory Demyelinating Lesions: Implications for Studies on Pathogenesis Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol, 37(7): 698-710
  • Lassmann H, Bancher C, Attems J, Paulus W. (2011) In honor of the 80th birthday of Kurt Jellinger: a living legend in neuropathology Acta Neuropathol, 121(5): 565-568
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Lassmann H (2011) Mechanisms of neurodegeneration shared between multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease J Neural Transm, 118(5): 747-752
  • Lassmann H. (2011) Pathophysiology of inflammation and tissue injury in multiple sclerosis: What are the targets for therapy J Neurol Sci, 306(1-2): 167-169
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2010 Original Articles

  • Domingues HS, Mues M, Lassmann H, Wekerle H, Krishnamoorthy G. (2010) Functional and pathogenic differences of Th1 and th17 cells in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis PLoS.ONE., 5(11): e15531
  • Serbecic N, Aboul-Enein F, Beutelspacher SC, Graf M, Kircher K, Geitzenauer W, Brannath W, Lang P, Kristoferitsch W, Lassmann H, Reitner A, Schmidt-Erfurth U. (2010) Heterogeneous Pattern of Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer in Multiple Sclerosis. High Resolution Optical Coherence Tomography: Potential and Limitations PLoS.ONE., 5(11): e13877
  • Beyeen AD, Adzemovic MZ, Ockinger J, Stridh P, Becanovic K, Laaksonen H, Lassmann H, Harris RA, Hillert J, Alfredsson L, Celius EG, Harbo HF, Kockum I, Jagodic M, Olsson T. (2010) IL-22RA2 Associates with Multiple Sclerosis and Macrophage Effector Mechanisms in Experimental Neuroinflammation. J Immunol, 185(11): 6883-6890
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Boucheron N, Sharif O, Schebesta A, Croxford A, Raberger J, Schmidt U, Vigl B, Bauer J, Bankoti R, Lassmann H, Epstein MM, Knapp S, Waisman A, Ellmeier W. (2010) The Protein Tyrosine Kinase Tec Regulates a CD44highCD62L- Th17 Subset J Immunol, 185(9):5111-5119
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Stridh P, Thessen Hedreul M, Beyeen AD, Adzemovic MZ, Laaksonen H, Gillett A, Ockinger J, Marta M, Lassmann H, Becanovic K, Jagodic M, Olsson T. (2010) Fine-mapping resolves Eae23 into two QTLs and implicates ZEB1 as a candidate gene regulating experimental neuroinflammation in rat PLoS.ONE., 5(9): e12716
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Bramow S, Frischer JM, Lassmann H, Koch-Henriksen N, Lucchinetti CF, Sørensen PS, Laursen H (2010) Demyelination versus remyelination in progressive multiple sclerosis Brain, 133(10): 2983-2998
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Höftberger R, Fink S, Aboul-Enein F, Botond G, Olah J, Berki T, Ovadi J, Lassmann H, Budka H, Kovacs GG. (2010) Tubulin polymerization promoting protein (TPPP/p25) as a marker for oligodendroglial changes in multiple sclerosis Glia, 58(15):1847-1857
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Ziabreva I, Campbell G, Rist J, Zambonin J, Rorbach J, Wydro MM, Lassmann H, Franklin RJ, Mahad D. (2010) Injury and differentiation following inhibition of mitochondrial respiratory chain complex IV in rat oligodendrocytes Glia, 58(15):1827-37
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Prevot N, Briet C, Lassmann H, Tardivel I, Roy E, Morin J, Mak TW, Tafuri A, Boitard C. (2010) Abrogation of icos/icosl costimulation in nod mice results in autoimmune deviation towards the neuromuscular system Eur. J. Immunol., 40(8): 2267-2276
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Sharma R, Fischer MT, Bauer J, Felts PA, Smith KJ, Misu T, Fujihara K, Bradl M, Lassmann H. (2010) Inflammation induced by innate immunity in the central nervous system leads to primary astrocyte dysfunction followed by demyelination Acta Neuropathol, 120(2): 223-236
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Mohan H, Krumbholz M, Sharma R, Eisele S, Junker A, Sixt M, Newcombe J, Wekerle H, Hohlfeld R, Lassmann H, Meinl E. (2010) Extracellular Matrix in Multiple Sclerosis Lesions: Fibrillar Collagens, Biglycan and Decorin are Upregulated and Associated with Infiltrating Immune Cells Brain Pathol, 20(5): 966-975
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Rémi J, Pfefferkorn T, König FB, Lassmann H, Brück W, Holtmannspötter M, Straube A, Kretzschmar HA, Schüller U (2010) A 76-year-old woman with paraplegia Brain Pathol, 20(2): 507-510
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Khan O, Filippi M, Freedman MS, Barkhof F, Dore-Duffy P, Lassmann H, Trapp B, Bar-Or A, Zak I, Siegel MJ, Lisak R. (2010) Chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency and multiple sclerosis Ann Neurol, 67(3): 286-290
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Veto S, Acs P, Bauer J, Lassmann H, Berente Z, Setalo G Jr, Borgulya G, Sumegi B, Komoly S, Gallyas F Jr, Illes Z. (2010) Inhibiting poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase: a potential therapy against oligodendrocyte death Brain, 133(Pt 3):: 822-834
    | Article (PDF) |

2010 Reviews

  • Misu T, Fujihara K, Takahashi T, Takano R, Nishiyama S, Takai Y, Nakashima I, Sato S, Lassmann H, Itoyama Y (2010) Pathogenesis of Neuromyelitis Optica aquaporin 4 autoimmunity and astrocytopathy Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 50(11): 872
  • Lassmann H (2010) Reply: Non-multiple sclerosis recurrent demyelinating disorders: an ongoing debate Brain, 133(8): E151
  • Grois N, Fahrner B, Arceci RJ, Henter JI, McClain K, Lassmann H, Nanduri V, Prosch H, Prayer D; for the Histiocyte Society CNS LCH Study Group. (2010) Central Nervous System Disease in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis J Pediatr, 156(6): 873-881
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Lassmann H (2010) Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis and multiple sclerosis Brain, 133(2): 317-319
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Bradl M, Lassmann H (2010) Oligodendrocytes: biology and pathology Acta Neuropathol, 119(1): 37-53
    | Article (PDF): 1 1 |
  • Lassmann H (2010) Axonal and neuronal pathology in multiple sclerosis: What have we learnt from animal models Exp. Neurol., 225(1): 2-8
    | Article (PDF) |

2009 Original Articles

  • Emmanouil M, Taoufik E, Tseveleki V, Vamvakas SS, Tselios T, Karin M, Lassmann H, Probert L. (2009) Neuronal I{kappa}B Kinase {beta} Protects Mice from Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis by Mediating Neuroprotective and Immunosuppressive Effects in the Central Nervous System J Immunol, 183(12): 7877-89
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Junker A, Krumbholz M, Eisele S, Mohan H, Augstein F, Bittner R, Lassmann H, Wekerle H, Hohlfeld R, Meinl E. (2009) Micro-ribonucleic acid profiling of multiple sclerosis lesions identifies modulators of the regulatory protein CD47 Brain, 132(Pt 12): 3342-52
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Bradl M, Misu T, Takahashi T, Watanabe M, Mader S, Reindl M, Adzemovic M, Bauer J, Berger T, Fujihara K, Itoyama Y, Lassmann H. (2009) Neuromyelitis optica: Pathogenicity of patient immunoglobulin in vivo Ann Neurol, 66(5): 630-643
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Kaushansky N, Altmann DM, Ascough S, David CS, Lassmann H, Ben-Nun A. (2009) HLA-DQB1*0602 determines disease susceptibility in a new "humanized" multiple sclerosis model in HLA-DR15 (DRB1*1501;DQB1*0602) transgenic mice J Immunol, 183(5): 3531-41
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Isaksson M, Ardesjö B, Rönnblom L, Kämpe O, Lassmann H, Eloranta ML, Lobell A. (2009) Plasmacytoid dendritic cells promote priming of autoimmune Th17 cells and experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Eur. J. Immunol., 39(10): 2925-35
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Fuchs P, Zorer M, Reipert S, Rezniczek GA, Propst F, Walko G, Fischer I, Bauer J, Leschnik MW, Luscher B, Thalhammer JG, Lassmann H, Wiche G. (2009) Targeted inactivation of a developmentally regulated neural plectin isoform (plectin 1C) in mice leads to reduced motor nerve conduction J Biol Chem, 284(39): 26502-9
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Owens GP, Bennett JL, Lassmann H, O'Connor KC, Ritchie AM, Shearer A, Lam C, Yu X, Birlea M, Dupree C, Williamson RA, Hafler DA, Burgoon MP, Gilden D. (2009) Antibodies produced by clonally expanded plasma cells in multiple sclerosis cerebrospinal fluid Ann Neurol, 65(6): 639-649
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Schoderboeck L, Adzemovic M, Nicolussi EM, Crupinschi C, Hochmeister S, Fischer MT, Lassmann H, Bradl M. (2009) The 'window of susceptibility' for inflammation in the immature central nervous system is characterized by a leaky blood-brain barrier and the local expression of inflammatory chemokines Neurobiol Dis, 35(3): 368-75
    | Supplement |
  • Pöllinger B, Krishnamoorthy G, Berer K, Lassmann H, Bösl MR, Dunn R, Domingues HS, Holz A, Kurschus FC, Wekerle H. (2009) Spontaneous relapsing-remitting EAE in the SJL/J mouse: MOG-reactive transgenic T cells recruit endogenous MOG-specific B cells J Exp Med, 206(6): 1303-1316
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Krishnamoorthy G, Saxena A, Mars LT, Domingues HS, Mentele R, Ben-Nun A, Lassmann H, Dornmair K, Kurschus FC, Liblau RS, Wekerle H. (2009) Myelin-specific T cells also recognize neuronal autoantigen in a transgenic mouse model of multiple sclerosis Nat Med, 15(6): 626-632
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Derfuss T, Parikh K, Velhin S, Braun M, Mathey E, Krumbholz M, Kümpfel T, Moldenhauer A, Rader C, Sonderegger P, Pöllmann W, Tiefenthaller C, Bauer J, Lassmann H, Wekerle H, Karagogeos D et al (2009) Contactin-2/TAG-1-directed autoimmunity is identified in multiple sclerosis patients and mediates gray matter pathology in animals Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 106(20): 8302-8307
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Nicolussi EM, Huck S, Lassmann H, Bradl M (2009) The cholinergic anti-inflammatory system limited T cell infiltration into the neurodegenerative CNS, but can not counteract complex CNS inflammation Neurobiol Dis, 35: 24-31
  • Frischer JM, Bramow S, Dal-Bianco A, Lucchinetti CF, Rauschka H, Schmidbauer M, Laursen H, Sorensen PS, Lassmann H (2009) The relation between inflammation and neurodegeneration in multiple sclerosis brains Brain, 132 (Pt. 5): 1175-1189
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Mahad DJ, Ziabreva I, Campbell G, Lax N, White K, Hanson PS, Lassmann H, Turnbull DM (2009) Mitochondial changes within axons in multiple sclerosis Brain, 132 (Pt. 5): 1161-1174
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Hochmeister S, Bittner RE, Höger H, Lassmann H, Bradl M (2009) The susceptibility to experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis is not related to dysferlin-deficiency Autoimmunity, 42(3): 235-241

2009 Reviews

  • Lassmann H (2009) Clinical and pathological topics of multiple sclerosis Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 49(11): 715-718
  • Lassmann H (2009) Experimental models of neuromyelitis optica Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 49(11): 900-901
  • Bradl M, Lassmann H (2009) Progressive multiple sclerosis Semin Immunopathol, 31(4): 455-465
    | Article (PDF) |

2008 Original Articles

  • Dal Bianco A, Bradl M, Frischer J, Kutzelnigg A, Jellinger K, Lassmann H. (2008) Multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease. Ann Neurol, 63 (2): 174-83
  • Multiple Sclerosis Therapeutic Consensus Group (MSTCG; u.a. Lassmann H), Wiendl H, Toyka KV, Rieckmann P, Gold R, Hartung HP, Hohlfeld R (2008) Basic and escalating immunomodulatory treatments in multiple sclerosis: current therapeutic recommendations J Neurol, 255(10): 1449-1463
  • Hochmeister S, Zeitelhofer M, Bauer J, Nicolussi EM, Fischer MT, Heinke B, Selzer E, Lassmann H, Bradl M (2008) After injection into the striatum, in vitro-differentiated microglia- and bone marrow-derived dendritic cells can leave the central nervous system via the blood stream Am.J.Pathol., 173(6): 1669-1681
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  • Rathinam C, Lassmann H, Mengel M, Klein C (2008) Transcription factor Gfi1 restricts B cell-mediated autoimmunity J Immunol, 181(9): 6222-6229
  • Aharonowiz M, Einstein O, Fainstein N, Lassmann H, Reubinoff B, Ben-Hur T (2008) Neuroprotective effect of transplanted human embryonic stem cell-derived neural precursors in an animal model of multiple sclerosis PLoS.ONE., 3(9): e3145
  • Andersson A, Covacu R, Sunnemark D, Danilov AI, Dal Bianco A, Khademi M, Wallström E, Lobell A, Brundin L, Lassmann H, Harris RA (2008) Pivotal advance: HMGB1 expression in active lesions of human and experimental multiple sclerosis J Leukoc Biol, 84(5): 1248-1255
  • Saxena A*, Bauer J*, Scheikl T, Zapulla J, Audebert M, Desbois S, Waisman A, Lassmann H, Liblau RS, Mars LT (2008) Cutting edge: Multiple sclerosis-like lesions induced by effector CD8 T cells recognizing a sequestered antigen on oligodendrocytes J Immunol, 181(3): 1617-1621. *AS and JB share first authorship
  • Bramow S, Faber-Rod JC, Jacobsen C, Kutzelnigg A, Patrikios P, Sorensen PS, Lassmann H, Laursen H (2008) Fatal neurogenic pulmonary edema with progressive multiple sclerosis Mult Scler, 14(5): 711-715
  • Lucchinetti CF, Gavrilova RH, Metz I, Parisi JE, Scheithauer BW, Weigand S, Thomsen K, Mandrekar J, Altintas A, Erickson BJ, König F, Giannini C, Lassmann H, Linbo L, Pittock SJ, Brück W. (2008) Clinical and radiographic spectrum of pathologically confirmed tumefactive multiple sclerosis Brain, 131(Pt 7): 1759-1775
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Mahad D, Ziabreva I, Lassmann H, Turnbull D (2008) Mitochondrial defects in acute multiple sclerosis lesions. Brain, 131(Pt 7): 1722-1735
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Aboul-Enein F, Höftberger R, Buxhofer-Ausch V, Drlicek M, Lassmann H, Budka H, Kristoferitsch W. (2008) Neocortical neurones may be targeted by immune attack in anti-Yo paraneoplastic syndrome Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol, 34(2): 248-252
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Dal Bianco A, Bradl M, Frischer J, Kutzelnigg A, Jellinger K, Lassmann H (2008) Multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease Ann Neurol, 63(2): 174-183
    | Article (PDF) |

2008 Reviews

  • Lassmann H (2008) The pathological substrate of magnetic resonance alterations in multiple sclerosis Neuroimaging Clin N Am, 18(4): 563-576
  • Mahad D, Lassmann H, Turnbull D (2008) Mitochondria and disease progression in multiple sclerosis Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol, 34(6): 577-589
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Kutzelnigg A, Lassmann H (2008) Neuropathology of cognitive dysfunction in multiple sclerosis Handb Clin Neurol, 89: 719-723
  • Zivadinov R, Reder AT, Filippi M, Minagar A, Stüve O, Lassmann H, Racke MK, Dwyer MG, Frohman EM, Khan O (2008) Mechanisms of action of disease-modifying agents and brain volume changes in multiple sclerosis Neurology, 71(2): 136-144
  • Lassmann H (2008) Mechanisms of inflammation induced tissue injury in multiple sclerosis. J Neurol Sci, 274(1-2): 45-47
  • Lassmann H (2008) Model of multiple sclerosis: new insights into pathopysiology and repair Curr Opin Neurol, 21(3): 242-247
  • Lassmann H, Lucchinetti CF (2008) Cortical Demyelination ín CNS inflammatory demyelinating disease (Editorial) Neurology, 70(5): 332-333
  • Kuhlmann T, Lassmann H, Brück W (2008) Diagnosis of inflammatory demyelination in biopsy specimens: a practical approach Acta Neuropathol, 115(3): 275-287

2007 Original Articles

  • Rauschka H, Aboul-Enein F, Bauer J, Nobis H, Lassmann H, Schmidbauer M (2007) Acute cerebral white matter damage in lethal salicylate intoxication Neurotoxicology, 28: 33-37
  • Einstein O, Fainstein N, Vaknin I, Mizrachi-Kol R, Reihartz E, Grigoriadis N, Lavon I, Baniyash M, Lassmann H, Ben-Hur T (2007) Neural precursors attenuate autoimmune encephalomyelitis by peripheral immunosuppression Ann Neurol, 61(3): 209-218
  • Müller GJ, Lassmann H, Johansen FF (2007) Anti-apoptotic signaling and failure of apoptosis in the ischemic rat hippocampus Neurobiol Dis, 25(3): 582-593
  • Odoardi F, Kawakami N, Li Z, Cordiglieri C, Streyl K, Nosov M, Klinkert WE, Ellwart JW, Bauer J, Lassmann H, Wekerle H, Flügel A (2007) Instant effect of soluble antigen on effector T cells in peripheral immune organs during immunotherapy of autoimmune encephalomyelitis Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 104(3): 920-925
  • Roemer SF, Parisi JE, Lennon VA, Benarroch EE, Lassmann H, Bruck W, Mandler RN, Weinshenker BG, Pittock SJ, Wingerchuk DM, Lucchinetti CF (2007) Pattern-specific loss of aquaporin-4 immunoreactivity distinguishes neuromyelitis optica from multiple sclerosis Brain, 130 (Pt 5): 1194-1205
  • Pittock SJ, Reindl M, Achenbach S, Berger T, Bruck W, Konig F, Morales Y, Lassmann H, Bryant S, Moore SB, Keegan BM, Lucchinetti CF (2007) Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibodies in pathologically proven multiple sclerosis: frequency, stability and clinicopathologic correlations Mult Scler, 13(1): 7-16
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Adams RA, Bauer J, Flick MJ, Sikorski SL, Nuriel T, Lassmann H, Degen JL, Akassoglou K (2007) The fibrin-derived gamma377-395 peptide inhibits microglia activation and suppresses relapsing paralysis in central nervous system autoimmune disease J Exp Med, 204(3): 571-582
  • Eltayeb S, Berg AL, Lassmann H, Wallström E, Nilsson M, Olsson T, Ericsson-Dahlstrand A, Sunnemark D (2007) Temporal expression and cellular origin of CC chemokine receptors CCR1, CCR2 and CCR5 in the central nervous system: insight into mechanisms of MOG-induced EAE J Neuroinflammation, 4: Art. 14
  • Kutzelnigg A, Faber-Rod JC, Bauer J, Lucchinetti CF, Sorensen PS, Laursen H, Stadelmann C, Brück W, Rauschka H, Schmidbauer M, Lassmann H (2007) Widespread demyelination in the cerebellar cortex in multiple sclerosis Brain Pathol, 17(1): 38-44
  • Bauer J, Elger CE, Hans VH, Schramm J, Urbach H, Lassmann H, Bien CG (2007) Astrocytes are a specific immunological target in Rasmussen's encephalitis Ann Neurol, 62(1): 67-80
  • Schmidt WM, Kraus C, Höger H, Hochmeister S, Oberndorfer F, Branka M, Bingemann S, Lassmann H, Müller M, Macedo-Souza LI, Vainzof M, Zatz M, Reis A, Bittner RE (2007) Mutation in the Scyl1 gene encoding amino-terminal kinase-like protein causes a recessive form of spinocerebellar neurodegeneration EMBO Rep, 8(7): 691-697
  • Taoufik E, Valable S, Müller GJ, Roberts ML, Divoux D, Tinel A, Voulgari-Kokota A, Tseveleki V, Altruda F, Lassmann H, Petit E, Probert L (2007) FLIP(L) protects neurons against in vivo ischemia and in vitro glucose deprivation-induced cell death J Neurosci, 27(25): 6633-6646
  • Dumser M, Bauer J, Lassmann H, Berger J, Forss-Petter S (2007) Lack of adrenoleukodystrophy protein enhances oligodendrocyte disturbance and microglia activation in mice with combined Abcd1/Mag deficiency Acta Neuropathol, 114;6: 573-586
  • Grundtner R, Dornmair K, Dahm R, Flügel A, Kawakami N, Zeitelhofer M, Schoderboeck L, Nosov M, Selzer E, Willheim M, Kiebler M, Wekerle H, Lassmann H, Bradl M (2007) Transition from enhanced T cell infiltration to inflammation in the myelin-degenerative central nervous system Neurobiol Dis, 28;3: 261-275
  • Junker A, Ivanidze J, Malotka J, Eiglmeier I, Lassmann H, Wekerle H, Meinl E, Hohlfeld R, Dornmair K (2007) Multiple sclerosis: T-cell receptor expression in distinct brain regions Brain, 130;11: 2789-2799
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Metz I, Lucchinetti CF, Openshaw H, Garcia-Merino A, Lassmann H, Freedman MS, Azzarelli B, Kolar OJ, Atkins HL, Brück W (2007) Autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: the glass seems to be half full for aggressive, early forms of MS and half empty for advanced MS Brain, 130;5: 1254-1262
  • Marik C, Felts PA, Bauer J, Lassmann H, Smith KJ (2007) Lesion genesis in a subset of patients with multiple sclerosis: a role for innate immunity? Brain, 130;11: 2800-2815
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Höftberger R, Garzuly F, Dienes HP, Grubits J, Rohonyi B, Fischer G, Hanzely Z, Lassmann H, Budka H (2007) Fulminant central nervous system demyelination associated with interferon-{alpha} therapy and hepatitis C virus infection Mult Scler, 13(9): 1100-1106
    | Article (PDF) |

2007 Reviews

  • Lassmann H (2007) Cortical, subcortical and spinal alterations in neuroimmunological diseases J Neurol, 254 (Suppl 2): II/15-II/17
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Lassmann H (2007) Experimental models in multiple sclerosis Rev Neurol (Paris), 163(6-7): 651-655
  • Lassmann H (2007) Multiple sclerosis: is there neurodegeneration independent from inflammation? J Neurol Sci, 259 (1-2): 1-3
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Lassmann H, Brück W, Lucchinetti CF (2007) The immunopathology of multiple sclerosis: an overview Brain Pathol, 17(2): 210-218
  • Lassmann H (2007) New concepts on progressive multiple sclerosis Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep, 7(3): 239-244

2006 Original Articles

  • Hohlfeld R, Kerschensteiner M, Stadelmann C, Lassmann H, Wekerle H (2006) The neuroprotective effect of inflammation: implications for the therapy of multiple sclerosis. Neurological Sciences, 27 Suppl 1: 1-7
  • Krishnamoorthy G, Lassmann H, Wekerle H, Holz A (2006) Spontaneous opticospinal encephalomyelitis in a double-transgenic mouse model of autoimmune T cell/B cell cooperation J Clin Invest, 116(9): 2385-2392
  • Patrikios P, Stadelmann C, Kutzelnigg A, Rauschka H, Schmidbauer M, Laursen H, Sorensen PS, Bruck W, Lucchinetti C, Lassmann H (2006) Remyelination is extensive in a subset of multiple sclerosis patients Brain, 129(Pt.12): 3165-3172
  • van Loo G, De Lorenzi R, Schmidt H, Huth M, Mildner A, Schmidt-Supprian M, Lassmann H, Prinz MR, Pasparakis M (2006) Inhibition of transcription factor NF-kappaB in the central nervous system ameliorates autoimmune encephalomyelitis in mice Nature Immunol, 7(9): 954-961
  • Becanovic K, Jagodic M, Sheng JR, Dahlman I, Aboul-Enein F, Wallstrom E, Olofsson P, Holmdahl R, Lassmann H, Olsson T (2006) Advanced intercross line mapping of Eae5 reveals Ncf-1 and CLDN4 as candidate genes for experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis J Immunol, 176(10): 6055-6064
  • Spazierer D, Fuchs P, Reipert S, Fischer I, Schmuth M, Lassmann H, Wiche G (2006) Epiplakin is dispensable for skin barrier function and for integrity of keratin network cytoarchitecture in simple and stratified epithelia Mol Cell Biol, 26(2): 559-568
  • Storch MK, Bauer J, Linington C, Olsson T, Weissert R, Lassmann H (2006) Cortical demyelination can be modeled in specific rat models of autoimmune encephalomyelitis and is major histocompatability complex (MHC) haplotype-related J Neuropath Exp Neurol, 65(12): 1137-1142
  • Kaushansky N, Zhong MC, Kerlero de Rosbo N, Hoeftberger R, Lassmann H, Ben-Nun A (2006) Epitope specificity of autoreactive T and B cells associated with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and optic neuritis induced by oligodendrocyte-specific protein in SJL/J mice J Immunol, 15;177(10): 7364-7376
  • Aboul-Enein F., Weiser, P., Höftberger, R., Lassmann, H., and Bradl, M. (2006) Transient axonal injury in the absence of demyelination: a correlate of clinical disease in acute experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Acta Neuropathol, 111: 539-547
  • Fraisl P., Tanaka H., Forss-Petter S, Lassmann H., Nishimune Y., Berger J (2006) A novel mammalian bubblegum-related acyl-CoA synthetase restricted to testes and possibly involved in spermatogenesis Arch Biochem Biophys, 451: 23-33
  • Hochmeister S., Grundtner R., Bauer J., Engelhardt B., Lyck R., Gordon G., Korosec T., Kutzelnigg A., Berger J., Bradl M., Bittner R.E., Lassmann H (2006) Dysferlin Is a New Marker for Leaky Brain Blood Vessels in Multiple Sclerosis J Neuropath Exp Neurol, 65: 855-865

2006 Reviews

  • Gold R, Linington C, Lassmann H (2006) Understanding pathogenesis and therapy of multiple sclerosis via animal models: 70 years of merits and culprits in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis research. Brain, 129(Pt. 8): 1953-1971
  • Lassmann H (2006) Genetic predisposition for autoimmunity in multiple sclerosis? Lancet, 5(11): 897-898
  • Kutzelnigg A, Lassmann H (2006) Cortical demyelination in multiple sclerosis: a substrate for cognitive deficits? J Neurol Sci, 15;245(1-2): 123-126

2006 Books

  • Compston A, Confavreux C, Lassmann H, McDonald I, Miller D, Noseworthy J, Smith K and Wekerle H (2006) McAlpine's Multiple Sclerosis, 4th Edition. , Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier, Philadelphia

2005 Original Articles

  • Kovacs,-G-G; Hoftberger,-R; Majtenyi,-K; Horvath,-R; Barsi,-P; Komoly,-S; Lassmann,-H; Budka,-H; Jakab,-G (2005) Neuropathology of white matter disease in Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy Brain, 128(Pt. 1): 35-41
  • Miletic,-H; Utermohlen,-O; Wedekind,-C; Hermann,-M; Stenzel,-W; Lassmann,-H; Schluter,-D; Deckert,-M (2005) P0(106-125) is a neuritogenic epitope of the peripheral myelin protein P0 and induces autoimmune neuritis in C57BL/6 mice J Neuropath Exp Neurol, 64(1): 66-73
  • Bien,-C-G; Granata,-T; Antozzi,-C; Cross,-J-H; Dulac,-O; Kurthen,-M; Lassmann,-H; Mantegazza,-R; Villemure,-J-G; Spreafico,-R; Elger,-C-E (2005) Pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of Rasmussen encephalitis: a European consensus statement Brain, 128 (Pt. 3): 454-471
  • Mahad,-D-J; Staugaitis,-S; Ruggieri,-P; Parisi,-J; Kleinschmidt-Demasters,-B-K; Lassmann,-H; Ransohoff,-R-M (2005) Steroid-responsive encephalopathy associated with autoimmune thyroiditis and primary CNS demyelination J Neurol Sci, 228(1): 3-5
  • Grois N, Prayer D, Prosch H, Lassmann H and the CNS LCH Co-operative Group (2005) Neuropathology of CNS disease in Langerhans cell histiocytosis. Brain, 128 (Pt. 4): 829-838
  • Pittock SJ, McClelland RL, Achenbach SJ, Konig F, Bitsch A, Bruck W, Lassmann H, Parisi JE, Scheithauer BW, Rodriguez M, Weinshenker BG, Lucchinetti CF (2005) Clinical course, pathological correlations, and outcome of biopsy proved inflammatory demyelinating disease. J Neurol Neurosurg Psych, 76 (12): 1693-1697
  • Hovelmeyer N, Hao Z, Kranidioti K, Kassiotis G, Buch T, Frommer F, von Hoch L, Kramer D, Minichiello L, Kollias G, Lassmann H, Waisman A (2005) Apoptosis of oligodendrocytes via Fas and TNF-R1 is a key event in the induction of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. J Immunol, 175(9): 5875-5884
  • Kutzelnigg A, Lucchinetti CF, Stadelmann C, Bruck W, Rauschka H, Bergmann M, Schmidbauer M, Parisi JE, Lassmann H (2005) Cortical demyelination and diffuse white matter injury in multiple sclerosis Brain, 128 (Pt .11): 2705-2712
  • Kantarci OH, Morales Y, Ziemer PA, Hebrink DD, Mahad DJ, Atkinson EJ, Achenbach SJ, De Andrade M, Mack M, Ransohoff RM, Lassmann H, Bruck W, Weinshenker BG, Lucchinetti CF (2005) CCR5Delta32 polymorphism effects on CCR5 expression, patterns of immunopathology and disease course in multiple sclerosis J Neuroimmunol, 169 (1-2): 137-143
  • Gies U, Gruia D, Lassmann H, Bergmann M (2005) A case of rapidly progressive Rosai-Dorfman disease restricted to the central nervous system Zentralbl Neurochir, 66(3): 142-146
  • Ali S, King GD, Curtin JF, Candolfi M, Xiong W, Liu C, Puntel M, Cheng Q, Prieto J, Ribas A, Kupiec-Weglinski J, van Rooijen N, Lassmann H, Lowenstein PR, Castro MG (2005) Combined immunostimulation and conditional cytotoxic gene therapy provide long-term survival in a large glioma model Cancer Res, 65(16): 7194-7204
  • Keegan M, Konig F, McClelland R, Bruck W, Morales Y, Bitsch A, Panitch H, Lassmann H, Weinshenker B, Rodriguez M, Parisi J, Lucchinetti CF (2005) Relation between humoral pathological changes in multiple sclerosis and response to therapeutic plasma exchange Lancet, 366(9485): 579-582
  • Sunnemark D, Eltayeb S, Nilsson M, Wallstrom E, Lassmann H, Olsson T, Berg AL, Ericsson-Dahlstrand A (2005) CX3CL1 (fractalkine) and CX3CR1 expression in myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis: kinetics and cellular origin J Neuroinflammation, 2: 17
  • Perron H, Lazarini F, Ruprecht K, Pechoux-Longin C, Seilhean D, Sazdovitch V, Creange A, Battail-Poirot N, Sibai G, Santoro L, Jolivet M, Darlix JL, Rieckmann P, Arzberger T, Hauw JJ, Lassmann H (2005) Human endogenous retrovirus (HERV)-W ENV and GAG proteins: physiological expression in human brain and pathophysiological modulation in multiple sclerosis lesions J Neurovirol, 11(1): 23-33
  • Stadelmann C, Ludwin S, Tabira T, Guseo A, Lucchinetti CF, Leel-Ossy L, Ordinario AT, Bruck W, Lassmann H (2005) Tissue preconditioning may explain concentric lesions in Balo's type of multiple sclerosis Brain, 128(Pt. 5): 979-987
  • Bradl, M., Bauer, J., Flügel A., Wekerle H., and Lassmann, H (2005) Complementary contribution of CD4 and CD8 T lymphocytes to T cell infiltration of the intact and the degenerative spinal cord Am.J.Pathol., 166: 1441-1450
  • Kawakami, N., Odoardi, F., Ziemssen, T., Bradl, M., Ritter, T., Neuhaus, O., Lassmann, H., Wekerle, H., and Flügel, A. (2005) Autoimmune CD4+ T cell memory: Life long persistence of encephalitogenic T cell clones in healthy immune repertoires J Neuroimmunol, 175: 69-81

2005 Reviews

  • Aboul-Enein,-F; Lassmann,-H (2005) Mitochondrial damage and histotoxic hypoxia: a pathway of tissue injury in inflammatory brain disease? Acta Neuropathol, 109(1): 49-55
  • Lassmann H (2005) Multiple sclerosis pathology: evolution of pathogenetic concepts. Brain Pathol, 15(3): 217-222
  • Lassmann H (2005) Stem cell and progenitor cell transplantation in multiple sclerosis: the discrepancy between neurobiological attraction and clinical feasibility. J Neurol Sci, 233(1-2): 83-86
  • Kutzelnigg A, Lassmann H (2005) Cortical lesions and brain atrophy in MS J Neurol Sci, 233(1-2): 55-59

2005 Book Chapters

  • Lassmann H (2005) Pathology of Neurons in Multiple Sclerosis. In: S. Waxman, Multiple Sclerosis as a Neuronal Disease Elsevier, Academic Press, Amsterdam: 153-164
  • Bradl M, Lassmann H (2005) The role of autoimmunity in multiple sclerosis. In: Zouali, M., Molecular Autoimmunity Springer Science & Business Media, New York, USA: 209-225

2004 Original Articles

  • Muller,-G-J; Stadelmann,-C; Bastholm,-L; Elling,-F; Lassmann,-H; Johansen,-F-F (2004) Ischemia leads to apoptosis--and necrosis-like neuron death in the ischemic rat hippocampus Brain Pathol, 14(4): 415-424
  • Tseveleki,-V; Bauer,-J; Taoufik,-E; Ruan,-C; Leondiadis,-L; Haralambous,-S; Lassmann,-H; Probert,-L (2004) Cellular FLIP (long isoform) overexpression in T cells drives Th2 effector responses and promotes immunoregulation in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis J Immunol, 173(11): 6619-6926
  • Preusser,-M; Strobel,-T; Birner,-P; Marosi,-C; Dieckmann,-K; Rossler,-K; Budka,-H; Lassmann,-H; Hainfellner,-J-A (2004) Presence of D110 antigen expressing immunocompetent cells in glioblastoma associates with prolonged survival Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol, 30(6): 608-614
  • Loers,-G; Aboul-Enein,-F; Bartsch,-U; Lassmann,-H; Schachner,-M (2004) Comparison of myelin, axon, lipid, and immunopathology in the central nervous system of differentially myelin-compromised mutant mice: a morphological and biochemical study Mol Cell Neurosci, 27(2): 175-189
  • Lucchinetti,-C-F; Bruck,-W; Lassmann,-H (2004) Evidence for pathogenic heterogeneity in multiple sclerosis Ann Neurol, 56(2): 308
  • Mead,-R-J; Neal,-J-W; Griffiths,-M-R; Linington,-C; Botto,-M; Lassmann,-H; Morgan,-B-P (2004) Deficiency of the complement regulator CD59a enhances disease severity, demyelination and axonal injury in murine acute experimental allergic encephalomyelitis Lab Invest, 84(1): 21-28
  • Tschachler,-E; Reinisch,-C-M; Mayer,-C; Paiha,-K; Lassmann,-H; Weninger,-W (2004) Sheet preparations expose the dermal nerve plexus of human skin and render the dermal nerve end organ accessible to extensive analysis J Invest Dermatol, 122(1): 177-182
  • Hoftberger,-R; Aboul-Enein,-F; Brueck,-W; Lucchinetti,-C; Rodriguez,-M; Schmidbauer,-M; Jellinger,-K; Lassmann,-H (2004) Expression of major histocompatibility complex class I molecules on the different cell types in multiple sclerosis lesions Brain Pathol, 14(1): 43-50
  • Cabarrocas,-J; Piaggio,-E; Zappulla,-J-P; Desbois,-S; Mars,-L-T; Lassmann,-H; Liblau,-R-S (2004) A transgenic mouse model for T-cell ignorance of a glial autoantigen J Autoimmun, 22(3): 179-189
  • Mahad,-D-J; Trebst,-C; Kivisakk,-P; Staugaitis,-S-M; Tucky,-B; Wei,-T; Lucchinetti,-C-F; Lassmann,-H; Ransohoff,-R-M (2004) Expression of chemokine receptors CCR1 and CCR5 reflects differential activation of mononuclear phagocytes in pattern II and pattern III multiple sclerosis lesions J Neuropath Exp Neurol, 63(3): 262-273
  • Aszmann,-O-C; Winkler,-T; Korak,-K; Lassmann,-H; Frey,-M (2004) The influence of GDNF on the timecourse and extent of motoneuron loss in the cervical spinal cord after brachial plexus injury in the neonate Neurol Res, 26(2): 211-217
  • Kivisakk,-P; Mahad,-D-J; Callahan,-M-K; Sikora,-K; Trebst,-C; Tucky,-B; Wujek,-J; Ravid,-R; Staugaitis,-S-M; Lassmann,-H; Ransohoff,-R-M (2004) Expression of CCR7 in multiple sclerosis: implications for CNS immunity Ann Neurol, 55 (5): 627-638
  • Akassoglou,-K; Adams,-R-A; Bauer,-J; Mercado,-P; Tseveleki,-V; Lassmann,-H; Probert,-L; Strickland,-S (2004) Fibrin depletion decreases inflammation and delays the onset of demyelination in a tumor necrosis factor transgenic mouse model for multiple sclerosis Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 101(17): 6698-6703
  • de-Rosbo,-N-K; Kaye,-J-F; Eisenstein,-M; Mendel,-I; Hoeftberger,-R; Lassmann,-H; Milo,-R; Ben-Nun,-A (2004) The myelin-associated oligodendrocytic basic protein region MOBP15-36 encompasses the immunodominant major encephalitogenic epitope(s) for SJL/J mice and predicted epitope(s) for multiple sclerosis-as J Immunol, 172(2): 1426-1435
  • Pellkofer,-H; Schubart,-A-S; Hoftberger,-R; Schutze,-N; Pagany,-M; Schuller,-M; Lassmann,-H; Hohlfeld,-R; Voltz,-R; Linington,-C (2004) Modelling paraneoplastic CNS disease: T-cells specific for the onconeuronal antigen PNMA1 mediate autoimmune encephalomyelitis in the rat Brain, 127 (Pt. 8): 1822-1830
  • Xanthoulea,-S; Pasparakis,-M; Kousteni,-S; Brakebusch,-C; Wallach,-D; Bauer,-J; Lassmann,-H; Kollias,-G (2004) Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor shedding controls thresholds of innate immune activation that balance opposing TNF functions in infectious and inflammatory diseases J Exp Med, 200 (3): 367-376
  • Kawakami, N., Lassmann, S., Li, Z., Odoardi, F., Ritter, T., Ziemssen, T., Klinkert, W.E.F., Ellwart, J.W., Bradl, M., Krivacic, K., Lassmann, H., Ransohoff, R.M., Volk, H.-D., Wekerle, H., Linington (2004) The activation status of neuroantigen-specific T cells in the target organ determines the clinical outcome of autoimmune encephalomyelitis J Exp Med, 199: 185-197
  • Aboul-Enein, F., Bauer, J., Klein, M., Schubart, A., Flügel, A., Ritter, T., Kawakami, N., Siedler, F., Linington, C., Wekerle, H., Lassmann, H., Bradl, M (2004) Selective and antigen dependent effects of myelin degeneration on central nervous system inflammation J Neuropath Exp Neurol, 63: 1284-1296

2004 Reviews

  • Lassmann,-H; Ransohoff,-R-M (2004) The CD4-Th1 model for multiple sclerosis: a critical [correction of crucial] re-appraisal Trends Immunol, 25(3): 132-137
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Lassmann,-H (2004) Recent neuropathological findings in MS-implications for diagnosis and therapy. J Neurol, 251 Suppl 4: IV2-5
  • Rieckmann,-P; Toyka,-K-V; Bassetti,-C; Beer,-K; Beer,-S; Buettner,-U; Chofflon,-M; Gotschi-Fuchs,-M; Kappos,-L; Kesselring,-J;...........Lassmann H et al (Multiple-Sclerosis-Therapy-Consensus-Group) (2004) Escalating immunotherapy of multiple sclerosis-new aspects and practical application J Neurol, 251(11): 1329-1339

2004 Books

  • Lazzarini RA, Griffin JW, Lassmann H, Nave KA, Miller RH, Trapp BD (Eds.) (2004) Myelin Biology and Disorders. , Elsevier, Academic Press, Amsterdam

2003 Original Articles

  • Becanovic K, Wallstrom E, Kornek B, Glaser A, Broman KW, Dahlman I, Olofsson P, Holmdahl R, Luthman H, Lassmann H, Olsson T (2003) New loci regulating rat myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis J Immunol, 170(2): 1062-1069
  • Lobell A, Weissert R, Eltayeb S, de Graaf KL, Wefer J, Storch MK, Lassmann H, Wigzell H, Olsson T (2003) Suppressive DNA vaccination in myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein peptide-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis involves a T1-biased immune response J Immunol, 170(4): 1806-1813
  • Trebst C, Staugaitis SM, Kivisakk P, Mahad D, Cathcart MK, Tucky B, Wei T, Rani MR, Horuk R, Aldape KD, Pardo CA, Lucchinetti CF, Lassmann H, Ransohoff RM (2003) CC Chemokine Receptor 8 in the Central Nervous System Is Associated with Phagocytic Macrophages Am.J.Pathol., 162(1): 427-438
  • Aboul-Enein F, Rauschka H, Kornek B, Stadelmann C, Stefferl A, Bruck W, Lucchinetti C, Schmidbauer M, Jellinger K, Lassmann H (2003) Preferential loss of myelin-associated glycoprotein reflects hypoxia-like white matter damage in stroke and inflammatory brain diseases J Neuropath Exp Neurol, 62(1): 25-33
  • Akassoglou K, Douni E, Bauer J, Lassmann H, Kollias G, Probert L (2003) Exclusive tumor necrosis factor (TNF) signaling by the p75TNF receptor triggers inflammatory ischemia in the CNS of transgenic mice Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 100(2): 709-714
  • Eltayeb,-S; Sunnemark,-D; Berg,-A-L; Nordvall,-G; Malmberg,-A; Lassmann,-H; Wallstrom,-E; Olsson,-T; Ericsson-Dahlstrand,-A (2003) Effector stage CC chemokine receptor-1 selective antagonism reduces multiple sclerosis-like rat disease J Neuroimmunol, 142(1-2): 75-85
  • Schroeter,-M; Stoll,-G; Weissert,-R; Hartung,-H-P; Lassmann,-H; Jander,-S (2003) CD8+ phagocyte recruitment in rat experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis: association with inflammatory tissue destruction Am.J.Pathol., 163(4): 1517-1524
  • Abdul-Majid,-K-B; Wefer,-J; Stadelmann,-C; Stefferl,-A; Lassmann,-H; Olsson,-T; Harris,-R-A (2003) Comparing the pathogenesis of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in CD4(-/-) and CD8(-/-) DBA/1 mice defines qualitative roles of different T cell subsets J Neuroimmunol, 141 (1-2): 10-19
  • Rauschka,-H; Jellinger,-K; Lassmann,-H; Braier,-F; Schmidbauer,-M (2003) Guillain-Barre syndrome with marked pleocytosis or a significant proportion of polymorphonuclear granulocytes in the cerebrospinal fluid: neuropathological investigation of five cases and review of di Eur J Neurol, 10(5): 479-486
  • Wanschitz,-J; Maier,-H; Lassmann,-H; Budka,-H; Berger,-T (2003) Distinct time pattern of complement activation and cytotoxic T cell response in Guillain-Barre syndrome. Brain, 126(Pt.9): 2034-2042
  • Kivisakk,-P; Mahad,-D-J; Callahan,-M-K; Trebst,-C; Tucky,-B; Wei,-T; Wu,-L; Baekkevold,-E-S; Lassmann,-H; Staugaitis,-S-M; Campbell,-J-J; Ransohoff,-R-M (2003) Human cerebrospinal fluid central memory CD4+ T cells: evidence for trafficking through choroid plexus and meninges via P-selectin Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 100(14): 8389-8394
  • Becanovic,-K; Backdahl,-L; Wallstrom,-E; Aboul-Enein,-F; Lassmann,-H; Olsson,-T; Lorentzen,-J-C (2003) Paradoxical effects of arthritis-regulating chromosome 4 regions on myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein-induced encephalomyelitis in congenic rats Eur. J. Immunol., 33(7): 1907-1916
  • Cabarrocas,-J; Bauer,-J; Piaggio,-E; Liblau,-R; Lassmann,-H (2003) Effective and selective immune surveillance of the brain by MHC class I-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes Eur. J. Immunol., 33(5): 1174-1182
  • Aszmann,-O-C; Korak,-K-J; Rab,-M; Grunbeck,-M; Lassmann,-H; Frey,-M (2003) Neuroma prevention by end-to-side neurorraphy: an experimental study in rats J Hand Surg, 28(6): 1022-1028
  • Trebst,-C; Staugaitis,-S-M; Tucky,-B; Wei,-T; Suzuki,-K; Aldape,-K-D; Pardo,-C-A; Troncoso,-J; Lassmann,-H; Ransohoff,-R-M (2003) Chemokine receptors on infiltrating leucocytes in inflammatory pathologies of the central nervous system (CNS) Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol, 29(6): 584-595
  • Carboni,-S; Aboul-Enein,-F; Waltzinger,-C; Killeen,-N; Lassmann,-H; Pena-Rossi,-C (2003) CD134 plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of EAE and is upregulated in the CNS of patients with multiple sclerosis J Neuroimmunol, 145: 1-11
  • Sunnemark,-D; Eltayeb,-S; Wallstrom,-E; Appelsved,-L; Malmberg,-A; Lassmann,-H; Ericsson-Dahlstrand,-A; Piehl,-F; Olsson,-T (2003) Differential expression of the chemokine receptors CX3CR1 and CCR1 by microglia and macrophages in myelin-oligodendrocyte-glycoprotein-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Brain Pathol, 13(4): 617-629
  • Lassmann H., Reindl M., Rauschka H., Berger J., Aboul-Enein F., Berger T., Zurbriggen A., Luterotti A., Brück W., Weber JR., Ullrich R., Schmidbauer M., Jellinger K., Vanddevelde M. (2003) A new paraclinical CSF marker for hypoxia-like tissue damage in multiple sclerosis lesions Brain, 126: 1347-1357

2003 Reviews

  • Kornek,-B; Lassmann,-H (2003) Neuropathology of multiple sclerosis-new concepts Brain Res Bull, 61(3): 321-326

2002 Original Articles

  • Storch MK, Weissert R, Stefferl A, Birnbacher R, Wallstrom E, Dahlman I, Ostensson CG, Linington C, Olsson T, Lassmann H (2002) MHC gene related effects on microglia and macrophages in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis determine the extent of axonal injury Brain Pathol, 12(3): 287-299
  • Svensson L, Abdul-Majid KB, Bauer J, Lassmann H, Harris RA, Holmdahl R (2002) A comparative analysis of B cell-mediated myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein-experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis pathogenesis in B cell-deficient mice reveals an effect on demyelination Eur. J. Immunol., 32(7): 1939-1946
  • Lucchinetti CF, Mandler RN, McGavern D, Bruck W, Gleich G, Ransohoff RM, Trebst C, Weinshenker B, Wingerchuk D, Parisi JE, Lassmann H (2002) A role for humoral mechanisms in the pathogenesis of Devic's neuromyelitis optica Brain, 125: 1450-1461
  • Mars LT, Laloux V, Goude K, Desbois S, Saoudi A, Van Kaer L, Lassmann H, Herbelin A, Lehuen A, Liblau RS (2002) Cutting edge: V alpha 14-J alpha 281 NKT cells naturally regulate experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in nonobese diabetic mice J Immunol, 15;168(12): 6007-6011
  • Sorensen TL, Trebst C, Kivisakk P, Klaege KL, Majmudar A, Ravid R, Lassmann H, Olsen DB, Strieter RM, Ransohoff RM, Sellebjerg F (2002) Multiple sclerosis: a study of CXCL10 and CXCR3 co-localization in the inflamed central nervous system J Neuroimmunol, 127(1-2): 59-68
  • Linker RA, Maurer M, Gaupp S, Martini R, Holtmann B, Giess R, Rieckmann P, Lassmann H, Toyka KV, Sendtner M, Gold R (2002) CNTF is a major protective factor in demyelinating CNS disease: a neurotrophic cytokine as modulator in neuroinflammation Nat Med, 8(6): 620-624
  • Bien CG, Bauer J, Deckwerth TL, Wiendl H, Deckert M, Wiestler OD, Schramm J, Elger CE, Lassmann H (2002) Destruction of neurons by cytotoxic T cells: a new pathogenic mechanism in Rasmussen's encephalitis Ann Neurol, 51(3): 311-318
  • Abdul-Majid KB, Stefferl A, Bourquin C, Lassmann H, Linington C, Olsson T, Kleinau S, Harris RA (2002) Fc receptors are critical for autoimmune inflammatory damage to the central nervous system in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Scand J Immunol, 55(1): 70-81
  • Schobesberger M, Zurbriggen A, Doherr MG, Weissenbock H, Vandevelde M, Lassmann H, Griot C (2002) Demyelination precedes oligodendrocyte loss in canine distemper virus-induced encephalitis Acta Neuropathol, 103(1): 11-19
  • Stadelmann C, Kerschensteiner M, Misgeld T, Bruck W, Hohlfeld R, Lassmann H (2002) BDNF and gp145trkB in multiple sclerosis brain lesions: neuroprotective interactions between immune and neuronal cells? Brain, 125: 75-85
  • Holzfeind PJ, Grewal PK, Reitsamer HA, Kechvar J, Lassmann H, Hoeger H, Hewitt JE, Bittner RE (2002) Skeletal, cardiac and tongue muscle pathology, defective retinal transmission, and neuronal migration defects in the Large(myd) mouse defines a natural model for glycosylation-deficient muscle - eye – Hum Mol Genet, 11(21): 2673-2687
  • Bien CG, Urbach H, Deckert M, Schramm J, Wiestler OD, Lassmann H, Elger CE (2002) Diagnosis and staging of Rasmussen's encephalitis by serial MRI and histopathology Neurology, 2: 250-257
  • Mead RJ, Singhrao SK, Neal JW, Lassmann H, Morgan BP (2002) The membrane attack complex of complement causes severe demyelination associated with acute axonal injury J Immunol, 168(1): 458-465
  • Neumann H, Medana IM, Bauer J, Lassmann H (2002) Cytotoxic T lymphocytes in autoimmune and degenerative CNS diseases Trends Neurosci, 25(6): 313-319
  • Bauer, J., Bradl, M., Klein, M., Leisser, M., Deckwerth, T.I., Wekerle, H. and Lassmann, H (2002) Endoplasmic reticulum stress in PLP overexpressing transgenic rats: Gray matter oligodendrocytes are more vulnerable than white matter oligodendrocytes J Neuropath Exp Neurol, 61: 12-22

2002 Reviews

  • Bruck W, Lucchinetti C, Lassmann H (2002) The pathology of primary progressive multiple sclerosis Mult Scler, 8(2): 93-97
  • Bauer J, Bien CG, Lassmann H (2002) Rasmussen's encephalitis: a role for autoimmune cytotoxic T lymphocytes Curr Opin Neurol, 15(2): 197-200

2001 Original Articles

  • Flugel A, Matsumoro K, Neumann H, Klinkert WE, Birnbacher R, Lassmann H, Otten U, Wekerle H (2001) Anti inflammatory activity of nerve growth factor in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis: inhibition of monocyte transendeothelial migration Eur. J. Immunol., 31: 11-22
  • Kornek B, Storch MK, Bauer J, Djamshidian A, Weissert R, Wallstrom E, Stefferl A, Zimprich F, Olsson T, Linington C, Schmidbauer M, Lassmann H (2001) Distribution of calcium channel subunit in dystrophic axons in multiple sclerosis and experiemntal autoimmune encephalomyelitis Brain, 124: 1114-1124
  • Flugel A, Berkowicz T, Ritter T, Labeur M, Jenne DE, Li Z, Ellwart JW, Willem M, Lassmann H, Wekerle H (2001) Migratory activity and functional changes of green fluorescent effector cells before and during experiemntal autoimmune encephalomyelitis Immunity, 14: 547-560
  • Weissert R, de Graaf KL, Storch MK, Barth S, Linington C, Lassmann H, Olsson T (2001) MHC Class II-regulated central nervous system autoaggression and T cell responses in peripheral lymphoid tissues are dissociated in myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein-induced experimental autoimmune J Immunol, 166: 7588-7599
  • Bitsch A, Kuhlmann T, Stadelmann C, Lassmann H, Lucchinetti C, Bruck W (2001) A longitudinal MRI study of histopathologically defined hypointense multiple sclerosis lesions Ann Neurol, 49: 793-796
  • Stadelmann C, Mews I, Srinivasan A, Deckwerth TL, Lassmann H, Bruck W (2001) Expression of cell death-associated proteins in neuronal apoptosis associated with pontosubicular neuron necrosis Brain Pathol, 11: 273-281
  • Stefferl A, Storch MK, Linington C, Stadelmann C, Lassmann H, Pohl T, Holsboer F, Tilders FJ, Reul JM (2001) Disease progression in chronic relapsing experimental allergic encephalomyelitis is associated with reduced inflammation-driven production of corticosterone Endocrinology, 142: 3616-3624
  • Eugster HP, Frei K, Winkler F, Koedel U, Pfister W, Lassmann H, Fontana A (2001) Superantigen overcomes resistance of Il-6-deficient mice towards MOG-induced EAE by a TNFR1 controlled pathway Eur. J. Immunol., 31: 2302-2312
  • Jagodic M, Kornek B, Weissert R, Lassmann H, Olsson T, Dahlman I (2001) Congenic mapping confirms a locus on rat chromosome 10 conferring strong protection against myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein-induced experiemntal autoimmune encephalomyelitis Immunogenetics, 53: 410-415
  • Gerber J, Bruck W, Stadelmann C, Bunkowski S, Lassmann H, Nau R (2001) Expression of cell death proteins in dentate granule cells in human bacterial meningitis Brain Pathol, 11: 422-431
  • Cornet A, Savidge TC, Cabarrocas J, Dend WL, Colombel JF, Lassmann H, Desreumaux P, Liblau RS (2001) Enterocolitis induced by autoimmune targeting of enteric glia cells: a possible mechanism in Crohn’s disease? Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 98: 13306-13311
  • Trebst C, Sorensen TL, Kivisakk P, Cathcart MK, Hesselgesser J, Horuk R, Selleberg F, Lassmann H, Ransohoff RM (2001) CCR1+/CCR5+ mononuclear phagocates accumulate in the central nervous system of patients with multiple sclerosis Am.J.Pathol., 159: 1701-1710

2001 Reviews

  • Lassmann H (2001) Classification of demyelinating diseases at the interface between etiology and pathogenesis Curr Opin Neurol, 14: 253-258

2000 Original Articles

  • Kornek B, Storch M, Weissert R, Wallstroem E, Stefferl A, Olsson T, Linington C, Schmidbauer M, Lassmann H (2000) Multiple sclerosis and chronic autoimmune encephalomyelitis: A comparative quantitative study of axonal injury in active, inactive and remyelinated lesions Am.J.Pathol., 157: 267-276
  • Meixner A, Haverkamp S, Wassle H, Fuhrer S, Thalhammer J, Kropf N, Bittner RE, Lassmann H, Wiche G, Propst F (2000) MAP1B is reqired for axon guidance and is involved in the development of the central and peripheral nervous system J Cell Biol, 151: 1169-1178
  • Abdul-Majid K, Jirholt J, Stadelmann C, Stefferl A, Kjellen P, Wallstrom E, Holmdahl R, Lassmann H, Olsson T, Harris RA (2000) Screeining of several H-2 congenic mouse strains identified H-2q mice as highly susceptible to MOG-induced EAE with minimal adjuvant requirement J Neuroimmunol, 111: 23-33
  • Probert L, Eugster HP, Akassoglou K, Bauer J, Frei K, Lassmann H, Fontana A (2000) TNFR1 signalling is critical for the development of demyelination and the limitation of T-cell responses during immune mediated CNS disease Brain, 123: 2005-2019
  • Stefferl A, Schubart A, Storch M, Amini A, Mather I, Lassmann H, Linington C (2000) Butyrophylin, a milk protein, modulates the encephalitogenic T cell response to myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis J Immunol, 165: 2859-2865
  • Babbe H, Roers A, Waisman A, Lassmann H, Goebels N, Hohlfeld R, Friese M, Schroder R, Deckert M, Schmidt S, Ravid R, Rajewsky K (2000) Clonal expansion of CD8+ T cells dominate the T cell infiltrate in active multiple sclerosis lesions as shown by micromanipulation and single cell polymerase chain reaction J Exp Med, 192: 393-404

2000 Reviews

  • Lucchinetti C, Brück W, Parisi J, Scheithauer B, Rodriguez M, Lassmann H (2000) Heterogeneity of multiple sclerosis lesions: Implications for the pathogenesis of demyelination Ann Neurol, 47: 707-717
  • Stadelmann C, Lassmann H (2000) Detection of apoptosis in tissue sections Cell Tissue Res, 301: 19-31
  • Hohlfeld R, Kerschensteiner M, Stadelmann C, Lassmann H, Wekerle H (2000) The neuroprotective effect of inflammation: implications for the pathogenesis of demyelination J Neuroimmunol, 107: 161-166

1999 Original Articles

  • Eugster HP, Frei K, Bachmann R, Bluethmann H, Lassmann H, Fontana A (1999) Severity of symptoms and demyelination depends in MOG induced EAE depends on TNFR1 Eur. J. Immunol., 29: 626-632
  • Bachmann R, Eugster HP, Frei K, Fontana A, Lassmann H (1999) Impaiment of TNF-receptor 1 signalling but not Fas-signalling diminishes T-cell apoptosis in MOG-peptide induced chronic demyelinating autoimmune encephalomyelitis in mice Am.J.Pathol., 154: 1417-1422
  • Kerschensteiner M, Gallmeier E, Behrens L, Klinkert WEF, Kolbeck R, Hoppe E, Oropeza-Wekerle RL, Bartke I, Stadelmann C, Lassmann H, Wekerle H, Hohlfeld R (1999) Activated human T cells, B cells and monocytes produce brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in vitr and in brain lesions: A neuroprotective role of inflammation ? J Exp Med, 189: 865-870
  • Weerth S, Berger T, Lassmann H, Linington C (1999) Encephalitogenic and neuritogenic T-cell responses to the myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) in the Lewis rat J Neuroimmunol, 95: 157-164
  • Bauer J, Stadelmann C, Bancher C, Jellinger K, Lassmann H (1999) Apoptosis of T-lymphocytes in acute disseminated encephalomyelitis Acta Neuropathol, 97: 543-546
  • Kassiotis G, Bauer J, Akassoglou K, Lassmann H, Kollias G, Probert L (1999) A tumor necrosis factor-induced model of human primary demyelinating disease develops in immunodeficient backgrounds Eur. J. Immunol., 29: 912-917
  • Bradl M, Bauer J, Inomata T, Zielasek J, Nave KA, Toyka K, Lassmann H, Wekerle H (1999) Transgenic Lewis rats overexpressing the proteolipid protein gene : myelin degeneration and its effects on T-cell mediated experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Acta Neuropathol, 97: 595-606
  • Schmidt S, Hertfelder HJ, von Spiegel T, Hering R, Harzheim M, Lassmann H, Deckert-Schlüter M, Schlegel U (1999) Lethal capillary leak syndrome following a single administration of interferon beta-1b Neurology, 53: 220-222
  • Kuhlmann T, Lucchinetti CF, Zettl UK, Bitsch A, Lassmann H, Brück W (1999) Bcl-2 expressing oligodendrocytes in multiple sclerosis Glia, 28: 34-39
  • Bittner R, Anderson LVB, Burkhardt E, Bashir R, Vafiadaki E, Raffelsberger T, Maerk I, Höger H, Jung M, Karbasiyan M, Storch M, Lassmann H, Moss JA, Davison K, Harrison R, Bushby KMD, Reis A (1999) Dysferlin gene-deletion in the SJL mouse (dysf/sjl) defines a naturally occuring model for limb girdle muscular dystrophy 2B (LGMD 2B) and Miyoshi Myopathy Nature Genetics, 23: 141-142
  • Stefferl A, Brehm U, Storch M, Lambracht-Washington D, Bourquin C, Wonigeit K, Lassmann H, Linington C (1999) Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein induces experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in the resistant Brown Norway rat: Disease susceptibility is determined by MHC and MHC-linked effects on the B-cel J Immunol, 163: 40-49
  • Lucchinetti C, Brück W, Parisi J, Scheithauer B, Rodriguez M, Lassmann H (1999) A quantitative analysis of oligodendrocytes in multiple sclerosis lesions. A study of 117 cases Brain, 122: 2279-2295
  • Stadelmann C, Deckwerth TL, Srinivasan A, Bancher C, Brück W, Jellinger K, Lassmann H (1999) Activation of caspase-3 in single neurons and autophagic granules of granulovacuolar degeneration in Alzheimer’s disease Am.J.Pathol., 155: 1459-1466
  • Dewey RA, Morrissey G, Coswill CM, Stone D, Bolognami F, Dodd NJF, Southgate TD, Klatzmann D, Lassmann H, Castro MG, Löwenstein PR (1999) Chronic brain inflammation and persistent HSV1-TK expression in survivors of syngeneic glioma treated by adenovirus-mediated gene therapy: Implications for clinical trials Nat Med, 5: 1256-1263

1998 Original Articles

  • Storch MK, Piddlesden S, Haltia M, Iivanainen M, Morgan P, Lassmann H (1998) Multiple sclerosis: in situ evidence for antibody and complement mediated demyelination. Ann Neurol, 43: 465-471
  • Stadelmann C, Brück W, Bancher C, Jellinger K, Lassmann H (1998) Alzheimer’s disease: DNA fragmentation indicates increased neuronal vulnerability, but not apoptosis J Neuropath Exp Neurol, 86: 213-217
  • Lassmann H, Raine CS, Antel J, Prineas JW (1998) Immunopathology of multiple sclerosis: Report on an international meeting held at the Institute of Neurology of the University of Vienna J Neuroimmunol, 86: 213-217
  • Storch MK, Stefferl A, Brehm U, Weissert R, Wallström E, Kerschensteiner M, Olsson T, Linington C, Lassmann H (1998) Autoimmunity to myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein in rats mimics the spectrum of multiple sclerosis pathology Brain Pathol, 8: 681-694
  • Laman JD, Meurs KV, Schellekens MM, DeBoer M, Melchers B, Massacesi L, Lassmann H, Claassen E, t’Hart B (1998) Expression of accessory molecules and cytokines in acute EAE in marmoset monkeys (callizhrix jacchus) J Neuroimmunol, 86: 30-45
  • Andrä K, Lassmann H, Bittner R, Shorny S, Fässler R, Probst F, Wiche G (1998) Targeted inactivation of plectin reveals essential function in maintaining the integrity of skin, muscle and heart cytoarchitecture Genes and Development, 11: 3143-3156
  • Lobell A, Weissert R, Storch MK, Svanholm C, DeGraaf KL, Lassmann H, Andersson R, Olsson T, Wigzell H (1998) Vaccination with DNA encoding an immunodominant myelin basic protein peptide targeted to Fc of IgG suppresses experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis J Exp Med, 187: 1543-1548
  • Eugster HP, Frei K, Lassmann H, Fontana A (1998) Il-6 deficient mice resist myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein induced autoimmune encephalomyelitis despite intact T and B cell responses Eur. J. Immunol., 28: 2178-2187
  • Sahrbacher UC, Lechner F, Eugster HP, Frei K, Lassmann H, Fontana A (1998) Mice with an inactivation of the inducible nitric oxide sythase gene are susceptible to experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Eur. J. Immunol., 28: 1332-1338
  • Litzenburger T, Fässler R, Bauer J, Lassmann H, Linington C, Wekerle H, Iglesias A (1998) B lymphocytes producing demyelinating antibodies: Development and function in gene-trageted transgenic mice J Exp Med, 188: 169-180
  • Akassoglou K, Bauer J, Kassiotis G, Pasparakis M, Lassmann H, Kollias G, Probert L (1998) Oligodendrocyte apoptosis and primary demyelination induced by TNF/p55TNF receptor signaling in the CNS of transgenic mice models of chronic and acute multiple sclerosis Am.J.Pathol., 153: 801-813
  • t’Hart B, Bauer J, Muller HJ, Melchers B, Nicolay K, Brok H, Bontrop RE, Lassmann H, Massacesi L (1998) Histopathological characterization of magnetic resonance imaging-detectable brain white matter lesions in a primate model of multiple sclerosis. A correlative study in the experimental autoimmune ence Am.J.Pathol., 153: 649-663
  • Weissert R, Wallström E, Storch MK, Stefferl A, Lorentzen J, Lassmann H, Linington C, Olsson T (1998) MHC haplotype dependent regulation of MOG-induced EAE in rats J Clin Invest, 102: 1265-1273
  • Bauer, J., Bradl, M., Hickey, W.F., Forss-Petter, S., Breitschopf, H., Linington, C., Wekerle, H., and Lassmann, H (1998) T cell apoptosis in inflammatory brain lesions. Destruction of T cells does not depend on antigen recognition Am.J.Pathol., 153: 715-724

1998 Books

  • Compston A, Ebers G, Lassmann H, McDonald I, Matthews B and Wekerle H (eds.) (1998) McAlpine's Multiple Sclerosis, 3rd Edition. , Churchill Livingstone, Philadelphia

1997 Original Articles

  • Rinner W, Pifl C, Lassmann H, Hörtnagl H (1997) Induction of apoptosis in vitro and in vivo by the cholinergic neurotoxin ethylcholine aziridinium Neuroscience, 79: 535-542
  • Stühler A, Flory E, Wege H, Lassmann H, Wege H (1997) No evidence for quasispezies populations during persistence of coronavirus mouse hepatitis virus JHM: sequence conservation within the surface glycoprotein gene S in Lewis rats J Gen Virol, 78: 747-756
  • Kojima K, Reindl M, Lassmann H, Wekerle H, Linington C (1997) The thymus and self-tolerance: co-existence of encephalitogenic S-100ß-specific T cells and their nominal autoantigen in normal adult rat thymus. Int Immunol, 9: 897-904
  • Berger T, Weerth S, Kojima K, Linington C, Wekerle H, Lassmann H (1997) Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis: The antigen specificity of T-lymphocytes determines the topography of lesions in the central and peripheral nervous system. Lab Invest, 76: 355-364
  • Bajramovic JJ, Lassmann H, VanNoort JM (1997) Expression of alphaB-crystallin in glia cells during lesional development in multiple sclerosis. J Neuroimmunol, 78: 143-151
  • Gold R, Hartung HP, Lassmann H (1997) T-cell apoptosis in autoimmune diseases: termination of inflammation in the nervous system and other sites with specialized immune-defense mechanisms. Trends Neurosci, 20: 399-404
  • Pouly S, Storch MK, Matthieu JM, Lassmann H, Monnet.Tschudi F, Honegger P (1997) Demyelination induced by protein kinase C-activating tumor promotors in aggregating brain cell cultures. J Neurosci Res, 49: 121-132
  • Brück W, Bitsch A, Kolenda H, Brück Y, Stiefel M, Lassmann H (1997) Inflammatory central nervous system demyelination: Correlation of magnetic resonance imaging findings with lesion pathology. Ann Neurol, 42: 783-793
  • Forss-Petter S, Werner H, Berger J, Lassmann H, Molzer B, Schwab MH, Bernheimer H, Zimmermann F, Nave KA (1997) Targeted inactivation of the X-linked adrenoleucodystrophy gene in mice. J Neurosci Res, 50: 829-843
  • Malpiero U, Frei K, Spanaus KS, Agresti C, Lassmann H, Hahne M, Tschopp J, Eugster HP, Fontana A (1997) Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein-induced autoimmune encephalomyelitis is chronic relapsing in perforin knockout mice, but monophasic in Fas and Fas ligand-deficient lpr and gld mice. Eur. J. Immunol., 27: 3151-3160

1997 Reviews

  • Klinkert WEF, Kojima K, Lesslauer W, Rinner W, Lassmann H, Wekerle H (1997) TNF-alpha receptor fusion protein prevents experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and demyelination in Lewis rats: an overview J Neuroimmunol, 72: 163-168
  • Lassmann H, Brück W, Lucchinetti C, Rodriguez M (1997) Remyelination in multiple sclerosis Mult Scler, 3: 133-136

1996 Original Articles

  • Adelmann M, Wood J, Benzel I, Fiori P, Lassmann H, Matthieu JM, Gardinier MV, Dornmair K, Linington C (1996) The N-terminal domain of the myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) induces acute demyelinating experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in the Lewis rat J Neuroimmunol, 63: 17-27
  • Schlüter D, Chahoud S, Lassmann H, Schumann A, Hof H, Dekert-Schlüter M (1996) The intracerebral lesions in murine listeria monocytogenes meningoencephalitis J Neuropath Exp Neurol, 55: 14-24
  • Simonova Z, Svoboda J, Orkand P, Bernard CCA, Lassmann H, Sykova E (1996) Changes in extracellular space volume and tortuosity in the spinal cord of Lewis rats with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Physiol Res, 45: 11-22
  • Brück Y, Brück W, Kretschmar HA, Lassmann H (1996) Evidence of neuronal apotosis in pontosubicular neuronal necrosis Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol, 22: 23-29
  • Storch MK, Fischer-Colbrie R, Smith T, Rinner WA, Hickey WF, Cuzner ML, Winkler H, Lassmann H (1996) Co-localization of secretoneurin imunoreactivity and macrophage infiltration in the lesions of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Neuroscience, 71: 885-893
  • Storch MK, Fischer-Colbrie R, Smith T, Rinner WA, Hickey WF, Cuzner ML, Winkler H, Lassmann H (1996) Co-localization of secretoneurin imunoreactivity and macrophage infiltration in the lesions of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis J Cell Sci., 71: 885-893
  • Morrissey SP, Stodal H, Zettl U, Simonis C, Jung S, Kiefer R, Lassmann H, Hartung HP, Haase A, Toyka KV (1996) In vivo MRI and its histological correlates in acute adoptive transfer experimental allergic encephalomyelitis. Quantification of inflammation and oedema Brain, 119: 239-248
  • Gold R, Schmied M, Tontsch U, Hartung H P, Wekerle H, Toyka K V, Lassmann H (1996) Antigen presentation by astrocytes primes rat T lymphocytes for apoptotic cell death: a model for T cell apoptosis in vivo Brain, 119: 651-659
    | Article (PDF) |
  • Smith T, Schmied M, Hewson AK, Lassmann H, Cuzner ML (1996) Apoptosis of T-cells and macrophages in the nervous system of intact and adrenalectomized Lewis rats during experimental allergic encephalomyelitis J Autoimmun, 9: 167-174
  • Brück W, Sommermeier N, Bergmann M, Zettl U, Goebel HH, Kretschmar HA, Lassmann H (1996) Macrophages in multiple sclerosis Immunobiology, 195: 588-600
  • Hainfellner JA, Kristoferitsch W, Lassmann H, Bernheimer H, Neisser A, Drlicek M, Beer F, Budka H (1996) T cell mediated ganglionitis associated with acute sensory neuronopathy Ann Neurol, 39: 543-547
  • Lucchinetti CF, Brück W, Rodriguez M, Lassmann H (1996) Distinct patterns of multiple sclerosis pathology indicates heterogeneity in pathogenesis Brain Pathol, 6: 259-274
  • Trieb K, Ransmayr G, Sgonc R, Lassmann H, Grubeck-Loebenstein B (1996) APP peptides stimulate lymphocyte proliferation in normals, but not in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Neurobiol Aging, 17: 541-547
  • Meinl E, Hoch RM, Dornmair K, Malefyt R de W, Bontrop RE, Jonker M, Lassmann H, Hohlfeld R, Wekerle H, ‘t Hart BA (1996) Encephalitogenic potential of myelin basic protein-specific T cells isolated from normal rhesus macaques Am.J.Pathol., 150: 445-453
  • Schneider C, Gold R, Dalakas MC, Schmied M, Lassmann H, Toyka KV, Hartung HP (1996) MHC Class-I-mediated cytotoxicity does not induce apoptosis in muscle fibers nor in inflammatory T cells: Studies in patients with polymyositis, dermatomyositis and inclusion body myositis J Neuropath Exp Neurol, 55: 1205-1209
  • Salvati S, Sanchez M, Campeggi LM, Suchanek G, Breitschopf H, Lassmann H (1996) Accelerated myelinogenesis by dietary lipids in rat brain J Neurochem, 67: 1744-1750
  • Barac-Latas V, Suchanek G, Breitschopf H, Stuehler A, Wege H, Lassmann H (1996) Patterns of oligodendroglia pathology in coronavirus induced subacute demyelinating encephalomyelitis in the Lewis rat Glia, 19: 1-12
  • Lassmann H, Bartsch U, Montag D, Schachner M (1996) Dying-back oligodendrogliopathy: a late sequel of myelin-associated glycoprotein deficiency Glia, 19: 104-110
  • Jaquet V, Gow A, Tosic M, Suchanek G, Breitschopf H, Lassmann H, Lazzarini RA, Matthieu JM (1996) An antisense strategy to inhibit the myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein synthesis Mol Brain Res, 43: 333-337
  • Morrissey SP, Deichmann R, Syha J, Simonis C, Zettl U, Archelos JJ, Jung S, Stodahl H, Lassmann H, Toyka KV, Haase A, Hartung HP (1996) Partial inhibition of AT-EAE by an antibody to ICAM-1: clinico-histological and MRI studies J Neuroimmunol, 69: 85-93

1995 Original Articles

  • HainfellnerJA, Pilz P, Lassmann H, Ladurner G, Budka H (1995) Diffuse Lewy body disease as substrate of primary lateral sclerosis J Neurol, 242: 59-63
  • Rössler K, Suchanek G, Breitschopf H, Kitz K, Matula C, Lassmann H, Koos WT (1995) Detection of TNFalpha protein and mRNA in human glial brain tumors comparing immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization with molecular probes J Neurosurg, 83: 291-297
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  • Barac-Latas V, Wege H, Lassmann H (1995) Apoptosis of T Lymphocytes in Coronavirus induced Encephalomyelitis Regional Immunology, 6: 355-357
  • Rinner W, Bauer J, Schmidts M, Lassmann H, Hickey W F (1995) Resident microglia and hematogenous macrophages as phagocytes in adoptively transferred experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis: an investigation using rat radiation bone marrow chimeras Glia, 14: 257-266
  • van Noort J M, van Sechel A C, Bajramovic J, El Ouagmiri M, Polman C H, Lassmann H, Ravid R (1995) A novel candidate autoantigen in multiple sclerosis: alpha-B-crystallin, a small heat shock protein Nature, 798-801
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  • Lorentzen JC, Issazadeh S, Storch M, Mustafa MI, Lassmann H, Linington C, Klareskog L, Olsson T (1995) Protracted, relapsing and demyelinating experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in DA rats immunized with syngeneic spinal cord and incomplete adjuvant J Neuroimmunol, 63: 193-205
  • Brück W, Porada Ph, Poser S, Rieckmann P, Hanefeld F, Kretschmer HA, Lassmann H (1995) Monocyte/macrophage differentiation in early multiple sclerosis Ann Neurol, 38: 788-796
  • Bauer J, Huitinga I, Zhao W, Lassmann H, Hickey WF, Dijkstra CE (1995) The role of macrophages, perivascular cells and microglia cells in the pathogenesis of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Glia, 15: 437-446
  • Sykova E, Svoboda J, Simonova Z, Lehmenkühler A, Lassmann H (1995) X-irradiation induced changes in the diffusion parameters of the developing brain Neuroscience, 70: 597-610
  • Schmitt TL, Steiner E, Klingler P, Lassmann H, Grubeck-Loebenstein B (1995) Thyroid epithelial cells produce amounts of the Alzheimer ß-amyloid precursor protein (APP) and generate potentially amyloidogenic fragments J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 80: 3513-3519

1995 Book Chapters

  • Lassmann H (1995) Pathology and experimental models. In: Kesselring, Jürg (ed.), Multiple Sclerosis; 3rd English Edition Kohlhammer, Stuttgart
  • Lassmann H, Vass K (1995) Inflammation in the nervous system. In: Mohr, JP and Gauthier, JC (eds), Adult Clinical Neurology Churchill Livingstone

1993 Book Chapters

  • Lassmann H (1993) Pathologische Anatomie und experimentelle Modelle. In: Kesselring, Jürg (ed.), Multiple Sklerose, 2nd Edition Kohlhammer, Stuttgart: 18-45

1989 Book Chapters

  • Lassmann H (1989) Pathologische Anatomie und experimentelle Modelle. In: Kesselring, Jürg (ed.), Multiple Sklerose Kohlhammer, Stuttgart: 18-43

1988 Original Articles

  • Linington, C., Bradl, M., Lassmann, H., Brunner, C., and Vass, K. (1988) Augmentation of demyelination in rat acute allergic encephalomyelitis by circulating mouse monoclonal antibodies directed against a myelin/oligodendrocyte glycoprotein Am.J.Pathol., 130: 443-454
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  • Lassmann, H., Brunner, C., Bradl, M., and Linington, C (1988) Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis: The balance between encephalitogenic T lymphocytes and demyelinating antibodies determines size and structure of demyelinated lesions Acta Neuropathol, 75: 566-576

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