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Publications by Kunze, Markus, Dr.rer.nat.

2024 Original Articles

  • Wang J, Kunze M, Villoria-González A, Weinhofer I, Berger J (2024) Peroxisomal Localization of a Truncated HMG-CoA Reductase under Low Cholesterol Conditions Biomol, 14 (2): 244

2023 Original Articles

  • Kunze M, Alder N, Hwang I, Roussel G, Karamyshev A (2023) Editorial: Targeting signals in protein trafficking and transport Front Physiol, 14
  • Koniuszewski F, Vogel F, Dajić I, Seidel T, Kunze M, Willeit M, Ernst M (2023) Navigating the complex landscape of benzodiazepine- and Z-drug diversity: insights from comprehensive FDA adverse event reporting system analysis and beyond Front Psychiatry, 14
  • Martinović K, Bauer J, Kunze M, Berger J, Forss-Petter S (2023) Abcd1 deficiency accelerates cuprizone-induced oligodendrocyte loss and axonopathy in a demyelinating mouse model of X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy Acta Neuropathologica Communications, 11 (1): 98

2023 Book Chapters

  • Kunze M (2023) Computational Evaluation of Peroxisomal Targeting Signals in Metazoa. In: , Methods in Molecular Biology Springer: 391-404
  • Bernhard Hochreiter, Johannes A. Schmid, Johannes Berger, Markus Kunze (2023) Estimating the Interaction Strength Between PTS1-Peptides and Their Receptor PEX5 in Living Cells Using Flow-Cytometer-Based FRET (flowFRET) Measurements. In: , Methods in Molecular Biology Springer: 413-434

2022 Original Articles

  • Bernhard Hochreiter, Hugo Malagon-Vina, Johannes A. Schmid, Johannes Berger and Markus Kunze (2022) Studying the interaction between PEX5 and its full-length cargo proteins in living cells by a novel Förster´s resonance energy transfer-based competition assay Front Cell Dev Biol,
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  • Eden Yifrach, Markus Rudowitz, Luis Daniel Cruz-Zaragoza, Asa Tirosh , Zohar Gazi , Yoav Peleg , Markus Kunze , Miriam Eisenstein , Wolfgang Schliebs, Maya Schuldiner, Ralf Erdmann and Einat Zalckvar (2022) Determining the targeting specificity of the selective peroxisomal targeting factor Pex9 Biol.Chem.,
  • Kamoshita M, Kumar R, Anteghini M, Kunze M, Islinger M, Martins dos Santos V, Schrader M (2022) Insights Into the Peroxisomal Protein Inventory of Zebrafish Front Physiol, 13
  • Weinhofer I, Buda A, Kunze M, Palfi Z, Traunfellner M, Hesse S, Villoria-Gonzalez A, Hofmann J, Hametner S, Regelsberger G, Moser A, Eichler F, Kemp S, Bauer J, Kühl J, Forss-Petter S, Berger J (2022) Peroxisomal very long-chain fatty acid transport is targeted by herpesviruses and the antiviral host response Commun Biol, 5 (1): 944

2021 Original Articles

  • Dahan N, Francisco T, Falter C, Rodrigues T, Kalel V, Kunze M, Hansen T, Schliebs W, Erdmann R (2021) Current advances in the function and biogenesis of peroxisomes and their roles in health and disease Histochem Cell Biol, 155 (4): 513-524

2020 Original Articles

  • Hochreiter B, Chong C, Hartig A, Maurer-Stroh S, Berger J, Schmid J, Kunze M (2020) A Novel FRET Approach Quantifies the Interaction Strength of Peroxisomal Targeting Signals and Their Receptor in Living Cells Cells, 9 (11): 2381
  • Zierfuss B, Weinhofer I, Kühl J, Köhler W, Bley A, Zauner K, Binder J, Martinović K, Seiser C, Hertzberg C, Kemp S, Egger G, Leitner G, Bauer J, Wiesinger C, Kunze M, Forss-Petter S, Berger J (2020) Vorinostat in the acute neuroinflammatory form of X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy Ann Clin Transl Neurol, 7 (5): 639-652
  • Kunze M (2020) The type-2 peroxisomal targeting signal BBA Mol Cell Res, 1867 (2): 118609

2019 Original Articles

  • Hochreiter B, Kunze M, Moser B, Schmid J (2019) Advanced FRET normalization allows quantitative analysis of protein interactions including stoichiometries and relative affinities in living cells Sci Rep, 9 (1): 8233
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  • Chong* , Kunze* , Hochreiter , Krenn , Berger , Maurer-Stroh (*equal contribution) (2019) Rare Human Missense Variants can affect the Function of Disease-Relevant Proteins by Loss and Gain of Peroxisomal Targeting Motifs Int J Mol Sci, 20 (18): 4609
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2018 Book Chapters

  • Kunze M (2018) Predicting Peroxisomal Targeting Signals to Elucidate the Peroxisomal Proteome of Mammals. In: del Río, Luis A. (Ed.), Subcellular Biochemistry Vol. 69: Peroxisomes and their Key Role in Cellular Signaling and Metabolism Springer Verlag, Heidelberg: 157-199

2016 Reviews

  • Berger J, Dorninger F, Forss-Petter S, Kunze M (2016) Peroxisomes in brain development and function Biochim Biophys Acta, 863: 934-955
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2015 Original Articles

  • Kunze M, Berger J (2015) The similarity between N-terminal targeting signals for protein import into different organelles and its evolutionary relevance Front Physiol, 6: 1-27
  • Kunze M, Malkani N, Maurer-Stroh S, Wiesinger C, Schmid J, Berger J (2015) Mechanistic Insights into PTS2-mediated Peroxisomal Protein Import: The Co-receptor PEX5L drastically increases the Interaction Strength between the Cargo Protein and the Receptor PEX7 J Biol Chem, 290: 4928-4940
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2014 Book Chapters

  • Kunze M, Berger J (2014) Single Peroxisomal Enzyme and Transporter Deficiencies in Human Diseases and Mouse Models. In: , Molecular Machines Involved in Peroxisome Biogenesis and Maintenance Springer Vienna: pp 153-184
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2013 Original Articles

  • Wang B, Van Veldhoven P, Brees C, Rubio N, Nordgren M, Apanasets O, Kunze M, Baes M, Agostinis P, Fransen M (2013) Mitochondria are targets for peroxisome-derived oxidative stress in cultured mammalian cells FREE RADICAL BIO MED , 65: 882-894
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  • Wiesinger C, Kunze M, Regelsberger G, Forss-Petter S, Berger J. (2013) Impaired Very Long-Chain Acyl-CoA β-Oxidation in Human X-ALD Fibroblasts Is a Direct Consequence of ABCD1 Transporter Dysfunction J Biol Chem, 288: 19269-19279

2013 Reviews

  • Kunze M, Hartig A, (2013) Permeability of the peroxisomal membrane: lessons from the glyoxylate cycle Front Physiol, 4
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2013 Book Chapters

  • Weinhofer I, Kunze M, Forss-Petter S, Berger J (2013) Involvement of Human Peroxisomes in Biosynthesis and Signaling of Steroid and Peptide Hormones. In: del Río, Luis A. (Ed.), Subcellular Biochemistry Vol. 69: Peroxisomes and their Key Role in Cellular Signaling and Metabolism Springer Verlag, Heidelberg: pp 101-110

2011 Original Articles

  • Kunze M, Neuberger G, Maurer-Stroh S, Ma J, Eck T, Braverman N, Schmid J, Eisenhaber F, Berger J. (2011) Structural requirements for the interaction of peroxisomal targeting signal 2 and its receptor PEX7 J Biol Chem, 286(52): 45048-45062
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2010 Original Articles

  • Höftberger R, Kunze M, Voigtländer T, Unterberger U, Regelsberger G, Bauer J, Aboul-Enein F, Garzuly F, Forss-Petter S, Bernheimer H, Berger J, Budka H (2010) Peroxisomal Localization of the Proopiomelanocortin-Derived Peptides β-Lipotropin and β-Endorphin Endocrinology, 151 (10): 4801-4810
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2008 Original Articles

  • Weinhofer I, Kunze M, Rampler H, Forss-Petter S, Samarut J, Plateroti M, Berger J (2008) Distinct modulatory roles for thyroid hormone receptors TR-alpha and TR-beta in SREBP1-activated ABCD2 expression Eur J Cell Biol, 87: 933-945
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2007 Original Articles

  • Wiese S, Gronemeyer T, Ofmann R, Kunze M, Grou CP, Almeida JA, Eisenacher M, Stephan C, Hayen H, Pawlas M, Bunse C, Schollenberger L, Korosec T, Waterham HR, Schliebs W, Erdmann R, Berger J et al (2007) Proteomic characterization of mouse kidney peroxiosmes by tandem mass spectrometry and protein correlation profiling Mol Cell Proteomics, 6: 2045-2057
  • Höftberger R, Kunze M, Weinhofer I, Aboul-Enein F, Voigtländer T, Oezen I, Amann G, Bernheimer H, Budka H, Berger J (2007) Distribution and cellular localization of adrenoleukodystrophy protein in human tissues: Implications for X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy Neurobiol Dis, 28 (2): 165-174

2006 Original Articles

  • Weinhofer I., Kunze M., Stangl H., Porter F.D., Berger J (2006) Peroxisomal cholesterol biosynthesis and Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome. Biochem Bioph Res Comm, 345: 205-209
  • Yang J-W., Afjehi-Sadat L., Gelpi E., Kunze M., Höger H., Fleckner J., Berger J., Lubec G (2006) Proteom Profiling in the rat Harderian gland J Proteome Res, 5: 1751-1762

2006 Reviews

  • Kunze M, Pracharoentwattana I, Smith SM, Hartig A (2006) A central role for the peroxisomal membrane in glyoxylate cycle function BBA Mol Cell Res, 1763: 1441-1452

2005 Original Articles

  • Weinhofer I., Forss-Petter S., Kunze M., Zigman M., Berger J. (2005) X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy mice demonstrate abnormalities in cholesterol metabolism FEBS Letters, 579: 5512-5516
  • Weinhofer I., Kunze M., Rampler H., Bookout A.L., Forss-Petter S., Berger J (2005) LXRalpha interferes with SREBP1c-mediated Abcd2 expression: novel cross-talk in gene regulation J Biol Chem, 280: 41243-41251

2004 Original Articles

  • Neuberger G., Kunze M., Eisenhaber F., Berger J., Hartig A., Brocard C. (2004) Hidden localisation motifs: Naturally occurring peroxisomal targeting signals in non-peroxisomal proteins Genome Biol, 5: R97

2003 Book Chapters

  • Berger J, Kunze M, Forss-Petter S (2003) Lessons from Knockout Mice II: Mouse Models for Peroxisomal Disorders with Single Protein Deficiency. In: , Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology Springer Verlag: 123-134

2002 Original Articles

  • Kunze M, Kragler F, Binder M, Hartig A, Gurvitz A (2002) Targeting of malate synthase 1 to the peroxisomes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells depends on growth on oleic acid medium Eur J Biochem, 269 (3): 915-922
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