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Publications by Adameyko, Igor

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2024 Original Articles

  • Yu W, Kastriti M, Ishan M, Choudhary S, Rashid M, Kramer N, Do H, Wang Z, Xu T, Schwabe R, Ye K, Adameyko I, Liu H (2024) The duct of von Ebner’s glands is a source of Sox10+ taste bud progenitors and susceptible to pathogen infections Front Cell Dev Biol, 12: 12:1460669
  • Olsen T, Otte J, Mei S, Embaie B, Kameneva P, Cheng H, Gao T, Zachariadis V, Tsea I, Björklund ?, Kryukov E, Hou Z, Johansson A, Sundström E, Martinsson T, Fransson S, Stenman J, Fard S, Johnsen J, Kogner P, Adameyko I, Enge M, Kharchenko P, Baryawno N (2024) Joint single-cell genetic and transcriptomic analysis reveal pre-malignant SCP-like subclones in human neuroblastoma Mol Cancer, 23 (1): 180
  • Erickson A, Motta A, Kastriti M, Edwards S, Coulpier F, Théoulle E, Murtazina A, Poverennaya I, Wies D, Ganofsky J, Canu G, Lallemend F, Topilko P, Hadjab S, Fried K, Ruhrberg C, Schwarz Q, Castellani V, Bonanomi D, Adameyko I (2024) Motor innervation directs the correct development of the mouse sympathetic nervous system Nat Commun, 15 (1): 7065
  • Kibalnyk Y, Afanasiev E, Noble R, Watson A, Poverennaya I, Dittmann N, Alexiou M, Goodkey K, Greenwell A, Ussher J, Adameyko I, Massey J, Graf D, Bourque S, Stratton J, Voronova A (2024) The chromatin regulator Ankrd11 controls cardiac neural crest cell-mediated outflow tract remodeling and heart function Nat Commun, 15 (1): 4632
  • Jevans B, Cooper F, Fatieieva Y, Gogolou A, Kang Y, Restuadi R, Moulding D, Vanden Berghe P, Adameyko I, Thapar N, Andrews P, De Coppi P, Tsakiridis A, McCann C (2024) Human enteric nervous system progenitor transplantation improves functional responses in Hirschsprung disease patient-derived tissue Gut, 73(9): 1441-1453
  • Xie M, Kaiser M, Gershtein Y, Schnyder D, Deviatiiarov R, Gazizova G, Shagimardanova E, Zikmund T, Kerckhofs G, Ivashkin E, Batkovskyte D, Newton P, Andersson O, Fried K, Gusev O, Zeberg H, Kaiser J, Adameyko I, Chagin A (2024) The level of protein in the maternal murine diet modulates the facial appearance of the offspring via mTORC1 signaling Nat Commun, 15 (1): 2367

2024 Reviews

  • Kaiser M, Zikmund T, Vora S, Metscher B, Adameyko I, Richman J, Kaiser J (2024) 3D atlas of the human fetal chondrocranium in the middle trimester Sci Data, 11 (1): 626

2023 Original Articles

  • Mathias S, Adameyko I, Hellander A, Kursawe J (2023) Contributions of cell behavior to geometric order in embryonic cartilage PloS Computational Biology, 19 (11): e1011658
  • Gao T, Kastriti M, Ljungström V, Heinzel A, Tischler A, Oberbauer R, Loh P, Adameyko I, Park P, Kharchenko P (2023) A pan-tissue survey of mosaic chromosomal alterations in 948 individuals Nature Genetics, 55(11): )1901-1911
  • Laddach A, Chng S, Lasrado R, Progatzky F, Shapiro M, Erickson A, Sampedro Castaneda M, Artemov A, Bon-Frauches A, Amaniti E, Kleinjung J, Boeing S, Ultanir S, Adameyko I, Pachnis V (2023) A branching model of lineage differentiation underpinning the neurogenic potential of enteric glia Nat Commun, 14 (1): 5904
  • Krupenko D, Miroliubov A, Kryukov E, Faure L, Minemizu R, Haag L, Lundgren M, Kameneva P, Kastriti M, Adameyko I (2023) Polymorphic parasitic larvae cooperate to build swimming colonies luring hosts Curr Biol., 33(20)4524-4531: 4524-4531
  • Sunadome K, Erickson A, Kah D, Fabry B, Adori C, Kameneva P, Faure L, Kanatani S, Kaucka M, Dehnisch Ellström I, Tesarova M, Zikmund T, Kaiser J, Edwards S, Maki K, Adachi T, Yamamoto T, Fried K, Adameyko I (2023) Directionality of developing skeletal muscles is set by mechanical forces Nat Commun, 14 (1): 3060
  • Petersen J, Englmaier L, Artemov A, Poverennaya I, Mahmoud R, Bouderlique T, Tesarova M, Deviatiiarov R, Szilvásy-Szabó A, Akkuratov E, Pajuelo Reguera D, Zeberg H, Kaucka M, Kastriti M, Krivanek J, Radaszkiewicz T, Gömöryová K, Knauth S, Potesil D, Zdrahal Z, Ganji R, Grabowski A, Buhl M, Zikmund T, Kavkova M, Axelson H, Lindgren D, Kramann R, Kuppe C, Erdélyi F, Máté Z, Szabó G, Koehne T, Harkany T, Fried K, Kaiser J, Boor P, Fekete C, Rozman J, Kasparek P, Prochazka J, Sedlacek R, Bryja V, Gusev O, Adameyko I (2023) A previously uncharacterized Factor Associated with Metabolism and Energy (FAME/C14orf105/CCDC198/1700011H14Rik) is related to evolutionary adaptation, energy balance, and kidney physiology Nat Commun, 14 (1): 3092
  • Li X, Andrusivova Z, Czarnewski P, Langseth C, Andersson A, Liu Y, Gyllborg D, Braun E, Larsson L, Hu L, Alekseenko Z, Lee H, Avenel C, Kallner H, Åkesson E, Adameyko I, Nilsson M, Linnarsson S, Lundeberg J, Sundström E (2023) Profiling spatiotemporal gene expression of the developing human spinal cord and implications for ependymoma origin Nature Neurosci, 26(5): 891-901
  • Zhou C, Häneke T, Rohner E, Sohlmér J, Kameneva P, Artemov A, Adameyko I, Sahara M (2023) STRA6 is essential for induction of vascular smooth muscle lineages in human embryonic cardiac outflow tract development Cardiovascular Res, 119(5): 1202-1217
  • Faure L, Soldatov R, Kharchenko P, Adameyko I (2023) scFates: a scalable python package for advanced pseudotime and bifurcation analysis from single-cell data Bioinformatics, : 39(1):btac746

2023 Reviews

  • Murtazina A, Adameyko I (2023) The peripheral nervous system Development, 150 (9): dev201164
  • Erickson A, Adameyko I (2023) hPSCs-derived Schwann cells serve for disease modeling and drug discovery Cell Stem Cell, 30 (5): 501-502
  • Adameyko I (2023) Evolutionary origin of the neural tube in basal deuterostomes Curr Biol., 33 (8): R319-R331
  • Krivanek J, Buchtova M, Fried K, Adameyko I (2023) Plasticity of Dental Cell Types in Development, Regeneration, and Evolution J Dent Res, 102(6): 589-598
  • Erickson A, Kameneva P, Adameyko I (2023) The transcriptional portraits of the neural crest at the individual cell level Semin Cell Dev Biol, : 138:68-80

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