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Publications by Pifl, Christian

Last year | Last five years | All

2023 Original Articles

  • Pifl C, Reither H, Attems J, Zecca L (2023) Dopamine and vesicular monoamine transport loss supports incidental Lewy body disease as preclinical idiopathic Parkinson npj Parkinson's Disease, Jun 15;9(1):89
  • Bhat S, El-Kasaby A, Kasture A, Boytsov D, Reichelt J, Hummel T, Sucic S, Pifl C, Freissmuth M, Sandtner W (2023) A mechanism of uncompetitive inhibition of the serotonin transporter eLife, 12/e82641

2021 Original Articles

  • da Silva SR, Kalaba P, Fabisikova A, Zehl M, Dragacevic V, Ribeiro dos Anjos L, Neill PJ, Wieder M, Prado-Roller A, Gajic N, Palaretti V, da Silva GVJ, Pifl C, Lubec G, Gonzalez ERP (2021) Synthesis and dopamine receptor binding of dihydrexidine and SKF 38393 catecholamine-based analogues Amino Acids, Published Online: 29 November 2021
  • Lubec J, Kalaba P, Hussein A, Feyissa D, Kotob M, Mahmmoud R, Wieder O, Garon A, Sagheddu C, Ilic M, Dragačević V, Cybulska-Klosowicz A, Zehl M, Wackerlig J, Sartori S, Ebner K, Kouhnavardi S, Roller A, Gajic N, Pistis M, Singewald N, Leban J, Korz V, Malikovic J, Plasenzotti R, Sitte H, Monje F, Langer T, Urban E, Pifl C, Lubec G (2021) Reinstatement of synaptic plasticity in the aging brain through specific dopamine transporter inhibition Mol Psychiatry,
  • Bhat S, Niello M, Schicker K, Pifl C, Sitte H, Freissmuth M, Sandtner W (2021) Handling of intracellular K+ determines voltage dependence of plasmalemmal monoamine transporter function eLife, 10

2021 Reviews

  • Zecca L, Pifl C, Fahn S, Sulzer D, Fariello R (2021) Oleh Hornykiewicz, a giant in the understanding and treatment of Parkinson disease npj Parkinson's Disease, 7 (1)

2020 Original Articles

  • Pifl C, Sitte H (2020) A Tribute to Oleh Hornykiewicz (1926–2020) Trends Pharmacol Sci, 41 (8): 499-501

2019 Original Articles

  • Kalaba P, Ilić M, Aher N, Dragačević V, Wieder M, Zehl M, Wackerlig J, Beyl S, Sartori S, Ebner K, Roller A, Lukic N, Beryozkina T, Gonzalez E, Neill P, Khan J, Bakulev V, Leban J, Hering S, Pifl C, Singewald N, Lubec J, Urban E, Sitte H, Langer T, Lubec G (2019) Structure–Activity Relationships of Novel Thiazole-Based Modafinil Analogues Acting at Monoamine Transporters J Med Chem, 63 (1): 391-417
  • Hörtnagl H, Pifl C, Hörtnagl E, Reiner A, Sperk G (2019) Distinct gradients of various neurotransmitter markers in caudate nucleus and putamen of the human brain J Neurochem, 152 (6): 650-662
  • Dorninger F, König T, Scholze P, Berger M, Zeitler G, Wiesinger C, Gundacker A, Pollak D, Huck S, Just W, Forss-Petter S, Pifl C, Berger J (2019) Disturbed Neurotransmitter Homeostasis in Ether Lipid Deficiency Hum Mol Genet, 28(12): 2046-2061

2019 Reviews

  • Pifl C (2019) The Time Delay Between In Vivo Imaging and Postmortem Data Poses a Caveat on “No Link” Findings Movement Disorders, 34: 1579-1580

2018 Original Articles

  • Maier J, Mayer FP, Luethi D, Holy M, Jaentsch K, Reither H, Hirtler L, Hoener MC, Liechti ME, Pifl C, Brandt SD, Sitte HH (2018) The psychostimulant (±)-cis-4,4′-dimethylaminorex (4,4′-DMAR) interacts with human plasmalemmal and vesicular monoamine transporters Neuropharmacology, 138: 282-291

2017 Original Articles

  • Hornykiewicz O (2017) L-DOPA J Parkinson Dis, 7 (s1): S3-S10
  • Tong J, Rathitharan G, Meyer JH, Furukawa Y, Ang LC, Boileau I, Guttman M, Hornykiewicz O, Kish SJ (2017) Brain monoamine oxidase B and A in human parkinsonian dopamine deficiency disorders Brain, 140: 2460-2474
  • Pifl C, Reither H, Lopez-Gonzalez del Rey N, Cavada C, Obeso JA, Blesa J (2017) Early paradoxical increase of dopamine: A neurochemical study of olfactory bulb in asymptomatic and symptomatic MPTP treated monkeys Front Neuroanat, 11: 46
  • Rivetti di Val Cervo P, Romanov RA, Spigolon G, Masini D, Martín-Montañez E, Toledo EM, La Manno G, Feyder M, Pifl C, Ng YH, Sánchez SP, Linnarsson S, Wernig M, Harkany T, Fisone G, Arenas E (2017) Induction of functional dopamine neurons from human astrocytes in vitro and mouse astrocytes in a Parkinson's disease model Nat Biotechnol, 35: 444-452

2016 Original Articles

  • Pifl C (2016) Problems with traffic ahead: Synaptic vesicles in Parkinson's disease Movement Disorders, 31: 1480
  • Sitte HH, Pifl C, Rajput AH, Hörtnagl H, Tong J, Lloyd GK, Kish SJ, Hornykiewicz O (2016) Dopamine and noradrenaline, but not serotonin, in the human claustrum are greatly reduced in patients with Parkinson's disease: possible functional implications Eur J Neurosci, 45: 192-197
  • Furukawa Y, Rajput A, Tong J, Tomizawa Y, Hornykiewicz O, Kish S (2016) A marked contrast between serotonergic and dopaminergic changes in dopa-responsive dystonia: Table Neurology, 87 (10): 1060-1061
  • Peneder T, Bauer J, Pifl C (2016) Apoptosis-inducing factor in nigral dopamine neurons: Higher levels in primates than in mice Movement Disorders, 31: 1729-1733
  • Berger ML (2016) Soaping the NMDA receptor: Various types of detergents influence differently [³H]MK-801 binding to rat brain membranes Biochim Biophys Acta, 1858: 116-122

2015 Original Articles

  • Hnat J, Berger ML (2015) Radioligand kinetics at the NMDA receptor channel revisited: an active part by Na+ and Tris Neurotransmitter, 2: e 945
  • Hornykiewicz O (2015) 50 years of levodopa Movement Disorders, 30: 1008
  • Tong J, Ang LC, Williams B, Furukawa Y, Fitzmaurice P, Guttman M, Boileau I, Hornykiewicz O, Kish SJ (2015) Low levels of astroglial markers in Parkinson's disease: relationship to alpha-synuclein accumulation Neurobiol Dis, 82: 243-253
  • Berger ML, Rebernik P (2015) Differential influence of 7 cations on 16 non-competitive NMDA receptor blockers Bioorg Med Chem Lett, 25 (19): 4131-4135
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  • Karabacak Y, Sase S, Aher YD, Sase A, Saroja SR, Cicvaric A, Höger H, Berger M, Bakulev V, Sitte HH, Leban J, Monje FJ, Lubec G (2015) The effect of modafinil on the rat dopamine transporter and dopamine receptors D1-D3 paralleling cognitive enhancement in the radial arm maze Front Behav Neurosci, Epub August 2015
  • Ramerstorfer J, Foppa V, Thiery H, Hermange P, Janody S, Berger M, Dodd R, Sieghart W (2015) GABAA Receptor Subtype-Selectivity of Novel Bicuculline Derivates Curr Med Chem, 22: 771-780
  • Berger M, Maciejewska D, Vanden Eynde JJ, Mottamal M, Zabinski J, Kazmierczak P, Rezler M, Jarak I, Piantanida I, Karminski-Zamola G, Mayence A, Rebernik P, Kumar A, Ismail MA, Boykin DW, Huang TL (2015) Pentamidine analogs as iInhibitors of [3H]MK-801 and [3H]ifenprodil binding to rat brain NMDA receptors Bioorg Med Chem, 23 (15): 4489-4500
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  • Pifl C, Reither H, Hornykiewicz O (2015) The profile of mephedrone on human monoamine transporters differs from 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine primarily by lower potency at the vesicular monoamine transporter Eur J Pharmacol, 755: 119-126
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2014 Original Articles

  • Parnia S, Spearpoint K, de Vos G, Fenwick P, Goldberg D, Yang J, Zhu J, Baker K, Killingback H, Beisteiner R, Berger M, Bullock S, Sutton J, Walmsley A, Deakin CD, Little P, Farber M, Greyson B, Schoenfeld ER (2014) AWARE-AWAREness during REsuscitation-A prospective study Resuscitation, 85: 1799-1805
  • Pifl C, Rajput A, Reither H, Blesa J, Cavada C, Obeso JA, Rajput AH, Hornykiewicz O (2014) Is Parkinson's Disease a Vesicular Dopamine Storage Disorder? Evidence from a Study in Isolated Synaptic Vesicles of Human and Nonhuman Primate Striatum J Neurosci, 24: 8210-8218

2013 Original Articles

  • Palangsuntikul R, Berner H, Berger ML,Wolschann P (2013) Holographic Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships of Tryptamine Derivatives at NMDA, 5HT-1A and 5HT-2A Receptors Molecules, 18: 8799-8811
  • Pifl C, Hornykiewicz O, Blesa J, Adanez R, Cavada C, Obeso JA (2013) Reduced noradrenaline, but not dopamine and serotonin in motor thalamus of the MPTP primate: relation to severity of Parkinsonism J Neurochem, 125: 657-662
  • Berger ML, Hammerschmidt F, Qian R, Hahner S, Schirbel A, Stichelberger M, Schibli R, Yu J, Arion VB, Woschek A, Öhler E, Zolle IM (2013) [3H]Metyrapol and 4-[131I]Iodometomidate Label Overlapping, but Not Identical, Binding Sites on Rat Adrenal Membranes Mol Pharmaceutics, 10: 1119-1130
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  • Mark C, Bornatowicz B, Mitterhauser M, Hendl M, Nics L, Haeusler D, Lanzenberger R, Berger ML, Spreizer H, Wadsak W (2013) Development and automation of a novel NET-PET tracer: [11C]Me@APPI Nucl Med and Biol, 40: 295-303

2012 Original Articles

  • Berger ML, Pöhler T, Schadt O, Stanger M, Rebernik P, Scholze P, Noe CR (2012) Exploring the Polyamine Regulatory Site of the NMDA Receptor: a Parallel Synthesis Approach ChemMedChem, 8 (1): 82-94
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  • Pifl C, Stephen J, Kish SJ, Hornykiewicz O (2012) Thalamic noradrenaline in Parkinson's disease: Deficits suggest role in motor and non-motor symptoms Movement Disorders, 27: 1618-1624
  • Berger ML, Palangsuntikul R, Rebernik P, Wolschann P, Berner H (2012) Screening of 64 tryptamines at NMDA, 5-HT1A, and 5-HT2A receptors: a comparative binding and modeling study Curr Med Chem, 19 (18): 3044-3057
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  • J. Blesa, C. Pifl, M.A. Sánchez-González, C. Juri, M.A. García-Cabezas, R. Adánez, E. Iglesias, M. Collantes, I. Peñuelas, J.J. Sánchez-Hernández, M.C. Rodríguez-Oroz, C. Avendaño, O. Hornykiewicz et (2012) The nigrostriatal system in the presymptomatic and symptomatic stages in the MPTP monkey model: A PET, histological and biochemical study Neurobiol Dis, 48: 79-91
  • Sperk G, Wieselthaler-Hölzl A, Pirker S, Tasan R, Strasser SS, Drexe M, Pifl C, Marschalek J, Ortler M, Trinka E, Haitmair-Wietzorrek K, Ciofi P, Feucht M, Baumgartner C, Czech T (2012) Glutamate decarboxylase67 is expressed in hippocampal mossy fibers of temporal lobe epilepsy patients Hippocampus, 22: 590-603
  • Sommerauer C, Rebernik P, Reither H, Nanoff C, Pifl C (2012) The noradrenaline transporter as site of action for the anti-Parkinson drug amantadine. Neuropharmacology, 62 (4): 1708-1716
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2011 Original Articles

  • Ouattara B, Gregoire L, Morissette M, Gasparini F, Vranesic I, Bilbe G, Johns DR, Rajput A, Hornykiewicz O, Rajput AH, Gomez-Mancilla B, Di PaoloT (2011) Metabotropic glutamate receptor type 5 in levodopa-induced motor complications Neurobiol Aging, 32: 1286-1295
  • Neuhaus W, Freidl M, Szkokan P, Berger M L, Wirth M, Winkler J, Gabor F, Pifl C, Noe CR (2011) Effects of NMDA receptor modulators on a blood-brain barrier in vitro model Brain Res, 1394: 49-61
  • Tong J, Furukawa Y, Sherwin A, Hornykiewicz O, Kish SJ (2011) Heterogeneous intrastriatal pattern of proteins regulating axon growth in normal adult human brain Neurobiol Dis, 41: 458-468
  • Peneder TM, Scholze P, Berger ML, Reither H, Heinze G, Bertl J, Bauer J, Richfield EK, Hornykiewicz O, Pifl C (2011) Chronic exposure to manganese decreases striatal dopamine turnover in human alpha-synuclein transgenic mice Neuroscience, 180: 280-292

2010 Original Articles

  • Hornykiewicz O (2010) A brief history of levodopa J Neurol, 257: S249-S252
  • Tong J, Wong H, Guttman M, Ang L, Forno L, Shimadzu M, Rajput A, Muenter M, Kish S, Hornykiewicz O, Furukawa Y (2010) Brain alpha-synuclein accumulation in multiple system atrophy, Parkinson´s disease and progressive supranuclear palsy: a comparative investigation Brain, 133: 172-188
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2009 Original Articles

  • Hanada R, Leibbrandt A, Hanada T, Kitaoka S, Furuyashiki T, Fujihara H, Trichereau J, Paolino M, Qadri F, Plehm R, Klaere S, Komnenovic V, Mimata H, Pifl C, Penninger J et al (2009) Central control of fever and female body temperature by RANKL/RANK Nature, 462: 505-509
  • Atucha E, Hammerschmidt F, Zolle I, Sieghart W, Berger M L (2009) Structure-activity relationship of etomidate derivatives at the GABA-A receptor: Comparison with binding to 11-beta-hydroxylase Bioorg Med Chem Lett, 19: 4284-4287
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  • Boileau I, Guttman M, Rusjan P, Adams JR, Houle S, Tong J, Hornykiewicz O, Furukawa Y, Wilson AA, Kapur S, Kish SJ (2009) Decreased binding of the D3 dopamine receptor-preferring ligand [11C]-(+)-PHNO in drug-naive Parkinson´s disease Brain, 132: 1366-1375
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  • Berger M.L, Schweifer A, Rebernik P, Hammerschmidt F (2009) NMDA receptor affinities of 1,2-diphenylethylamine and 1-(1,2-diphenylethyl)piperidine enantiomers and of related compounds Bioorg Med Chem, 17: 3456-3462
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  • Samadi P, Rajput A, Calon F, Gregoire L, Hornykiewicz O, Rajput AH, Di Paolo T (2009) Metabotropic glutamate receptor II in the brains of Parkinsonian patients J Neuropath Exp Neurol, 68: 374-382
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  • Pifl C, Wolf A, Rebernik P, Reither H, Berger M L (2009) Zinc regulates the dopamine transporter in a membrane potential and chloride dependent manner Neuropharmacology, 56: 531-540
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2008 Original Articles

  • Kish SJ, Tong J, Hornykiewicz O, Rajput A, Chang LJ, Guttman M, Furukawa Y (2008) Preferential loss of serotonin markers in caudate versus putamen in Parkinson's disease Brain, 131: 120-131
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  • Zolle IM, Berger ML, Hammerschmidt F, Hahner S, Schirbel A, Peric-Simov B (2008) New Selective Inhibitors of Steroid 11ß-Hydroxylation in the Adrenal Cortex. Synthesis and Structure–Activity Relationship of Potent Etomidate Analogues J Med Chem, 51: 2244-2253
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  • Rajput A.H., Sitte H.H., Rajput A., Fenton M.E., Pifl C., Hornykiewicz O. (2008) Globus pallidus dopamine and Parkinson motor subtypes. Neurology, 70: 1403-1410
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2008 Book Chapters

  • Nanoff C, Pifl C (2008) Neurotransmitter transporters. In: , Encyclopedia of Molecular Pharmacology Springer Berlin Heidelberg: 836-842

2007 Original Articles

  • Tong J, Hornykiewicz O, Furukawa Y, Kish SJ (2007) Marked dissociation between high noradrenaline vs. low noradrenaline transporter levels in human nucleus accumbens J Neurochem, 102: 1691-1702
  • Pöhler T., Schadt O., Niepel D., Rebernik P., Berger M.L., Noe C.R. (2007) New polyamine-sensitive inhibitors of the NMDA receptor: Syntheses and pharmacological evaluation. Eur J Med Chem, 42: 175-197
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2006 Original Articles

  • Tong J, Hornykiewicz O, Kish SJ (2006) Inverse relationship between brain noradrenaline level and dopamine loss in Parkinson disease: a possible neuroprotective role for noradrenaline Arch Neurol, 63: 1724-1728
  • Pifl C, Hornykiewicz O (2006) Dopamine turnover is upregulated in the caudate/putamen of asymptomatic MPTP treated rhesus monkeys. Neurochem Internat, 49: 519-524
  • Tong J, Hornykiewicz O, Kish SJ (2006) Identification of a noradrenaline-rich subdivision of the human nucleus accumbens J Neurochem, 96: 349-354
  • Berger M.L., Bitar A.Y., Waitner M.J., Rebernik P., O'Sullivan M.C. (2006) Polyamines and the NMDA receptor: modifying intrinsic activities with aromatic substituents. Bioorg Med Chem Lett, 16: 2837-2841
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  • Buchstaller H.-P., Siebert C.D., Steinmetz R., Frank I., Berger M.L., Gottschlich R., Leibrock J., Krug M., Steinhilber D.,Noe C.R. (2006) Synthesis of thieno[2,3-b]pyridinones acting as cytoprotectants and as inhibitors of [3H]glycine binding to the NMDA receptor. J Med Chem, 49: 864-871
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2006 Reviews

  • Pifl C, Sperk G (2006) Current topics in brain dopamine research: a tribute to Professor Oleh Hornykiewicz Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift, 118: 563-565
  • Hornykiewicz O (2006) The discovery of dopamine deficiency in the parkinsonian brain Neural Transm Suppl, 70: 9-15

2005 Original Articles

  • Reiterer S., Hemmelmann C., Rappelsberger P., Berger M.L. (2005) Characteristic functional networks in high- versus low second language speakers detected also during native language processing: An explorative EEG coherence study in 6 frequency bands Cog Brain Res, 25: 566-578
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  • Pifl C, Nagy G, Berényi S, Kattinger A, Reither H, Antus S (2005) Pharmacological characterization of ecstasy synthesis byproducts with recombinant human monoamine transporters J Pharmacol Exp Ther, 314: 346-354
  • Xu J, Zhong N, Wang H, Elias JE, Kim CY, Woldman I, Pifl C, Gygi SP, Geula C, Yankner BA (2005) The Parkinson's Disease Associated DJ-1 Protein is a Transcriptional Co-Activator that Protects Against Neuronal Apoptosis Hum Mol Genet, 14: 1231-1241
  • Woldman I, Reither H, Kattinger A, Hornykiewicz O, Pifl C (2005) Dopamine inhibits cell growth and cell cycle by blocking ribonucleotide reductase Neuropharmacology, 48: 525-537
  • Reiterer S., Berger M.L., Hemmelmann C., Rappelsberger, P. (2005) Decreased EEG coherence between prefrontal electrodes: a correlate of high language proficiency? Exp Brain Res, 163: 109-113
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2004 Original Articles

  • Calon F, Dridi M, Hornykiewicz O, Bédard PJ, Rajput AH, Di Paolo T (2004) Increased adenosine A2A receptors in the brain of Parkinson’s disease patients with dyskinesias. Brain, 127: 1075-1084
  • Zecca L, Stroppolo A, Gatti A, Tampellini D, Toscani M, Gallorini M, Giaveri G, Arosio P, Santambrogio P, Fariello RG, Karatekin E, Kleinman MH, Turro N, Hornykiewicz O, and Zucca FA (2004) The role of iron and copper molecules in the neuronal vulnerability of locus coeruleus and substantia nigra during aging. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 101: 9843-9848
  • Rajput AH, Fenton ME , Di Paolo T, Sitte H, Pifl C Hornykiewicz O (2004) Human brain dopamine metabolism in levodopa-induced dyskinesia and wearing-off Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, 10: 221-226
  • Pifl C, Khorchide M, Kattinger A, Reither H, Hardy J, Hornykiewicz O (2004) alpha-Synuclein selectively increases manganese-induced viability loss in SK-N-MC neuroblastoma cells expressing the human dopamine transporter Neurosci Lett, 354: 34-37
  • Pifl C, Rebernik P, Kattinger A, Reither H (2004) Zn2+ modulates currents generated by the dopamine transporter: parallel effects on amphetamine-induced charge transfer and release Neuropharmacology, 46: 223-231
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  • Schirbel A., Zolle I., Hammerschmidt F., Berger M.L., Schiller D., Kvaternik H., Reiners C. (2004) [123/131I]Iodometomidate as a radioligand for functional diagnosis of adrenal disease: synthesis, structural requirements and biodistribution. Radiochim Acta, 92: 297-303
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2004 Reviews

  • Olanow CW, Agid Y, Mizuno Y, Albanese A, Bonucelli U, Damier P, de Yebenes J, Gershanik O, Guttman M, Grandas F, Hallett M, Hornykiewicz O, Jenner P, Katzenschlager R, Langston WJ, LeWitt P, Melamed E (2004) Levodopa in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease: current controversies Movement Disorders, 19: 997-1005
  • Yamamoto K, Hornykiewicz O (2004) Proposal for a noradrenaline hypothesis of schizophrenia. Progr Neuro-Psychopharmacol & Biol Psychiat, 28: 913-922

2003 Book Chapters

  • Berger, M.L., Noe, C.R. (2003) Polyamine regulation of the NMDA receptor complex as a target in drug development. In: Ramchandran, U., Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry Research Trends, Trivandrum: 51-64
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2002 Original Articles

  • Furtmüller R, Schlag MG, Berger M L, Hopf R, Huck S, Sieghart W, Redl H (2002) Tranexamic acid, a widely used antifibrinolytic agent, causes convulsions by a gamma-aminobutyric acid-A-receptor antagonistic effect J Pharmacol Exp Ther, 301: 168-173
  • Pifl C, Kattinger A, Reither H, Hornykiewicz O (2002) Cellular effects of dopamine - beyond oxidative mechanisms Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, 8: 433-437
  • Kristufek D, Rudorfer W, Pifl C, Huck S (2002) Organic cation transporter mRNA and function in the rat superior cervical ganglion J Physiol, 543: 117-134

2002 Book Chapters

  • Pifl C, Caron MG (2002) The dopamine transporter: molecular biology, pharmacology and genetics. In: , Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York: 257-297

2001 Original Articles

  • Sitte H.H., Wanschitz J., Budka H., Berger M.L. (2001) Autoradiography with [3H]PK11195 of spinal tract degeneration in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Acta Neuropathol, 101: 75-78
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  • Sitte HH, Hiptmair B, Zwach J, Pifl C, Singer EA, Scholze P (2001) Quantitative analysis of inward and outward transport rates in cells stably expressing the cloned human serotonin transporter: inconsistencies with the hypothesis of facilitated exchange diffusion Mol Pharmacol, 59: 1129-1137
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  • Pifl C, Zezula J, Spittler A, Kattinger A, Reither H, Caron MG, Hornykiewicz O (2001) Antiproliferative action of dopamine and norepinephrine in neuroblastoma cells expressing the human dopamine transporter FASEB J, 15: 1607-1609
  • Krapfenbauer K., Berger M.L., Lubec G., Fountoulakis M. (2001) Changes in the levels of low-abundance brain proteins induced by kainic acid. Eur J Biochem, 268: 3532-3537
  • Krapfenbauer K., Berger M.L., Lubec G., Fountoulakis M. (2001) Changes in the brain protein levels following administration of kainic acid. Electrophoresis, 22: 2086-2091

2000 Original Articles

  • Pifl C, Sitte HH, Reither H, Singer EA (2000) The mechanism of the releasing action of amphetamine. Uptake, superfusion and electrophysiological studies on transporter-transfected cells Pure Appl Chem, 72: 1045-1050
  • Sitte HH, Scholze P, Schloss P, Pifl C, Singer EA (2000) Characterization of carrier-mediated efflux in human embryonic kidney 293 cells stably expressing the rat serotonin transporter: a superfusion study J Neurochem, 74: 1317-1324
  • Scholze P, Zwach J, Kattinger A, Pifl V, Singer EA, Sitte HH (2000) Transporter-mediated release: a superfusion study on human embryonic kidney cells stably expressing the human serotonin transporter J Pharmacol Exp Ther, 293: 870-878p
  • Berger M L (2000) Tryptamine derivatives as non-competitive N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor blockers: studies using [3H]MK-801 binding in rat hippocampal membranes Neurosci Lett, 296: 29-33
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1999 Original Articles

  • Pifl C, Agneter E, Drobny H, Sitte HH, Singer EA (1999) Amphetamine reverses or blocks the operation of the human noradrenaline transporter depending on its concentration: superfusion studies on transfected cells Neuropharmacology, 38: 157-165
  • Pifl C, Singer EA (1999) Ion dependence of carrier-mediated release in dopamine or norepinephrine transporter-transfected cells questions the hypothesis of faciliated exchange diffusion Mol Pharmacol, 56: 1047-1054
  • Furukawa Y, Nygaard TG, Gutlich M, Rajput AH, Pifl C, DiStefano L, Chang LJ, Price K, Shimadzu M, Hornykiewicz O, Haycock JW, Kish SJ (1999) Striatal biopterin and tyrosine hydroxylase protein reduction in dopa-responsive dystonia Neurology, 53: 1032-1041
  • Berger M L, Rebernik P (1999) Zinc and Ifenprodil Allosterically Inhibit Two Separate Polyamine-Sensitive Sites at N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor Complex J Pharmacol Exp Ther, 289: 1584-1591
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1998 Original Articles

  • Sitte HH, Huck S, Reither H, Boehm S, Singer EA, Pifl C (1998) Carrier-mediated release, transport rates and charge transfer induced by amphetamine, tyramine and dopamine in mammalian cells transfected with the human dopamine transporter J Neurochem, 71: 1289-1297
  • Berger M.L, Schödl C, Noe CR (1998) Inverse agonists at the polyamine-sensitive modulatory site of the NMDA receptor: 50-fold increase in potency by insertion of an aromatic ring into an alkanediamine chain Eur J Med Chem, 33: 3-14
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1997 Original Articles

  • Pifl C, Agneter E, Drobny H, Reither H, Singer EA (1997) Induction by low Na+ or Cl- of cocaine sensitive carrier-mediated efflux of amines from cells transfected with the cloned human catecholamine transporters Br J Pharmacol, 121: 205-212

1995 Original Articles

  • Berger M L (1995) On the true affinity of glycine for its binding site at the NMDA receptor complex J Pharmacol Tox Meth, 34: 79-88
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