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2024 Original Articles
- Sladky R, Kargl D, Haubensak W, Lamm C (2024) An active inference perspective for the amygdala complex Trends Cogn., 28 (3): 223-236
| Weblink | - Ganglberger F, Kargl D, Töpfer M, Hernandez-Lallement J, Lawless N, Fernandez-Albert F, Haubensak W, Bühler K (2024) BrainTACO: an explorable multi-scale multi-modal brain transcriptomic and connectivity data resource Commun Biol, 7 (730)
| Weblink | - Piszczek L, Haubensak W (2024) Neuroethology: Fear outside the box Curr Biol., 34 (14): R685-R687
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2023 Original Articles
- Piszczek L, Kaczanowska J, Haubensak W (2023) Towards correlative archaeology of the human mind Biol.Chem., 405 (1): 5-12
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2022 Original Articles
- Kaczanowska J, Ganglberger F, Chernomor O, Kargl D, Galik B, Hess A, Moodley Y, von Haeseler A, Bühler, K, Haubensak W (2022) Molecular archaeology of human cognitive traits Cell Rep, 40
| Weblink | - Ganglberger F, Wißmann M, Wu H-Y, Swoboda N, Thum A, Haubensak A, Bühler K (2022) Spatial-data-driven layouting for brain network visualization Computers & Graphics, 105: 12-24
| Weblink | - Piszczek L, Constantinescu A, Kargl D, Lazovic J, Pekcec A, Nicholson J, Haubensak W (2022) Dissociation of impulsive traits by subthalamic metabotropic glutamate receptor 4 eLife, 11
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2021 Original Articles
- Griessner J, Pasieka M, Böhm V, Grössl F, Kaczanowska J, Pliota P, Kargl D, Werner B, Kaouane N, Strobelt S, Kreitz S, Hess A, Haubensak W (2021) Central amygdala circuit dynamics underlying the benzodiazepine anxiolytic effect Mol Psychiatry, 26: 534-544
| Weblink | - Ganglberger, F, Kaczanowska, J, Haubensak, W, Bühler, K (2021) Visualising the Transition of Large Networks via Dimensionality Reduction to Illustrate the Evolution of the Human Brain Eurographics, 21-24
| Weblink | - Wank I, Pliota P, Badurek S, Kraitsy K, Kaczanowska J, Griessner J, Kreitz S, Hess A, Haubensak W (2021) Central amygdala circuitry modulates nociceptive processing through differential hierarchical interaction with affective network dynamics Commun Biol, 4
| Weblink | - Kaouane N, Ada S, Hausleitner M, Haubensak W (2021) Dorsal Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis-Subcortical Output Circuits Encode Positive Bias in Pavlovian Fear and Reward Front Neural Circuits, 15
| Weblink | - Peter M, Aschauer D F, Rose R, Sinning A, Grössl F, Kargl D, Kraitsy K, Burkard T R, Luhmann H J, Haubensak W, Rumpel S (2021) Rapid nucleus-scale reorganization of chromatin in neurons enables transcriptional adaptation for memory consolidation PlosOne, 16 (5): e0244038
| Weblink | - Jäger F, Greisenegger S, Schwarz F, Wiest G (2021) Ocular flutter is a rare and treatment-responsive symptom in Lyme neuroborreliosis: a case report J Neurol,