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Abteilung für Pathobiologie des Nervensystems

The Division of Pathobiology of the Nervous System is committed to its disease-relevant applied research. The spectrum of brain disorders targeted ranges from inherited peroxisomal diseases, such as X-linked adreno-leukodystrophy, to more common, multifactorial neurodevelopmental (e.g., Autism) neuropsychiatric (e.g. schizophrenia or epilepsy), and neurodegenerative diseases (e.g. Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease).

©MedUni Wien/Zentrum für Hirnforschung

Our research is focussed on the molecular mechanisms of the disease-related pathological manifestations and their translation into clinical diagnostic and therapeutic aspects. With this objective, we also explore basic scientific questions about the role of lipid metabolism in supporting the proper functioning of our brain (Berger Lab) and how lipids interconnect with neuroinflammation (Weinhofer Lab). Another core topic is the ligand gated ion channels, in particular the molecular and structural basis of nicotinic Acetylcholine and GABAA receptor function, dysfunction and pharmacology (Ernst and Scholze Labs).
When we are not in the lab, you may find us on retreats engaged in a healthy mixture of sports, socializing, exchanging our international views of the world, and discussing science in inspiring places.

©MedUni Wien/Zentrum für Hirnforschung

Next to teaching in the medical curriculum, members of our department organize the BRAIN AWARENESS WEEK, the PhD-Programme Neuroscience, and parts of University of Vienna’s Master-Programme Neuroscience, and are involved in many other curricula at Viennese Universities including Medical Informatics, Cognitive Sciences, Drug Discovery and Development and more.


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