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Publications by Scholze, Petra

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2024 Original Articles

  • Huber A, Sarne V, Beribisky A, Ackerbauer D, Derdak S, Madritsch S, Etzler J, Huck S, Scholze P, Gorgulu I, Christodoulou J, Studenik C, Neuhaus W, Connor B, Laccone F, Steinkellner H (2024) Generation and Characterization of a Human Neuronal In Vitro Model for Rett Syndrome Using a Direct Reprogramming Method Stem Cells Dev, 33 (5-6): 128-142
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  • Sharmin D, Divović B, Ping X, Cerne R, Smith J, Rezvanian S, Mondal P, Meyer M, Kiley M, Arnold L, Mian M, Pandey K, Jin X, Mitrović J, Djorović D, Lippa A, Cook J, Golani L, Scholze P, Savić M, Witkin J (2024) New Imidazodiazepine Analogue, 5-(8-Bromo-6-(pyridin-2-yl)-4H-benzo-f-imidazo[1,5-a][1,4]diazepin-3-yl)oxazole, Provides a Simplified Synthetic Scheme, High Oral Plasma and Brain Exposures, and Produces Antiseizure Efficacy in Mice, and Antiepileptogenic Activity in Neural Networks in Brain Slices from a Patient with Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy ACS Chem Neurosci, 15 (3): 517-526
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2023 Original Articles

  • Milica Gajić Bojić, Marco Treven, Kamal P. Pandey, V.V.N. Phani Babu Tiruveedhula, Anja Santrač, Đorđe Đukanović , Nataša Vojinović, Ljiljana Amidžić,Ranko Škrbić, Petra Scholze, Margot Ernst, James M. Cook,Miroslav M. Savić (2023) Vascular effects of midazolam, flumazenil, and a novel imidazobenzodiazepine MP-III-058 on isolated rat aorta Can.J.Physiol.Pharmacol.,
  • Arias H, De Deurwaerdère P, Scholze P, Sakamoto S, Hamachi I, Di Giovanni G, Chagraoui A (2023) Coronaridine congeners induce sedative and anxiolytic-like activity in naïve and stressed/anxious mice by allosteric mechanisms involving increased GABAA receptor affinity for GABA Eur J Pharmacol, 953: 175854

2022 Original Articles

  • Simeone X, Ernst M, Seidel T, Heider J, Enz D, Monticelli S, Vogel F, Koniuszewski F, Langer T, Scholze P, Pace V, Miele M (2022) Novel alpha6 preferring GABA-A receptor ligands based on loreclezole Bioorg Med Chem, 244: 114780
  • Goisis R, Chiavegato A, Gomez-Gonzalo M, Marcon I, Requie L, Scholze P, Carmignoto G, Losi G (2022) GABA tonic currents and glial cells are altered during epileptogenesis in a mouse model of Dravet syndrome Front Cell Neurosci, 16

2021 Original Articles

  • Simeone X, Koniuszewski F, Müllegger M, Smetka A, Steudle F, Puthenkalam R, Ernst M, Scholze P (2021) A Benzodiazepine Ligand with Improved GABAA Receptor α5-Subunit Selectivity Driven by Interactions with Loop C Mol Pharmacol, 99 (1): 39-48

2020 Original Articles

  • Scholze P, Huck S (2020) The α5 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Subunit Differentially Modulates α4β2* and α3β4* Receptors Front.Synaptic Neuroscience, 12
  • Sharp B, Jiang Q, Simeone X, Scholze P (2020) Allosteric Modulation of GABAA Receptors in Rat Basolateral Amygdala Blocks Stress-Enhanced Reacquisition of Nicotine Self-Administration ACS, 3 (6): 1158-1164
  • Perniss A, Latz A, Boseva I, Papadakis T, Dames C, Meisel C, Meisel A, Scholze P, Kummer W, Krasteva-Christ G (2020) Acute nicotine administration stimulates ciliary activity via α3β4 nAChR in the mouse trachea Int. Immunopharmacol., 84: 106496
  • Tsymala I, Nigritinou M, Zeka B, Schulz R, Niederschick F, Matković M, Bauer I, Szalay M, Schanda K, Lerch M, Misu T, Fujihara K, Bennett J, Dahle C, Pache F, Rommer P, Leutmezer F, Illes Z, Leite M, Palace J, Scholze P, Reindl M, Lassmann H, Bradl M (2020) Induction of aquaporin 4-reactive antibodies in Lewis rats immunized with aquaporin 4 mimotopes Acta Neuropathologica Communications, 15; 8 (1)
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  • Arias H, Do Rego J, Do Rego J, Chen Z, Anouar Y, Scholze P, Gonzales E, Huang R, Chagraoui A (2020) Coronaridine congeners potentiate GABAA receptors and induce sedative activity in mice in a benzodiazepine-insensitive manner Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry, 101: 109930
  • Iorio M, Vogel F, Koniuszewski F, Scholze P, Rehman S, Simeone X, Schnürch M, Mihovilovic M, Ernst M (2020) GABAA Receptor Ligands Often Interact with Binding Sites in the Transmembrane Domain and in the Extracellular Domain—Can the Promiscuity Code Be Cracked? Int J Mol Sci, 21 (1): 334

2019 Original Articles

  • Maleeva G, Wutz D, Rustler K, Nin‐Hill A, Alfonso‐Prieto M, Petukhova E, Bautista‐Barrufet A, Gomila‐Juaneda A, Scholze P, Peiretti F, Rovira C, König B, Gorostiza P, Bregestovski P (2019) A photoswitchable GABA receptor channel blocker Br J Pharmacol, 176(15): 2661-2677
  • Simeone X, Karch R, Ciuraszkiewicz A, Orr‐Urtreger A, Lemmens‐Gruber R, Scholze P, Huck S (2019) The role of the nAChR subunit α5, β2, and β4 on synaptic transmission in the mouse superior cervical ganglion Phys Reports, 7 (6): e14023
  • Prevot T, Li G, Vidojevic A, Misquitta K, Fee C, Santrac A, Knutson D, Stephen M, Kodali R, Zahn N, Arnold L, Scholze P, Fisher J, Marković B, Banasr M, Cook J, Savic M, Sibille E (2019) Novel Benzodiazepine-Like Ligands with Various Anxiolytic, Antidepressant, or Pro-Cognitive Profiles Mol Psychiatry, 5(2): 84-97

2018 Original Articles

  • Forget B, Scholze P, Langa F, Morel C, Pons S, Mondoloni S, Besson M, Durand-de Cuttoli R, Hay A, Tricoire L, Lambolez B, Mourot A, Faure P, Maskos U (2018) A Human Polymorphism in CHRNA5 Is Linked to Relapse to Nicotine Seeking in Transgenic Rats Curr Biol., 28 (20): 3244-3253.e7
  • Siebert D, Bampali K, Puthenkalam R, Varagic Z, Sarto-Jackson I, Scholze P, Sieghart W, Mihovilovic M, Schnürch M, Ernst M (2018) Engineered Flumazenil Recognition Site Provides Mechanistic Insight Governing Benzodiazepine Modulation in GABAA Receptors ACS Chem Biol, 13: 2040-2047
  • Siebert D, Wieder M, Schlener L, Scholze P, Boresch S, Langer T, Schnürch M, Mihovilovic M, Richter L, Ernst M, Ecker G (2018) SAR-Guided Scoring Function and Mutational Validation Reveal Binding Mode of CGS-8216 at the α1+/γ2- Benzodiazepine Site J Chem Inf Model., 58 (8): 1682-1696
  • Elgarf A, Siebert D, Steudle F, Draxler A, Li G, Huang S, Cook J, Ernst M, Scholze P (2018) Different Benzodiazepines Bind with Distinct Binding Modes to GABAA Receptors ACS Chem Biol, 13 (8): 2033-2039
  • Batinić B, Stanković T, Stephen M, Kodali R, Tiruveedhula V, Li G, Scholze P, Marković B, Obradović A, Ernst M, Cook J, Savić M (2018) Attaining in vivo selectivity of positive modulation of α3βγ2 GABA A receptors in rats: A hard task! Eur Neuropsychopharmacol, 28 (8): 903-914
  • Treven M, Siebert D, Holzinger R, Bampali K, Fabjan J, Varagic Z, Wimmer L, Steudle F, Scholze P, Schnürch M, Mihovilovic M, Ernst M (2018) Towards Functional Selectivity for α6β3γ2 GABAA Receptors: A Series of Novel Pyrazoloquinolinones Br J Pharmacol, 175 (3): 419-428

2016 Original Articles

  • Mandl P, Hayer S, Karonitsch T, Scholze P, Győri D, Sykoutri D, Blüml S, Mócsai A, Poór G, Huck S, Smolen J, Redlich K (2016) Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors modulate osteoclastogenesis Arthritis Res Ther, 18 (1): 63
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2015 Original Articles

  • Mika J, Schwarz K, Wanzenboeck H, Scholze P, Bertagnolli E (2015) Investigation of neurotrophic factor concentrations with a novel in vitro concept for peripheral nerve regeneration J Neurosci Res, 93 (11): 1631-1640
  • Xanthos D, Beiersdorf J, Thrun A, Ianosi B, Orr-Urtreger A, Huck S, Scholze P (2015) Role of α5-containing nicotinic receptors in neuropathic pain and response to nicotine Neuropharmacology, 95: 37-49
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2014 Original Articles

  • Beiranvand F, Zlabinger C, Orr-Urtreger A, Ristl R, Huck S, Scholze P (2014) Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors control acetylcholine and noradrenaline release in the rodent habenulo-interpeduncular complex Br J Pharmacol, 171 (23): 5209-5224
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  • Mirheydari P, Ramerstorfer J, Varagic Z, Scholze P, Wimmer L, Mihovilovic MM, Sieghart W, Ernst M (2014) Unexpected properties of delta-containing GABA-A receptors in response to ligands interacting with the alpha+beta-site Neurochem Res, 39 (6): 1057-1067

2013 Original Articles

  • Ciuraszkiewicz A, Schreibmayer W, Platzer D, Orr-Urtreger A, Scholze P, Huck S. (2013) Single-channel properties of α3β4, α3β4α5, and α3β4β2 nicotinic ACh receptors in mice lacking specific nAChR subunits J Physiol, 591: 3271-3288
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2012 Original Articles

  • Berger ML, Pöhler T, Schadt O, Stanger M, Rebernik P, Scholze P, Noe CR (2012) Exploring the Polyamine Regulatory Site of the NMDA Receptor: a Parallel Synthesis Approach ChemMedChem, 8 (1): 82-94
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  • Scholze P, Koth G, Orr-Urtreger A, Huck S (2012) Subunit composition of α5-containing nicotinic receptors in the rodent habenula J Neurochem, 121(4): 551-560
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2011 Original Articles

  • Scholze P, Ciuraszkiewicz A, Grössl F, Orr-Urtreger A, McIntosh JM, Huck S (2011) Alpha4beta2 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors n the Early Postnatal Mouse Superior Cervical Ganglion Dev. Neurobiology, 71 (5): 390-399
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  • Peneder TM, Scholze P, Berger ML, Reither H, Heinze G, Bertl J, Bauer J, Richfield EK, Hornykiewicz O, Pifl C (2011) Chronic exposure to manganese decreases striatal dopamine turnover in human alpha-synuclein transgenic mice Neuroscience, 180: 280-292

2010 Original Articles

  • David R, Ciuraszkiewicz A, Simeone X, Orr-Urtreger A, Papke RL, McIntosh JM, Huck S, Scholze P (2010) Biochemical and functional properties of distinct nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the superior cervical ganglion of mice with targeted deletions of nAChR subunit genes Eur J Neurosci, 6: 978-993
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2008 Original Articles

  • Putz G, Kristufek D, Orr-Urtreger A, Changeux JP, Huck S, Scholze P (2008) Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor-subunit mRNAs in the mouse superior cervical ganglion are regulated by development but not by deletion of distinct subunit genes J Neurosci Res, 86: 972-981
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2007 Original Articles

  • Scholze P., Orr-Urtreger A., Changeux J.-P., McIntosh J.M. , Huck S (2007) Catecholamine outflow from mouse and rat brain slice preparations evoked by nicotinic acetylcholine receptor activation and electrical field stimulation Br J Pharmacol, 151: 414-422
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2002 Original Articles

  • Scholze P, Freissmuth M, Sitte H (2002) Mutations within an Intramembrane Leucine Heptad Repeat Disrupt Oligomer Formation of the Rat GABA Transporter 1 J Biol Chem, 277 (46): 43682-43690
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  • Sitte H, Singer E, Scholze P (2002) Bi-directional transport of GABA in human embryonic kidney (HEK-293) cells stably expressing the rat GABA transporter GAT-1 Br J Pharmacol, 135 (1): 93-102
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2001 Original Articles

  • Scholze P, Sitte H, Singer E (2001) Substantial loss of substrate by diffusion during uptake in HEK-293 cells expressing neurotransmitter transporters Neurosci Lett, 309 (3): 173-176
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  • Schmid J, Scholze P, Kudlacek O, Freissmuth M, Singer E, Sitte H (2001) Oligomerization of the Human Serotonin Transporter and of the Rat GABA Transporter 1 Visualized by Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer Microscopy in Living Cells J Biol Chem, 276 (6): 3805-3810
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2000 Original Articles

  • Sitte HH, Scholze P, Schloss P, Pifl C, Singer EA (2000) Characterization of carrier-mediated efflux in human embryonic kidney 293 cells stably expressing the rat serotonin transporter: a superfusion study J Neurochem, 74: 1317-1324

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